Chapter 8: The Elixir

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The lights flash, all I can hear is the sound of the sword slicing through her. I cringe at the sound of her blood seeping out. Her life drifting away with every drop. I scoop her into my arms, her blood on my hands. I touch her sweet face, her skin smooth as silk. "Eden Im sorry". The tears well up but I fight them back. The iceberg in my heart is cold enough to freeze my whole body.  "Ever since I lost her everything is cold".

I close my eyes. "Donny is that you?What happened". I look down and see those beautiful sun ray eyes staring at me confused. "Eden is that really you?" I hug her tightly,but she just evaporates into dust . Once here now gone. "Noooo Eden!!"

"Abaddon ! Wake up baby, Abaddon". Dawn shakes Abaddon awake.He jumps up, cold sweat streaming down his chest. It glistens in the moonlight through the window. Dawn cant help but stare, he was so handsome especially in his demon form. "What time is it?" Abaddon asks as he wipes the sweat away with a towel.

"Its one a.m. she replies irritably. You were saying a womans name again." She rolls her eyes at the facts. "Who's Eden?" He straightens up. "No one. Now watch your tone of voice , if you think your going to be a queen with that attitude then your better off going back to the mines with your father." He says coldly.

This strikes Dawn close to her heart. "Your always speaking low of me. Your mother chose me to be your wife long before she was slaughtered . The queen thought I was perfect for you". She snaps back angrily. He squints his eyes in disbelief. "My mother wasnt a good judge of character just look at my good for nothing father". He says stiffly.

"Now go fetch Solomon, I must see him at once". He says with a blank look in his eye. She scoffs and heads for the door. He stares at her until she leaves.  "I cant believe my mom chose her to be my betrothed , the lowest kind of demon from the mines." Her skin was pale and stiff , her hair was matted and permanently stained black from mining soot. Her eyes were forest black and she had a raspy voice and mean personality.

He shook the picture of her out of his head. "Whats done is done, I have to marry her soon after my 21st birthday." He hated the thought, but it was the law of the royal family. A law that couldnt be broken, in order to remain king he had to marry a woman after his 21st birthday and produce an heir before he was 25.

The thought of having to have sex with her rolled around the room like a ball in the yard. He always wanted Eden to be his first time. He brushes the thought of her away. Its been almost 4 years since she was killed. He had done his best to cope with his mother and Eden's death by trying to forget it. Just then a knock on the door interrupts Don's thoughts, "come in" he replies.

"Your highness you called for me." "Yes" Abaddon replies quietly. "I need you to make me another suppression elixir. The dreams are returning." He says stiffly. 'Hes such a cold man since Eden died.' Solomon thinks to himself. "King, as a friend I told you those elixirs would only be temporary and they will cause extreme aggression and irritability . You must try to deal with the grief without being medicated. It will only over come you." Solomon says in a serious tone.

Don snaps at him. "I did not ask you for your opinion, what I told you is what i need from you and thats an order. Now do go make it or it will be the end of your potions business in Asgard." This rolls off the kings tongue and hits Solomon in the face.  "Yes your highness right away." He hurries out of the room before he can anger the king any further. Abaddon sits on the bed  and closes his eyes he shoots the last of the suppression elixir into his veins with a syringe and  every thing goes dark and within minutes hes asleep again.

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