Chapter 18: Revenge

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The Dungeon was dark, smelled of rust and rot. There solomon was stood up and chained by his hands and legs to the cell wall. Exhaustion took over solomons body, from fighting Abaddon, the guards and now from standing for 12 hours. His legs gave out under him. He leaned forward, his body hanging from the chains. He couldn't stop thinking about her and those ocean blues.

His eyes were still black with anger. The thought of Abaddon with his hands on Eden's body burned fire in Solomons mind. His adrenaline began to rush and he began pulling at the chains in anger, he couldn't see her yet but Eden lie in the Cell across from his. The royal sorcerer put an enchantment on the two cells so that solomon could see and hear eden but she could not see or hear him.

A rusty screech shoots through solomons ears. And with in seconds, Abaddon and One of his other guards Zayde walk in. Zayde and Solomon were like brothers. It read all over Zaydes face that he hate to see Solomon like this, but he couldn't say anything to Solomon or he would be executed. Solomon sees Don and his face goes cold. "I'll kill you if you touch her again."

Abaddon Smiles a devilish grin. "Solomon, your a traitor, your no better than the Angels killing off our people. Now look me in my eyes." Abaddon says in a cold voice. Solomon drops his head in distain. "Ill kill you he says under his breath." Abaddon pulls out his iron knife, a family heirloom, its blade was forged from the gates of heaven and its handle forged from hells gates.

He grabs solomons face and presses the knife into his throat. "No solomon I will slit your throat open and let you bleed out if you threaten me again, and i will have my way with eden every night in that cell right there, and you will watch her cry, But she wont see you ever again." Abaddon says evilly. Solomon tenses up, he clenches his teeth at the knife piercing his neck, anger fills every inch of his body as he listens to dons plans.

His skin turns dark red, the horns on his head and body grow longer. Don laughs. Solomon's muscles grow bigger his own wings open up and expand. His breathing picks up , he yells at Abaddon. "YOU WONT TOUCH HER!" Don laughs in his face again and slices the knife through Solomons chest. Blood trickles down his body. The rage strengthens itself inside of him and he pulls at the chains again.

This time the chains along with a few bricks release from the cell wall. Dons eyes widen with shock and he steps back. Solomon snatches him up by the neck, gripping his throat tighter and tighter. "You wont touch her." He says in murdering voice. "Because I'm going to kill you." Zayde stands there in disbelief of Solomons Strength. Abaddon gasps for breath, every drop of air leaving his lungs fast as Solomon crushes his throat. He lifts the knife and plunges it through Solomons Stomach the iron is enough to kill any man if it stays in.

Solomon throws Abaddon back onto the floor and drops to his knees. The iron draining life out of him little by little. "Zayde chain him up with triple chains." Abaddon coughs still holding onto his neck. Zayde lowers his head and does as he is told. Abaddon watches as the life slowly fades out of Solomon. Then he pulls the knife out and solomon holds his wound, weak and exhausted all solomon can do is sit there on the floor. Zayde extended his chains long enough for him to be able to sit. Abaddon shoots Zayde a stern look for doing this and then asks him to open Edens Cell.

He hesitantly does so. "you can excuse yourself now Zayde." Abaddon orders. "Yes your highness." zayde replies Solemnly and heads down the cell block and out the door. "Look !" Don demands. "she's beautiful, we havent clothed her yet because i want you to watch us first." don says quietly. Solomon looks up weakly, there she is laying down on the cell floor , probably freezing down here. Abaddon walks into edens cell and ties a blind fold over her eyes. "The sorcerer already enchanted her ears so she cant hear us." don says to Solomon.

Solomons heart starts to race with anger and fear, he pulls himself to his feet. The pain shooting through his whole body, the blood slowly seeping out his gash and wound, "dont.. dont touch her!" he says weakly. "Please."

Abaddon laughs. "now now dont beg Itll only hurt you more." He grins at solomon. Tears well up in solomons eyes, he knows its nothing he can do to save her and its killing him. Abaddon reaches his hand out and touches edens face , then grabs her breast. Solomon shuts his eyes and pictures eden in his head , like he did earlier in the cabin. He can see her the golden light still around her. "wake up eden ." He whispers. "wake up dammit!"

She opens her eyes and looks into solomons. "your hurt!"she says in a sad voice. "yes but abaddon is about to hurt you and i cant stop it so please wake up." he says weakly. The image of her disappears out his mind and he opens his eyes. Don laughs, and eden flinches at the cold of the dungeon. "hello?" She calls out, "HELLO please i cant see or hear" she yells.

Don smiles at the sound of her voice and caresses her face. "your even more beautiful as a full healer" he whispers. She turns her face at his cold touch, he drops his eye brows and kisses her neck but she pushes him away , "stop!" She says loud enough for solomon to hear and this angers him more. "Don you leave her alone!" he yells. Don laughs and grabs edens throat he pulls the blind fold off of her and looks into her eyes.

She shuts her eyes at the sight of him. "LET HER GO!" Solomon yells. Don stands up holding eden by her throat he presses her against the cell wall and says the enchantment to remove her deafness. "Do you love me still eden?" He asks inquisitively. She opens her eyes they look even more like the ocean with her tears building up. " donny , I don't love you in that way anymore, I am in love with solomon , please dont hurt him she says fearfully." "You..your afraid of me ?"He says angrily.

She starts to breathe fast , panic taking over her , shes seen in her head what don can do to people. He pulls her body close to his and bites her neck, then her breast as she cries in pain. "Please stop donny dont do this, this isn't you what have you taken?" She stammers.
Solomon pulls at his chains harder and harder but they dont budge. "Let her go ! Let her go , just kill me dont hurt her please He's been taking "the elixir" and it's changed him Eden." Solomon says sadly.

Abaddon shoots a glare at solomon , "oh this will kill you", he smiles and slams eden on the floor. "no! Please" she cries. "Shut up!" He yells and slaps Eden in the face. He forces her legs open, and slides himself inside of her. she screams , and he smiles and begins to have his way with her. "SOLOMON , HELP ME!" She half cries and half screams. "help me" Solomon freezes up at the sight he drops to his knees and lets go of his wound the blood rushes out a little faster. He lets his tears fall, "Eden ! Im sorry" he says lowly. All he can hear is her screams and cries.

Abaddon goes harder and harder he covers Edens mouth he doesnt look her in the face the whole time. Flashes of blood and red pop into Dons head, fire and screams of all the people he has killed. His fathers voice chimes in his ear, "go ahead don kill her like the dirty demon you are." His fathers voice says. This continues for about 30 more mins, until eden is so weak she cant scream anymore. Don stands up , he looks at edens eyes, and feels instant shame, he picks eden up , as she cries quietly and he carries her into solomons cell. He lays her down a few feet from solomon and shuts the door.

She weakly crawls over to solomon . He loses his mind at the site of her bruised body, he pulls her into his arms and holds her close to him as she cries. she looks at his wound and shakily places her hand over it. The golden energy slips through her fingers and into his wound. He can feel the warmth and the energy buzzing over his wound. He looks down at her , shes breathing weakly and her eyes are closed she looks up at him into his eyes and he can feel her pain.

"Ill kill him for this." She moves her hand off his wound and its closed up. Her tears fall on his chest. "Now dont touch this for an hour or itll scar up."she whispers. He pulls her closer and she passes out. Solomon sits there holding her and lets out his own tears as he cries and feels hopeless. "Ill kill him for this."

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