17. Fire and Gunpowder

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For the second time in two mere weeks Seonghwa was startled by gunshots upstairs.

Today he was sitting alone with the powder monkeys at the canons, cleaning the heavy metal dutifully. They were completely dead to the outside world. He did not feel them switch courses, did not hear any canons being fired or a warning being yelled.

But they were in the middle of the ocean. Of course there had to be some kind of vessel in their close vicinity.

When the first shots fell Seonghwa immediately lifted his head, however, scrambling to his feet. The kids looked not nearly as confused as he himself, instead exchanging quick gazes.

"Ye should stay down here, prince. They can-"

A lot shout from above them made Seonghwa flinch, looking at the steady wood with big eyes. Feet were hurriedly stompling about, something he had not heard earlier as it was common after all.

"They can take care of themselves. Come on, we should hide."

Did they have to hide? Was there a possibility for them to be attacked down here? What kind of fight was this? Seobghwa did not voice those questions aloud but they must have shown clearly in his panik-striken eyes.

"Normally other pirates try to board us and kill the crew to get goods. That be also why they don't shoot at us. They wanna sell the ship or keep it." One of the boys hurriedly took Seonghwa's hand, pulling him downstairs while the fighting above them still sounded.

Seonghwa kept worrying more with every shot, with every body thumping on deck that it was one of the crew members, that it was Hongjoong bleeding out somewhere. Seonghwa would be mildly inconvenienced if it was him.

The boys took him deeper through the ship, distracting the fast beating of his heart with their hasty explanations, with their assurances that everything would be alright.

Seonghwa could not see anything in the darkness of the very lowest place of the ship, no natural light falling in at all and they were too hurried to light a lantern.

"It be here. Captain built us a secret room to hide in, come on, ye'll fit too!"

Seonghwa barely functioned when he climbed in after them, Seungmin shutting the secret door again after they had all huddled in. The stale air felt suffocating, the space claustrophobic but it was fine. Seonghwa did a quick headcount, finding all six of the boys beside him and letting them huddle together tightly behind him. If anybody opened the compartment he might have been able to surprise them so the boys could flee.

Seonghwa was wildly protective of them, not thinking twice about any consequences of him attacking people. At least he could protect the children.

He could hit dough now, could he not? He would just pretend whoever attacked them was a gingerbread man.

Their flat breaths sounded deafening in the room, no more sounds from above getting through.

"Sometimes Youjin is here with us to protect us... Ye can protect us instead, right, yer highness?" It was one of the younger ones speaking, some shy kid with big starry eyes and Seonghwa's heart clenched at the nickname. He was feeling nauseous with responsibility, quickly summoning up some soothing words for them.

"Of course I can. I will not let anybody harm you guys."

They seemed satisfied with that, the whispers soon dying down in favor of listening to any possible sounds getting through to them.

Seonghwa absolutely loathed the minutes ticking by much slower than an hour ever felt to him. Their restless hearts were beating fast and scared, expecting to be found anytime.He actually felt some of his muscles clench while standing too still.

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