18. Jealous Kisses

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Hongjoong kept giving Seonghwa amused glances and it confused him to no end.

They had helped Yunho bring San into the infirmary, the man had been shot in the shoulder and kept whining about his unmarred skin now being mutilated by scars. Youjin kept assuring him that women loved men with tough looking scars and San's beauty took no damage in this.

Yunho just snorted about it all. As long as San was complaining he was fine.

Youjin had also needed stitches, one nasty cut on his thigh probably stopping him from work for a few days. When they had cut off the remains of his pant leg Seonghwa had surprisedly seen some tattoos spreading out over the man's skin, black ink decorating him beautifully.

Seonghwa was standing next to Hongjoong leaned against a wall in the little room, the captain adamant about not letting him leave just like that. Seonghwa did not know what exactly Captain wanted from him but he was ready to talk after saving his life at least.

"Hwa, can you sleep with me tonight, I might need a warm body to heat me up." San was pouting at him where he was laying down in the bed, Yunho still busy with patching up his shoulder. Wooyoung gave a short hum where he was sitting on Youjin's good leg.

Seonghwa had made some observations regarding the closeness of the crew members. He was pretty sure that some of them were sometimes finding pleasure with each other just like he and Hongjoong had and it even seemed common on board.

Well, just because he never saw two men together before did not mean it was unnatural for them to have this kind of relationship. It even made sense here, without the constant presence of women to flirt with.

Seonghwa focused on San again when he gave a needy whine.

The man was irresistable, his big and begging eyes directed at Seonghwa only and his lower lip wobbling with a pout, making him seem oh so young and cuddly.

What kind of pirate was this even?

"I think you're asking the wrong one, Sanie.", Yunho chided gently, nodding at Hongjoong who was leaning next to Seonghwa with crossed arms and a smirk playing on his lips. His piercings glinted deviously in the light.

"Come oooon, I will be good for you. Pretty please? I guess I can keep you warm too." He winked when saying this second sentence, making Seonghwa cock his head curiously. Was he trying to relay some secret message? He certainly failed there.

"What is your fucking problem, Choi San?!"

Wooyoung's sudden yell made everybody suck in a breath, exchanging wide-eyed glances.

San looked not bothered in the least, giving his friend a flat look.

"What, he's hot, you have eyes, do you not? How about you use them for once?"

"Is whoring yourself out to everyone on sight your way of deciding who is hot?!"

Seonghwa was not sure what that word meant but it did not sound nice at all so he believed it to be one of the slang words they used.

San gasped mockingly at that.

"What, you got a problem with that? Since when was fucking people a crime? I did not notice?"

Seonghwa worriedly looked between them, Wooyoung had stood up by now, not caring for the calming hand Youjin had placed on his back.

"You gotta draw a line! This is not coping, San!"

"Are you worried for me right now because that point is not getting across!"

They both were seething with rage, the room suddenly uncomfortably tense and Seonghwa felt oddly out of place. He shuffled on his feet nervously, wishing for Hongjoong to allow him out.

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