30. Catching up

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Seonghwa awoke somewhere in the middle of the night to a painful pull in his lower body, making a little noise in protest. When he blearily lifted his head to look around he was still alone in that cabin of Hongjoong's and it was also still dark out. He gave another confused whine when the pain did not stop, scrambling over to lit a lantern.

He checked his own body, finding no reasons as to why he could hurt this much but it did not stop at all, Seonghwa squirming against the pain.

So he went out to go find Yunho and ask him about it. He might have caught some dangerous sickness, who could know.

With pitiful little steps he stepped over the deck, already focused on the scuttle when he noticed someone sitting leaned against a mast, snoring away peacefully. The pale moon fell on their red hair and Seonghwa had to grin despite his situation.

He waddled over, crouching down next to Mingi.

"Hey, Mingi. Wake up." He gently poked the other's shoulder until his eyelashes fluttered, a yawn escaping his lips.

"Why? Something wrong?" His voice was deep and groggy from sleep and Seonghwa's smile turned into a grimace when his guts clenched in pain again.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Guarding the ship, obviously. What about you, Princess Swab?"

He was such a great guard. Seonghwa felt very protected.

With a chuckle he ruffled the pirate's hair, making him whine and swat lazily at him.

"I can see that. I was going to search for Yunho, my stomach hurts.", he also explained himself, seeing Mingi regard him a bit more carefully.

"Are you pregnant again? Or is it more like hunger hurting?"

Seonghwa swatted at his shoulder, making the other man laugh again.

"No it's... I don't know there's no injury or blood, just pain."

Mingi blinked. And blinked again. Then he let his head fall back with a tired groan.

"Oh, Captain. He forgot to get you that posion, huh? Idiot."


"Yeah, we had to drink posion in order to be able to kill those shadows. Don't ask me for details I don't know that creepy magic stuff. Let's get you some before he slices your neck too by accident."

Mingi stood up with a groan about how old he was, leading the way back to the cabin.

So it was the other Seonghwa's pain. But why... It felt odd. It was a pain shooting all through his groin in certain intervals. I did not seem like he was being killed.

It rather felt like the exact thing he had been talking about not that long ago. Like a painful round of sex.

Seonghwa really tried not to go there, not to let his thoughts stray too far but he failed, a creeping seed of doubt settling in his heart. It felt ugly, the emotion seizing him and he quickly concentrated on Mingi and the clear drink he was handing him.

He had to trust Hongjoong.

"Feel better?"

The pain subsided within a few minutes but Seonghwa still felt numb, his head blocked.

"Yeah. Thanks for probably saving my life."

Mingi gave a bright grin.

"No problem, Matey! Try to rest some more, Captain has a lot to talk about with you." He stepped out again before Seonghwa could answer, probably going back to his very important job of manning the deck.

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