20. Kim Hongjoong and Kim Hongjoong

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Seonghwa was at a complete and utter loss.

He had double, triple and quadruple checked his glances to the weird man's face but it was undeniably exactly the same man. It was literally Hongjoong.

He was not the only person confused though. Wooyoung constantly made some distressed noises, loooking between Yeosang and Captain as if waiting for an explanation.

Seonghwa did not know what was going on. He did not know why there was a perfect doublication of Hongjoong kneeling above him, hurting him and neither did he know how this was even possible.

Well Hongjoong could have a twin he had not known about but did Hongjoong have a twin his crew had not known about?

One thing was for sure though. Their Hongjoong was slowly dying in the grasp of the other and none of them was moving.

So Seonghwa acted foolishly, again.

His hand was quick as it reached over to Yeosang's belt, getting one of his guns in order to point it at the unsettling man above Hongjoong. Seonghwa ignored the tremor of his hands, cocking the weapon carefully.

"Get off him right this instant!", he yelled nervously, gesturing with the heavy metal for the second Hongjoong to move.

That man was still staring directly at Seonghwa, a smirk that was so much Hongjoong and at the same time indefinitely more sinister playing on his lips.

"Be careful who you shoot, Seonghwa. That might be the last thing your precious captain will ever see."

He had Hongjoong's voice too and Seonghwa was shivering all over, wanting to look away from those icy eyes. How was this possible? Literally the only thing seperating them was their choice of fashion.

Yeosang pulled his other gun within a second, lifting it coolly and pointing it directly at this double's head.

"Well, I'm happy to inform you then that I won't miss. Get the fuck off our captain.", he growled darkly, his finger already pressing against the trigger before the strange attacker could move.

Seonghwa yelped when the shot was fired, banging against the wall right behind where the double's head had been until that moment. He had rolled aside too quick for them to see, finally releasing Hongjoong. The man was coughing and gasping, his fingers weakly pulling on the metal studded whip that was slick with his blood.

Shakingly Seonghwa still held the man in black at gunpoint, nervously searching his leather and hat-clad figure for any other weapons than the black whip he had now lost.

He found a sword too, a sword that was exactly the same as Hongjoong's was.

"Who are you?", Seonghwa nervously whispered, seeing Yeosang help up Captain from the corners of his eyes.

The second Hongjoong grinned at him lazily, flicking some dust off his shoulder.

"I'm Hongjoong. You could not have guessed?" He threw that mullet back, grinning darkly and full of sharp teeth at Seonghwa. He felt as if eyed by a predator, felt as if he had just met Hongjoong all over again but this one here was much more wayward, not held by any rules of honor.

"You are just as pretty as I imagined you to be. Guess we share our impeccable taste, huh?" This person grinned at Hongjoong darkly, making his eyes go wide again. He looked completely at a loss too about what to do with a copy of himself.

Seonghwa was distracted long enough that he jolted when a gentle hand touched his, leather gloves sliding up his arms and tracing shivers on them while he pushed the weapon down.

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