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"A brother is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit."


Spencer came home around ten, a small smile on his face. He greeted Lily and me when he entered the living room.

"Hey," he said, shutting the front door behind him.

"How was studying?" Lily asked.

"It was fine. What have you two been doing while I was out?"

"Eating dinner, then I went on patrol with Brian, Maya, and Scarlet, helped mom with some work, too. Dom helped dad work out some new patrol schedules. Speaking of which, you and Dom have patrol in a few minutes."

Spencer frowned. "Is this punishment for staying out late?"

"Hey, you knew we were creating patrols tonight and decided to go to the library and study. Your fault," I pointed out.

"Yet I still got more done in the past few hours than I did in the past few days, so I have no regrets about it

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"Yet I still got more done in the past few hours than I did in the past few days, so I have no regrets about it. What time do we head for patrol?" Spencer queried.

"Once you set down that backpack of yours."

"Then let's go," he said, placing his backpack on the couch. The two of us bade goodnight to Lily even though we both knew she'd be up until at least two or three binge-watching a TV show.

"What coat color are you choosing?" Spencer asked.

"I'm going to go with my ever trusty black," I answered.

"Oh come on, Dom, live a little."

"Why? What are you going to do?"


"If there are any hunters out, they'll spot you immediately."

"I'll smell them first. Or I'll switch colors. It's the beauty of our kind. We can change our coat as we please," Spencer remarked before shifting into a wolf. I rolled my eyes at him and turned myself. The two of us trotted off into the darkness of the forest, only the path illuminated by the moonlight. Thank god for our sharp wolf sight, or else we'd have no idea where we were going.

So what route are we taking today? Spencer projected the thought into my mind.

Near the cave. Mom and dad smelled something strange up there a few days ago. They want to make sure whatever it was didn't come back. I responded.

Do they think a hunter wants a wolf head as a trophy instead of a deer or elk?

Wolves are rare in Colorado if there are any wild ones at all.

Besides us? Spencer teased playfully.

What's gotten into you tonight? You're unusually happy and hyper.

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