Chapter 20: Betrayal

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The cell door opens. The metal screeches against the floor like nails on a chalk board. Solomon looks up at Dawn. "Shh" he says. "Please don't wake her up. She's been sick for almost two weeks now, she cant hold down any food or water. I don't know what's wrong." He says in a worried tone.

"She sleeps alot now and hasnt been feeling well. Does she have a fever Solomon?" Dawn asks pondering all the options in her head. "No, she's just sick I dont get it." He frowns. "You guys have been down here for almost two months, has she gotten her period since Don..well uh.. attacked her or even before that?" Dawn questions. Solomons eyes widen, he shoots a shocked look at Eden.

"She couldn't be, could she?"He thinks to himself and says out loud. Dawn smirks at the shock on Solomons face. "I have a friend in the mines, She studies medicine and she's been training to be a doctor for five years now. I am going to bring her down to see Eden so we can know for sure." Dawn says in a stern tone. "But until then please try to get her to atleast drink some water." "Thank you Dawn, we appreciate your help. Solomon says in a soft tone.

"Did any more angels invade Asgard this week?" Solomon asks inquisitively. "Yes  four of them this week. Don has been keeping them up in the tower. He's been torturing them, not even for information but just to see them squirm. He's been sick in the mind ever since what he did to Eden. It's like someone else is controlling him or something. There has been breaches in the security in the kingdom and in the castle." Dawn lowers her eyes in shame. "We don't know who but someone or something has been getting into Asgard unseen for about 10 months now."

A shudder crosses over Solomon's back at the thought of Abaddon forcing himself onto  Eden over and over. He clenches his fists the anger rising. Dawn walks over to him and kneels down next to him. She grabs his fists softly and he flinches at her touch. "Im sorry Solomon, I wont hurt you." She caresses his hands, with actual care, he calms down a little and pulls his hands away. "Please Dawn not now, we can't do this." A small frown drops on Dawn's face.

"Please Solomon I just want to make you feel better. Like how I used to when we were young in Arcadia." She says sweetly. She inches closer to his face. He backs up a little. She brushes her hand over his cheek his beard has grown in quite a bit. His prickly beard tickles her hand and she smiles. He turns his eyes to hers, and when their eyes meet his heart begins to pump a lil faster, Dawn notices and smirks.

She kisses him on the corner of his mouth and pulls away, he grabs her face softly and pulls her back, she looks at him shocked and he kisses her lips a little aggressively. They dont see her but Eden sits up in the corner just staring at them. The hurt in her eyes is so powerful it could break the heart of cupid himself. The longer they kiss the more her hurt and anger rises. Her ice blue eyes turn a somber green, her face stricken with rage, she weakly stands to her feet.

She lifts her hands the ground shakes a bit and Solomon and Dawn snap up and turn to Eden. "Oh my god Eden I.." Eden sways her hands the energy she shoots out sends Solomon flying back into the cell wall. He hits his back on the hard stone and then hits the floor. "Eden its not what it looks like." Dawn says fearfully. A tear drops from Edens eye. She wraps her energy around Dawns throat squeezing every ounce of breath out of Dawns body. She brings her hands up and lifts Dawn into the air while still suffocating her.

"Eden your going to kill her!" Solomon yells in a worried voice. Eden shoots his a rabid look , the hurt written all over her face. "You care?" She says in a haunting voice. Dawn coughs, her eyes rolling back into her head from lack of air. "You care for her Solomon?" Eden says solemnly as she pulls her energy tighter around Dawn. Solomon steps closer to Eden, she stretches her other hand out and weighs him down with her energy. Blood trickles out of Eden's nose. "Eden please your over exerting yourself your going to kill yourself." Solomon says loudly.

Eden lowers her hands and Dawn drops to the floor gasping for every bit of air she can inhale. Eden drops to her knees breathing heavily. Solomon walks over to her. "Eden please listen to me." " ! Solomon get away from me now!" She shoots a raged but hurt look at him, and clenches her abdomen. "Ow!" She cries in pain. "Eden let me see please he says softly and reaches his hand out to feel her stomach, he touches her stomach and looks up at her shocked. "Eden what is that? It feels like a hard lump in her lower stomach." She cries, "its our baby, somethings wrong."

He looks at her shocked, and extremely regretful for kissing Dawn. "How long did you know?" He asks her. "Ive known since a few weeks after the night of the wedding." She says while still cringing in pain. "Now get off of me Solomon I dont want anything to do with you!" She pushes him off of her and drags herself a few feet away. Dawn stands up holding her throat tears welling up in her own eyes full of regret, pain , confusion. "Im so sorry." She says and walks slowly out the cell door. Eden turns her back to Solomon and faces the wall. She wraps the blanket around her self. Dawn closes the cell door and Solomon sits in the opposite corner he puts his head down in shame. "I'll be back soon with the doctor." Dawn says as she hurries out the dungeon.

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