Lust or Love

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"She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails."
~Elizabeth Edwards


Spencer and I worked diligently to get Lydia patched up and healed. She went in and out of consciousness, exhausted from the ordeal, but still wired on adrenaline.

Meanwhile, Dylan paced nervously up and down in front of the bed, recounting their journey. The two of them, along with their friend and packmate Percy, committed treason by conspiring with a guy named Carson Bells from the Star Pack, an ally of the Laroches, to find out the truth about why the packs couldn't mix. When they were caught, they were imprisoned by two young adults named Nina and Dwight Lawman. In fear of being executed, they broke out, tearing up their hands and nails in the process. Dylan glanced down at his hands as he described this, inspecting them. Even now, a week later, I could see he was still healing from it. Probably the stress and sleep deprivation had slowed his healing process.

"You want to know the weirdest thing about the Lawmans?" Dylan mused. "Besides the fact that they were going to kill us and had magic powers? They had no scent. And I couldn't smell anything after they left for a good hour."

At that, my interest piqued

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At that, my interest piqued. The night Anna and I rescued Spencer, we'd encountered the same scent! But was it the Lawmans? Or was it the Controllers of my family? Did all Controllers have the ability to hide their smell completely? It certainly was an advantage over us in a fight as us wolves relied heavily on scent when searching for our prey. The information unsettled me.

And terrified me.

Dylan finally stopped pacing and came to stand beside Lydia. "Is she going to be okay?"

"She's going to be fine," I consoled. "Her injuries were worse than they looked. With some sleep and rest, she'll be as good as new."

"Oh, thank god," he breathed. "If you two hadn't come when you did, I don't know what would've happened to us. There are more wolves out there. We saw them once, but we didn't know if they were friendly or not, so we kept away from them. Percy is out there too. We got separated when we were being chased."

"How many were there?" Spencer asked.

"Three, I think. They were east of here, close to the lake if you know what I'm talking about."

"I do. I'll go check it out," I promised. "You stay here with Lydia and get some rest."

"Thank you again, both of you. I'll see you in the morning."

Dylan sank into the armchair next to the bed, lacing his fingers with his girlfriend's, before closing his eyes. Leaving them be, Spencer and I headed downstairs. We still were in a weird funk with each other, where whenever we spoke, it was only out of necessity. It was as if we'd lost all ability to hold a normal conversation. I hated it.

Grabbing my jacket off the coat rack, I announced, "I'm going to go see if I can find Percy. I'll be back later."

"You're not going out there alone. Not with three possibly hostile wolves," Spencer protested.

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