Chapter 17: The capture

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Solomon heads down the same path he took on Don's wedding night. He goes into the bushes to the left of him and down the secret path. This leads him to the clearing where he and Eden made love. Flashes of that moment pop into his head. A smirk rises on his face. He sees the house where he left Eden that night. He hadn't gone back in to see her since he left her that night. He just knew in his mind that Eden wouldnt want to be with a nobody like him.

His smirk disappears. He had been leaving a basket of food and supplies for Eden on the front porch every few days but he never came in to see her. He knew she would find it because they were always gone when he arrived the next time. He walked quietly up to the porch and set down the basket. He looked through the window. He hadn't seen Eden in weeks. Its been 5 weeks since that night.

A gust of wind from inside the house swings the door open. Solomon steps back. "Come in for once" Eden says in a solid tone. He doesnt see her but he heard what she said. He steps through the threshold and a huge amount of cool energy hits him in the face. "Where are you?" he says confused. "Im all around you." she says comically. "Eden why are you playing?" He says lowly. "Why did you leave me here alone for weeks?" she says sternly.

He stops in his tracks. In what appears to be a bedroom. "Ah I knew you wouldn't have an answer" she says stiffly. He drops his eye brows in a angry way. "Eden where are you?" He says getting angrier. "Close your eyes." she says and he listens. He can see her in his head. "Wow!" he thinks to himself. "she's beautiful." She looks at him with a serious face. "Was all you wanted was to deflower my garden and leave?" His face turns red. "No.. I , I just know I'm no good for you." he stammers.

She frowns. He stares into her sad eyes, they are ice blue now almost translucent. Like the ocean. Her skin was darker like sienna. But her lips were still a soft shade of pink. Her hair was long and a mixture of white and dark brown, but still beautifully curly. She wore a white dress but it covered nothing for it was very sheer. He could see all of her .

"Did you know that i have felt alone all this time?" she says neutrally. "all i could think about was you. I thought you were killed!" her blue eyes turn black the anger swelling up inside of her . Her skin turns amber. "Why would you leave me after what we did? Were you trying to hurt me? Or was it a new notch in your belt."

Energy swells around her its golden it and wraps around her like a tornado. "I don't want you to come by here anymore." "Eden stop!" He says angrily he opens his eyes and sure enough the golden energy is forming infront of him. "I love you Eden!" He yells. "No you dont !" She yells back causing her energy to scatter and push solomon back. He winces and opens his eyes and there she is in front of him.

Her wings are out and shes breathing heavy probably from the surge of energy that she is still learning to control. "I love you Solomon , I don't want to be separate from you forever." She says in a sad voice. The pain in her voice slices through Solomon like a knife. He walks up to her and lifts her face. "Eden I am no good for you." "Solomon I know what you did."

She says coldly . "The night you left me here, I know you had sex with Dawns hand maid. I saw it in my head." Solomon looks at Eden in shock. "How could you know that?" "So its true" she says pulling away from him. He can see the hurt in her eyes. "Eden I.." "No Solomon you were using me thats all, you never loved me. How could you make love to me, take my virginity, leave me here suffering and go sleep with someone else." Her entire eyes go black her wings fan out further. "Don made me!" He snaps back.

"No! He didnt force you you could have said no." "Please Eden I love you. I always have." "No!"she yells and all of the golden energy around her turns black it shakes the house and sends Solomon flying back into the lamp in the corner. Glass shatters everywhere and slices right through Solomon's arm. Blood starts pouring out. Solomons eyes turn red, he shoots an angry look at Eden and grabs his arm to reduce the bleeding. Eden stares at him Angry herself.

But the Healer in her cant stop herself from helping him. She walks over to him with a rag to catch the blood and apply pressure on his wound. Then she places both hands over the wound and presses down . She closes her eyes to focus. And then a golden light starts to form around her hands solomon can feel the warmth of her powers flowing into his arm. He smirks at how much control she has learned since her transformation. after she is done she moves her hands away and removes the rag.

Solomon reaches for his arm , but she slaps his hand away. "Don't touch it for an hour or it will leave a scar." He smiles at her and she rolls her eyes. "Thank you Eden." he says in a teasing tone. She scoffs, and walks away. "Where are you going now?" He ask. "To bed! No one told you to sneak around at 1 am. Now go away Solomon I want no more dealings with you." She says sternly. "He grabs her hand." Electricity zaps his fingers. "Your so powerful Eden." He says softly. "Could you ever forgive me?"

"No!" she says and rolls her eyes again. He caresses her arm, he can feel the goosebumps rise. He smiles a devilish smile and she pulls away and rubs her arm to warm the goosebumps away. He pulls her back and turns her face to him . He looks into her eyes the black color fading away those ocean blue coming through. She looks up at him and he looks down at her . All of their feelings emanate from them. Her golden energy shining around them fills the air with warmth. His passion for her set the air on fire. "I said I was sorry." he says soothingly. "Okay Solomon." She says arrogantly.

He pulls her body close to his, the heat between them is electrifying. Eden kisses solomons neck. The energy seeps out of her kiss into his body he feels chills all over. He grabs her tighter. Strokes her hair. Its soft like silk. He lifts her face and she kisses him sweetly. She bites his lip. This excites him.he kisses her back harder and she pulls his shirt off. She runs her hand over every muscle. "Oh your so strong," she whispers in his ear . "Oh yeah?" He says with a smile as he lifts her up wrapping her legs around his waist.

He slides a hand up her leg underneath her dress he grabs her butt. She bites her lip. He smiles at her and pulls her dress off. Shes even more beautiful than he remembered. He lays her on the bed and kisses her all over. Her golden light still shining bright. He makes love to her, every stroke she moans louder , every moan he grows stronger. They dont yet know that Edens powers are so strong that every moment they make love shes pulling more energy from him. Syphoning it from his love.

The more energy she takes the more tired he feels. "Oh tired already?" she says laughing. "I just need a minute." He says breathing heavy. She rolls over so he can lay down. But instead of giving him his minute she climbs on top of him. "We gonna finish first she says." She rides him, as hard as she can pushing her own energy back inside of him. He grabs her waist slams her down on him harder each time. He lets out his loudest demon growl as he finishes inside of her. She lays down on his chest. Overwhelmed from her own climax.

She listens to his heart , each beat tells her of his love for her. He wraps his arms around her . She closes her eyes moments later they are both asleep. Hours pass.

"SOLOMON! Is that you?" Solomon opens his eyes shocked. "King?! I .. I" "NO! And Eden ? How could you." Eden jumps out of her sleep. "Abaddon , I .. uh." Standing there is Lilith, Abaddon and a few guards. "Seize them, separate them into different sides of the dungeon Ill deal with them later." The hurt in abaddon eyes is so strong he cant hold it back he shoots a ball of fire and hits solomon right in his chest. Solomon stands up. And pulls Eden behind him his eyes black his demons wings stretched out to protect Eden.

Eden holds on to Solomons back, for once she is actually afraid. Dons anger rises he flys forward and grabs solomon by the throat. Solomon punches Abaddon in the face . The guards take solomon down and they push Eden too and she falls back. She hits her head and don stands over her. The woman he loves with another man. Its too much to bear but never the less he still loves her. He never saw her whole body before its even more beautiful now that she is full healer, he lifts her up into his arms.

"Now donny," lilith says. "Mom dont say nothing." "Look solomon." Abaddon says as he licks all over Edens unconsciously body. Solomons face turns red with rage he starts to pulls away from the guards and abaddon laughs, he throws eden over his shoulder and holds her tightly with his hand on her butt , solomon yells swears at abaddon his anger raging . The guards have him pressed on the floor. "Off with him to the dungeon" don says. The guards drag solomon away as he yells and resists. Abaddon carries eden out of the house and they all head back to Asgard.

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