13. "Kissing"

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Smut ahoy


"Were you trying to get my attention? Because you surely have that now."

Seonghwa stood frozen against Hongjoong's body, feeling the other's heated skin press against his back. He also seemed to be hard again, his middle pressing tightly against Seonghwa's behind.

Seonghwa felt as if his thoughts were going crazy and at the same time his head was completely blank.

What did he just do? Had saving those two women been a mistake?

Seonghwa yelped as the arm Hongjoong had slung around his middle suddenly pulled on his waist, spinning Seonghwa around to face the pirate. He had to catch himself on Hongjoong's shoulders in order not to stumble, awkwardly letting go immediately after.

The leather of the whip had slipped from his hips again during the movement, gently hanging from Hongjoong's fingers behind his back and brushing against Seonghwa's leg in a reminder that the pirate was not afraid to use it. Seonghwa swallowed harshly.

"I did not intent... that. I merely wanted to save them." He found speaking hard when his middle was so obviously pressed against Hongjoong's arousal, making heat swirl in his own veins too. It was foreign to Seonghwa. He had only ever known pleasure by himself, did not expect those same feelings appearing when he was close to another person. It never happened to him before.

Seonghwa felt his knees go weak when Hongjoong met his eyes, his dark and dilated pupils taking in Seonghwa as if he was the most delicious of treats.

"How very brave of you. However, going against Captain's orders is never a good idea aboard his very own ship, you know that, right?" His voice was a dark purr, a thinly veiled threat that left Seonghwa to wonder what the man would do to him this time. Would he drown him again? Him being hard certainly made things awkward.

"I-I do. How angry are you?"

Hongjoong did not even seem that angry at the moment. He seemed oddly cuddly instead, making Seonghwa nervously let his hand hover over his shoulders in order to push him away if he suddenly tried to grab him. Hongjoong had leaned close, mindlessly nosing at Seonghwa's neck and one of his hands had snuck under Seonghwa's shirt somewhen, caressing his skin in a way that made Seonghwa shiver with nervous anticipation.

"Not that much. I just want you to take their place instead. Can you do that?"

Staying awake with Hongjoong and not get drowned instead? It had to be Seonghwa's lucky day. Hongjoong must have softened up by visiting Tikki.

So Seonghwa found himself nodding bravely, catching Hongjoong's smirk again close to his throat.

"Good boy. Relax, I won't hurt you."

He must have noticed Seonghwa standing stiff as a board when he finally dropped the whip, making Seonghwa give a glad sigh. Hongjoong was chuckling again, reaching his now free hand up to grab Seonghwa's hair in a gentle but determined grip, pulling him down to slot their mouths together.

Kissing Hongjoong - really kissing him - it still astonished Seonghwa. He kissed exactly right, not giving too much and leaving Seonghwa to wanting more, chasing the other's mouth with his own. Hongjoong could make Seonghwa's whole body melt against his own form by just a flick of his dexterous tongue and it made Seonghwa all hot and bothered, whining for anything.

Seonghwa followed as Hongjoong took a step back, keeping his addicting lips on Seonghwa's and pushing all other thoughts out of his head. Seonghwa struggled with copying him, wanting to kiss him back just as intensely, wanting Hongjoong to get weak in the knees too.

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