11. Land ahoy

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The same evening, Mingi paid a visit to Seonghwa's hammock to mumble some words of apology while the other man settled down. Youjin grimaced at the pitiful form of the quartermaster while sympathy welled up in Seonghwa's chest.

Mingi looked like a kicked puppy and Youjin had assured Seonghwa that Captain's scoldings were not too delicate either, so this apology felt wrong to Seonghwa. Of course, Mingi would assume Seonghwa could read; anybody would do so when faced with a person claiming to be a prince. Mingi had tried to protect their ship from an unknown enemy, and Seonghwa could not be mad at him for that.

So he forgave Mingi right away. He was too busy being occupied with the thought that his baby had stopped hurting altogether to be mad at a pirate who would not hesitate to pull Seonghwa's guts from his body if prompted. In the beginning, Seonghwa had been worried that something could have happened to his baby, but then he listened to its heartbeat on his wrist and relaxed again.

Seonghwa wanted a little girl. He pondered a good name every night before he fell asleep and while he was busy scrubbing the deck.

A few days after the incident with Mingi, Seonghwa left the ship to venture into town together with Yeosang, Jongho, and Youjin to stock up on provisions. Seonghwa did not care if he joined them, but he appreciated the earth beneath his feet and the distance from the devious captain. Yet, spying around still proved to be troublesome. Yeosang's eyes followed Seonghwa around with an underlying warning shining in them.

During their walk through the modest harbour town, Seonghwa made the surprising observation that Yeosang became their little group's leader and managed things Seonghwa would have initially thought Youjin would. The former prince's involvement with the pirate world and his secure step in it baffled Seonghwa. It was fun to watch him ordering around Youjin whose bored face made him look half dead.

Jongho skipped merrily next to Seonghwa. From time to time, he pointed funny fruits or objects out to Seonghwa when he was not humming some shanties under his breath. Their trip was uneventful, even when some dark shadows and grim-looking pirates passed them.

Yeosang bought some books that Seonghwa had to carry, a new telescope for Captain and also some things he needed for his pistols. During every stop at a booth, Seonghwa idled next to the pirates and stared into the crowds. The best game to play in a place with pirates was to take care not to cross eyes with the wrong person.

This town called Red Water Port was larger than the last one they had been to and it harboured a bunch of rough-looking people, but no naval soldiers. By the looks of it, it was a pirate territory, so asking for help here could cost Seonghwa's life. He knew he should wait longer, but every day he feared the toll it took on his sanity to be around the pirates.

He also would have to explain his kid dilemma to Hongjoong soon. Before it became too apparent, he should be gone.

Someone closed up on the pirates bothering the old seller lady that argued about her prices. It was a woman with a little child at her hand, and Seonghwa immediately stepped aside to let her pass. His gaze got caught by the girl's eyes; eyes as clear as the sky. When Seonghwa stared at her in awe, the tiny girl that was just old enough to walk halted to observe him back. He estimated her to be around two to three years old.

Seonghwa gave a soft smile. He did not dare touch her, but gave a modest wave. At that, the little one broke out in a huge grin with not all teeth yet developed and Seonghwa felt his heart melt all.

He sheepishly lifted his eyes to the mother, who stopped to look around. When their gazes met, she regarded Seonghwa with narrowed eyes. Within a second, her expression slipped to shock as Jongho turned around at Seonghwa's side to check on him.

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