Chapter 19: To forget

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Dawn flinches at the sound of the cell block door closing after Don leaves. She had been hiding behind one of the cells listening the entire time. Her body shakes in fear, disgust and horror. "I always knew he was evil but I'd never think he was capable of that, Of hurting Eden." She shakes her thoughts away.

She heads out the dungeon and goes up the back way. Upstairs Don rushes into the bathroom. Its a storm brewing outside, the thunder roars off the top of the castle like the great dragons of Arcadia. Don runs the shower and steps in he stares at his feet. Eden's blood runs off of him and down the drain. He covers his eye with his hands. Flashes of his horrible act burst into his mind. "What have I done?" He thinks to himself.

He clenches his fists , and punches the shower wall, the glass tile shatters and cuts into his hand and he sits down. He sinks into the lowest part of the tub. Flashes of eden screaming, calling for solomon to help her pop in his head. He punches himself in the head to get the image out, he coughs from disgust. He turns the hot water up. "Why did I do that? I would never hurt Eden. I love her." He cries.

Lilith knocks on the bathroom door. "Son let me in." She says softly. "No mother I can't. Please go away." He says with his voice cracking in every direction. "Son Let me in now!" He ignores her and puts his head under the hot water. The water scorches his skin, he winces in pain. He reaches his hands out he washes Edens blood off of them. He yells. The water in the tub rumbles and the thunder crackles outside. "I have one more shot of the elixir it will take away all of this."

Don pulls the needle with the elixir off of the side of the tub and stabs it into his head. It shoots directly in his brain and His body seizes up. A force of lightning slices through the sky and zaps the window in the bathroom. Glass shatters over Don piercing his flesh. He passes out in the tub,remnants of his blood trickle down the drain.

Back in the dungeon, Eden lay sleep in Solomons arms. Several hours have passed and he hadn't slept and she hadnt waken up. He had to get her out of there. It was so cold down there when he realized she was bleeding out alot. All he could do was pull her closer. The hurt he could feel emanating off of her was overwhelming. "This is all my fault. I should have never followed her into the forest the night of the wedding." He frowns.

"Solomon!" He hears from the door of the cell. "Who's there?" He says threateningly. "Its me, Dawn." He stiffens his face. She unlocks the cell and walks in. With her she has food, clothes, blankets and medicine. "Here take them,these are for you both." She unlocks one of his arms from the chains so he can move a little more freely. He looks at her. "Why are you doing this ?" He asks sternly. "Because I heard what Don did I was listening and I feel horribly." She says lowering her eyes to Eden.

"So you were here and you could have stopped him? But what did you do? You cowered in fear and hid, while this innocent woman had to suffer." "What does that say about you?" "It says im a coward I know." Dawn says sadly. "But I am trying to redeem myself, I am trying to do the right thing for once, so please accept this stuff." "I'll come as often as I can. I'll think of a way to get you out of here Solomon." She says timidly. Now I've got to go before I get caught." She hurries out the cell and locks it.
Solomon puts his clothes on and then Edens, the bleeding has stopped he wraps her in a blanket, and pulls her close to him her breathing soothes him a little. He rests his head on hers, and closes his eyes.

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