Tell the Truth

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"Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say."
~Mitch Albom

Once out of earshot of the room, I asked, "Why'd you really want to come get food with me?"

"Because I wanted to talk to you about them," Anna said.

"How did you figure it out?"

"Long story, but Spencer chose me and another packmate of mine to be on his team in gym. We worked well until Sebastian lost his temper. Spencer defended him to the coach, and when we were asking him why he did that, he basically said the same thing Elsa does: that he doesn't see the point in this feud. When he said he had a project to work on, it clicked with me that Elsa was staying after school to work on a project too, and with how similar they are, there was little doubt he was sneaking off to see her. I mean, you saw how they acted around each other. This isn't a new thing."

"You mean you think they're dating?!" I exclaimed. A few heads in the library turned to look at us. A librarian even shushed us. Anna only answered me when we were outside.

"I don't think they're dating, but I think they've been seeing each other for a while, even sneaking out to do so

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"I don't think they're dating, but I think they've been seeing each other for a while, even sneaking out to do so. Elsa behaved weirdly these past few months. She was really happy for a while, then got really distant, and suddenly she's happy again. I think it has something to do with Spencer."

I thought back to the past few months and my brother's behavior. "Now that you mention it, Spencer's done the same thing- the happy to distant to happy again. It lines up."

"Elsa knows I agree with her about this pack feud, but I won't say anything about it because it won't get anything but scorn from everyone else. It's why I'm not upset about her spending time with him. He seems like a good guy. If they started dating, I wouldn't be against it."

"You think they will?"

"If they haven't yet, they will. Or they'll try. Our packs will never allow it to happen openly, though," Anna said solemnly. "I don't want my sister getting hurt."

"You sense her emotions, don't you?" I prodded.

"How'd you know?" Anna looked up at me, slightly surprised.

"Brian and Callie can do the same thing. They're not identical, obviously, but it must be even stronger for you two."

"You have no idea. Usually, we can control it, but there was a night just over a month ago when it felt like my heart had been ripped in two. I had no reason to feel like that, so I knew it had to be Elsa. She never told me what was wrong, and I never asked, knowing she'd tell me when she was ready. We tell each other everything at some point. Why do you think they asked us instead of others from our packs?"

"Elsa chose you because she's probably been dying to tell you. Why Spencer called me, I have no idea. He could've called Rey-"

"I have a feeling Rey and I wouldn't get along... you think she knows? I know Finn does."

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