28. Dessert

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Smut at the end. Read until the arrow this time to skip the smut (mild smut before the arrow but that part is important)


The evening was spent in a tense politeness. Nobody actually attacked each other but neither did the two groups manage to truly become friends. Seonghwa was sleepy by the time it finally ended and he just wished to go aboard the real Precious already and fall asleep with Hongjoong close by his side.

Wooyoung had fallen asleep already. They had put him on a comfy looking divan in the corner, letting him sleep peacefully while San was now being targeted from the flirty advances of both his clone and Wooyoung's.

A faint clinking sound brought Seonghwa's attention back to the two Hongjoongs who were so devastatingly beautiful in the dim lights of the room even if the dark one had a sinister smirk playing around his lips again.

"We ask you for a bit more patience. We talked about wanting to decide on a leader for both groups as having two might become difficult. However, as the votes would turn out quite obvious we decided to clear this out in private."

The men around the desk nodded curtly, immediately going back to their conversations while both Hongjoongs stood up nearly at the same time. One gave the other a sharp glance, the other just smirked smugly.

"Will you join us?"

Seonghwa blinked at the hand offered to him, slowly taking it. If he managed to catch his Hongjoong alone he might be able to tell him, might turn this situation around before the shadows acted on whatever they had planned.

So he stepped out with them, quietly following them down the corridor and into some other room that was also brightly lit. There was a big bed standing here and Seonghwa felt himself shiver at the implications of it.

Hongjoong's double locked the door behind them.

Seonghwa nervously sat down on the bed, watching Hongjoong lean against the windowsill from the corners of his eyes while his dark double calmly took his hat off, shaking his hair in place.

"I decided to share my dear Hwa with you as a sign of my hospitability. You miss that boy of yours, don't you? Feel free to use mine instead."

Seonghwa bravely did not move when his hat was pulled off too, gentle fingers sliding through his hair.

The actual Hongjoong looked quite repelled by that.

"What is this, you mocking me? This person can not compare.", he drawled lowly, making Seonghwa shiver when his brain recalled the very different instances in which he had heard that voice before. And as it seemed this was going to be one of them too.

"Oh, but he can. You know, right? They are not that different from each other. Don't act all mighty. I saw you staring at him." That Hongjoong gave a snort, continuing to strip himself and Seonghwa down. The other man just watched them reluctantly, still apprehensive.

"He hurt my Seonghwa."

"Hurt him then in exchange. We know of your desires as I have the same. You want to punish him? Then do it. He already agreed to it. This Seonghwa... You can go all out on him."

Seonghwa felt himself shiver again, locking eyes with the dark man looming in front of him. He caught his cunning smirk, worriedly looking over to his Hongjoong who had stepped closer a bit by now.

His dark twin leaned down to nuzzle into Seonghwa's hair, speaking directly against his ear.

"This is the real him. The real Hongjoong. He does not care."

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