12. Liv and Tikki

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Seonghwa has had a restless night.

After not only hearing the devastating news from Yeosang that he indeed was not pregnant but also seeing the possible father of his child stand all small and harmless in front of him on the same day he had found no sleep. Instead he had spent the night trying to decipher the pirate codex with his thoughts constantly drifting elsewhere. The morning after he was pale and his eyes sunken in tiredly.

That did not repel Youjin from excitedly throwing him out of his hammock and onto the hard floor as soon as it was time to rise though. Seonghwa had not dared to occupy one of the empty beds, instead leaving Youjin and Hanbyeol to it.

"Show a leg, matey. We going to visit Tikki."

That at least lifted Seonghwa's spirits a bit and he tiredly rubbed his eyes when he followed Youjin outside. Captain and Yunho were already waiting there, Captain in his boots again but Seonghwa still imagined him standing next to Yunho without and the result was lethal.

Hongjoong looked disinterested at the others exchanging their greetings, Yunho looking more well-rested than Seonghwa even if he was yawning sometimes. They left together soon after, walking after their captain who was donning a long red coat today and leading the way with powerful steps.

Seonghwa noticed some sleek kind of sword that had joined the whip around his hips and with a quick glance he noticed Yunho wearing his pouches and Youjin a multitude of pistols and a cutlass too.

Was Seonghwa supposed to learn how to fight? It did not seem like a bad idea.

The crowds parted not the least subtly for them, Hongjoong sending cold glances left and right where people started whispering hushedly. He seemed to be famous indeed, his name passing many lips.

Youjin had placed one arm around Seonghwa's shoulders, holding him casually but with a distinct tightness, ready to move him away should any harm come their way.

They had obviously walked the way to Liv's home quite often, effortlessly weaving through narrow alleys that reeked of decay and blood. It was a cloudy day, the lack of a sun drowning them in near-absolute darkness.

When they finally halted it was in one of those alleys and Hongjoong lifted his fist to knock heavily against a wooden door hidden in the shadows.

The same woman from the day before opened, her red locks openly cascading down her shoulders and while she looked at Hongjoong with distaste, her face instantly lit up at the sight of Yunho standing next to him.

"Ahoy." Yunho showed a broad grin, then stepping forward to lift the woman up in a hug. She had not seemed that small to Seonghwa earlier but engulfed by Yunho's broad frame she was basically disappearing. Seonghwa politely averted his eyes when she pressed a kiss against his lips.

"Get in, Tikki be in the chamber. Nice to see ye again, prettyboy.", Liv greeted them more formally, Seonghwa nodding with a smile while he closed the door behind them. Youjin immediately took off through their small home, surprising Tikki in the other room. Her delighted squeals were heard.

Seonghwa had to grin warmly when Youjin came back, carrying the little girl in his arms like a princess. She was still busy excitedly pulling at his hair but turned when she saw the rest of them.

Seonghwa barely caught her eyes as she quickly found Hongjoong, reaching her little arms out to him.

"Dada! Dadadadada!" She stretched her tiny body, trying to grow longer in Youjin's arms and with a laugh the gunner stepped closer, handing the kid over to Hongjoong.

It was only when the captain pulled the girl into his arms, letting her hug his neck, that Seonghwa finally understood. And his jaw dropped.

Liv gave an exasperated sigh.

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