15. Bloody letters

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They had immediately after called for Yunho and put Mingi on Hongjoong's bed, the Captain quick to rip away any excessive clothing. Mingi's bronze skin would have been beautiful if not for the gory sight of his back and the blood covering him all over. It did not deter Hongjoong at all but Seonghwa found himself pointedly looking away, stumbling around the room on weak legs as he collected their clothes. Hongjoong threw them on without any care, looking not really put together without his top and unlaced shoes.

Yeosang came bursting in through the door mere seconds later, Yunho at his side with some stolen doctor's bag at his side. General confusion erupted immediately. Hongjoong was yelling first.

"What happened, where did he just come from?!"

"He left the ship earlier in order to get something for me. I told him not to go alone." Yeosang was speaking quickly and breathlessly, gently turning Mingi's peaceful face to the side so that he could breathe better.

Yunho was emptying the contents of his bag on the matress next to Mingi's hip, getting to work immediately. His hands were calm as he cleaned the cuts and stiched up the worst ones. Depending on how good they would heal Mingi might have that message etched into his back forever and that thought made Seonghwa all the more queasy.

Hongjoong was pacing the room like a tiger in it's cage. His face had gone back to murderous real quick and Seonghwa feared the consequences. It was his name that had hurt one of the pirate's crew members.

"They have never been this aggressive... Is it time for us to act?"

"We do not know who we are dealing with... Multiple crews have been sending us threats, this could be the work of any of them. And as much as I want to wipe out all of their ugly faces right now there are still rules we abide to." Hongjoong let skittish fingers run through his hair, watching Yunho like a hawk.

"They knew he is our weakest link. And they knew Seonghwa is here. Not many do so, it reduces the number of possible enemies."

Seonghwa did not dare to speak up, just leaning against the desk and fiddling with his hands while he watched everything with big eyes.

"How very heroic of them to attack the fucking wimp. Anybody care to tell me what's written here? Not as if that would make treating him easier."

"It says 'nice to meet you, Park Seonghwa'." Hongjoong locked eyes with Seonghwa again, wordlessly looking at him while his face seemed darker than any storm cloud.

"I never told anybody here my last name.", Seonghwa whispered anxiously, barely hearing himself.

Yeosang turned around towards him curiously while Captain was openly stomping closer, making Seonghwa cower against the unyielding wood.

"Speak louder, I don't have the patience to deal with this right now."

"He said he never told anybody on board his last name before.", Yeosang said with a barely audible warning in his voice, making Captain halt again. He opened his mouth already for another harsh accuse, when suddenly a distinct groan was heard from the bed. That voice was much deeper than Yunho's, making everybody in the room turn.

"Shh, stay calm. Don't move yet." Yunho calmly patted Mingi's side, resuming with his work. Hongjoong hurried to Mingi too, kneeling down next to the bed where he could see him.

"Are you- No, of course you aren't. Anything you need?"

Seonghwa felt a stab of guilt in his heart when Mingi just barely shook his head, biting his teeth hard against the pain. Yunho obviously tried to hurt him not that much more but there was sometimes still fresh blood trickling down on the ruined sheets. Yeosang calmly leaned his hip against the desk next to Seonghwa, listening to Mingi attentively.

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