14. A day inside

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Smut ahoy part two I'm not even sorry. Don't skip the chapter completely, the ending is important. Please read again at the arrow ->


Seonghwa awoke to a strange movement of his legs. It appeared as if he was being held by hands, small fingers splayed over his thighs.

There was something else, something that seemed to attract much more attention than whatever those hands were doing on his legs.

"What are you doing?"

Seonghwa blinked his eyes open in surprise at hearing his own voice, not expecting it to sound that rough. He knew that it's misuse the evening before was the sole thing responsible for that and felt slighty sorry towards it.

"I nearly went crazy yesterday indulging you. We will do it my way today."

Hongjoong sounded much more awake than Seonghwa did and his eyes slipped shut again, not really minding the warmth of Hongjoong's body between his legs. The other man was lazily playing with Seonghwa's hardened length, sometimes pressing kisses against Seonghwa's thighs.

"Were you listening?"

Seonghwa gave a sleepy hum, not surprised of having slept through Hongjoong settling down there at all. He was falling asleep again, not caring for the pressing warmth in his limbs.

"Did I wear you out that much yesterday? How cute."

Seonghwa felt soft hair tickle his groin when Hongjoong leaned down again, kissing him everywhere but where he wanted him to. That did frustrate Seonghwa indeed. He shifted a bit, groggily lifting his hands to rub his eyes.

"Why.", he groaned with a pout, finally looking down at Hongjoong who was kneeling between his legs with a cunning grin on his lips. He looked entirely as if he had tricked Seonghwa into something, making him suspiciously eye the naked pirate.

"What did you-"

And then he saw.

His captain had been hungry. Yesterday but today also. Proof of it was covering all of Seonghwa's pale chest and thighs, bites and reddish marks painting him like a piece of art. They contrasted beautifully with his white flesh, making him bite back a sound of amazement.

"Don't startle." Hongjoong shuffled up a bit, letting his own heavy length rest against Seonghwa's as he bent down to kiss him, warming his mouth up with his hot tongue.

Seonghwa still did startle when he felt something move, not the sudden action itself surprising him but it's character.

Hongjoong's fingers were moving inside of him, having somehow found their way between his legs and a slick slide provided them with enough support for him to probe around without problems.

It felt a bit strange at first but it did not hurt, Seonghwa not being able to deny the yearning pull in his abdomen, the heat dancing away inside of him. It was much more distracting than the many bites Hongjoong had left all over his body but even more so were his kisses.

"What are you doing?", Seonghwa whispered nervously against Hongjoong's lips, forcing himself to relax around the foreign digits exploring his body. He bit back a loud moan when Hongjoong dug his fingers deeper, pressing their pads gently against something that woke up Seonghwa within a mere second.

It was as if he had just came when he did not, hot white pleasure washing all over him and making him abruptly snap his legs together around Hongjoong's hips. He was trying to move away, his body not quite functioning enough and pressing closer instead. He felt his back arch, pressing close to Hongjoong's that was tensed above his like some kind of cat.

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