31. Torches in the Night

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The crew had been working hard all day long and at nightfall all of their bothers finally paid off. They had erected that pseudo stage of theirs again, Jongho was handed the exact same script like last time and the actors had hid to prepare. Seonghwa was with them, hurrying around to get into his damned dress in time. Outside of their screen there could already be heard the excited hoots from the merry crew.

Seonghwa had to laugh when Wooyoung stumbled over a boot, sending him flying on deck and his pretentious wig flop off. He was the judge for today.

They waited until he had collected himself off the ground, then stepping out. The usual hollering was being heard again, Hongjoong was sitting in the middle of the front row and giving Seonghwa a lazy smirk when their eyes met. With casual fingers the captain beckoned him over.

Seonghwa gingerly lifted the laces of his skirt, hearing the crew yell louder when a peek of hairy ankle was to be seen. Hongjoong gently slid his hand around it when he was close enough, hiding his naked skin from view.

They were getting booed.

Seonghwa chuckled, trying not to squirm when Hongjoong's ticklish fingers slid up his leg, denting the fabric of the skirt. He blushed deeply when they skitted between his thighs, gently pressing against his soft skin. It was dotted with red marks again, well hidden beneath the skirt but Seonghwa knew what he hinted at.

"Get a room!"

"Who was making out with San right now, shut up!"

"Nobody wants to see this!"

"There be children here!"

Eyerybody was yelling all over, some voices screeching louder than the rest and Wooyoung and Yunho were seen holding each other by the collar with murderous eyes. The size difference was cute.

Seonghwa nearly missed it how Hongjoong suddenly slipped his head under his skirt too, giving a scandalized squawk immediately.

"Yah, Kim Hongjoong!", he whisper yelled frantically, looking around and catching Youjin's smirk. He lifted his mug in greeting.

Seonghwa located Hongjoong's head, feeling his smooth tongue lap somewhere on the inside of his thigh and he tried pushing him away, clenching his legs together like a virgin maiden.

"Love those around my head."

Seonghwa actually hit him, trying to move away from him when more of the men already took notice, starting to whistle again. Seonghwa's face felt hotter than the sun.

"Man if I was not hurt I might actually join him down there.", San sighed dreamily, immediately getting the evil eye from Wooyoung.

San had been exempted from fighting earlier, instead resting his injured body a bit more and helping Seonghwa with the deck after. The rest of the crew had only suffered light injuries (except for the heart attack Seonghwa had when Jongho had sweeped into the captain's cabin with blood-stained gauntlets and face.)

"Where the hell be our main protagonist how am I supposed to do me job as an artist when there be no support at all?! Seonghwa get ye pretty butt over here or so help me!", Jongho yelled from behind the screen, making Seonghwa laugh and Hongjoong actually stop nibbling on his sensitive skin and resurfacing with wild hair.

"You mean my butt?"

Seonghwa let him grab him by his backside roughly, protectively pulling him in closer against Hongjoong's body.

"I don't care whose it be get it here before I rip it in two!"

Youjin looked mildly alarmed.

"That might be a good moment to go, dear princess."

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