Chapter 4: The Escape

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Abaddon slowly opens his eyes after what feels like years of sleep. "I feel strange, why does my body feel like its buzzing?, why am I on the floor?, and is this Eden laying on me?"Abaddon thinks to himself as he slowly sits up sliding Eden off of him. "Shes been my friend pretty much since we were babies I wonder what she is doing here."

Abaddon gets up and lifts Eden into his arms. Her dark brown hair shines in the moonlight gleaming through the window. He brushes the curls out of her face and stares at her for a moment, he runs his finger across her smooth face, shes warmer than the last time they hugged. He stops at her lips, "wow they're just the right kind of pink" he thinks to himself. He leans his nose closer to smell her hair, wild flowers from the castles farm where she works. He leans in closer, his lips almost on hers and then he pulls away quickly.

"What am I doing this is my bestfriend. This is too weird." He lays her down carefully on his bed and heads into the bathroom to wash up. "Its as if I've been swimming in fire" he says with a laugh as he turns on the light to the bathroom. What he sees in the mirror shocks him. "This cannot be me", his eyes, once hazel now fiery red, his arms, even more built than those of his father, his hair now a darker shade of red hung by his neck and his teeth sharper than the lions on the highest mountain of Arcadia. "Whats wrong with me?" He questions, taking off the rest of his clothes to inspect himself.

Eden turns over in the bed and then opens her eyes remembering that Abaddon was unconscious on the floor. She jumps up and checks the floor, oh no he's gone she looks in the closet and then she walks in the bathroom. She immediately sees him standing there with nothing on. She screams "oh man" and then covers her mouth and eyes. "Sorry donny" she says with her face redder than his eyes. She backs out the bathroom and then closes the door.

He stands there in utter shock. But then continues to wash up and get dressed. When he steps out Edens face is still bright red. "Are u okay" she asks sweetly? He smirks a devilish smirk and she smiles back at him. "I dont know whats wrong with me he says". "You were dead" she says somberly. "I gave u mouth to mouth and I guess it worked she says." "Oh that must be why my mouth tastes so sweet" he jokes.

Her faces gets even redder."whatever." "Donny are u feeling okay, you look like a full demon your not 21 yet." "Eden knows everything about angels and demons because shes a magic healer apprentice. She will be able to heal anyone when shes 21 but I think shes there now,she saved my life" he thinks to himself eyes locked on her calm face. "Well , um , uh ,Ill only turn full demon if the next ruler takes his place on the throne."

They look at eachother shocked and run straight out of the room. As they are headed to the throne room, Edens Mother 'Risha' runs into them in the hall and pushes them into a room that neither of them have ever been in. "We have to hurry they are coming!" She stammers trying to find the right key to unlock another door inside of the room. "Whos coming?"Abaddon presses. "Your brother, the town, the angels. We have to hurry." "Wheres the king and queen?" Eden questions. "They are dead" she says quietly , "I know this is difficult to process but we have to hurry I promised your mother if this ever happened I would protect you Don so you must listen to me." He straightens up and listens intently.

"Beyond this door is a stairwell that leads to an under ground tunnel, this tunnel appeared the moment the earth opened and expanded, theres a huge dark forest that lies at the end of this tunnel. when you reach it you will find a cart with things for you both clothes ,food, and goods for trading. Theres a map amongst these things you must find your way to Asgard." "Whats Asgard?" Eden asks. Its the new kingdom the queen created and we are in the presence of the king of Asgard so please straighten up your posture and bow your head in the presence of the king."
"Oh" Eden says shyly. She snaps up instantly and barely makes eye contact with Abaddon after hearing this news. "Young woman shouldn't make eye contact with the king for its unholy and impure". Abaddon tenses up knowing it'll be hard for Eden not to look at him after being his bestfriend for 17 years.

"Mom what about you?" "I must stay now and act as if i am still a loyal believer. I have to sneak some of your fathers healing equipment into the forest little by little so we can transition you into a full healer in Asgard." "But mom". "No buts" Risha says with a tear in her eye. "I love you and I always will now go." "Theres a house built in the core of the forest with a protection cloak over it. Incase you get stuck in the forest. Now go take this key and hurry." Abaddon and Eden hurry into the stairwell looking back at Risha sadly.As they continue into the tunnel the view of her gets further away and then they dont see her anymore.

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