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"Part of her mystery is how she is calm in the storm and anxious in the quiet."


I'd like to say my family handled the shock of Spencer and Elsa's relationship with grace and style like us Laroches typically did. I'd also like to say the Starks did as well.

The reality was outright chaos. The moment the runaway couple was out the door, all hell broke loose. At least our packs waited for the humans to leave, which Hayley and Chris Stark instructed them kindly but firmly to do so. Like my parents, they weren't ones to be trifled with, especially considering how everyone could see how livid they were. I stole a look at my parents, both were ashen-faced.

The moment the humans were all out, our packs began fighting. I'm honestly not sure who started it all, although I swear Dom mumbled something under his breath because suddenly Caleb lunged at him. Within the blink of an eye, Ember was fighting with Lily, and Noah and Brian were going at each other's throats. Hunter would've been helping Caleb had he not been restraining Josie from ripping Callie's throat out.

 Hunter would've been helping Caleb had he not been restraining Josie from ripping Callie's throat out

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As much as I loved Josilyn, I knew she stood no chance against the red-headed O'Connor girl. That was one pack member I didn't want to get involved in a fight with. Not only was she strong and intelligent, but she fought dirty. And when she was mad? God help anyone who got in her way. You either stood with her or against her, and if it wasn't the latter, you either moved aside, or she'd make you.

Riley and Grey were holding back Thea and Gigi, respectively, from going at each other. I was surprised Riley wasn't getting involved in the fight, but now was not the time to be questioning my packmate's unexpected, sound judgment call.

"Enough!" The Alphas shouted simultaneously over the cacophony. But no one listened to them, all too far gone in their anger. Ember moved on from Lily to attacking Callie after the feisty redhead tried to lunge at Josie, with Hunter placing himself between the two girls. Gracie backed Ember up, protecting her from Lily, who attempted to strike my sister from behind.

Dad and Chris ripped Ember and Callie apart, snarling at them to stand down and stay down. Both girls were so shocked by the savageness of their tones that they listened. One by one, the Alphas subdued the fighting, but it took them at least fifteen minutes from the time the fights broke out.

"If any of you try and fight again, you will be incapacitated, is that understood?" Hayley growled.

"For once, we agree with the Starks," Mom said, earning a few raised eyebrows from both sides. "We need to find Elsa and Spencer. If they do not consent to come back to their packs, they will be charged with treason. Betas and Omegas, block any exits to the town. They'll most likely be going by car to make a fast getaway. The rest of you, fan out and find them. If you do, call your Alpha and alert us. We'll stop them. Alphas, stay here. Anna, I want you to stay too. The rest of you, disperse, and if we hear any fighting amongst you, there will be severe consequences."

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