Secrets and Lies

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"I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out."
~Ally Carter


When I arrived at school, my pack and I were greeted by the Starks chilling in the main entrance. They glowered at us, prompting Oliver to snarl, "What are you looking at?"

"Trespassers," Gigi snapped back.

"What are you talking about?" Anna asked.

"Your precious older brothers were caught sneaking around our territory last night, and they got in a fight with our alphas," Jack stated, glaring at my sister and me. He was probably trying to figure out which one of us was me so he could attack me if we all started fighting. It wouldn't end well for him, but he could, by all means, try.

"From what I heard, they were tracking a scent into your territory because we've been keeping tabs on it since it keeps showing up in ours," Thea said.

"How do you know this?" Isabelle queried, cocking her head.

"I saw Caleb this morning. Told me all about last night's adventure and how the Stark alphas attacked him."

"Dom attacked first," Spencer announced, striding over to us. A lot of his wounds had healed, but a few still stood out prominently, in particular, one on his jaw that seemed to pain him every time he talked. "I stopped the fight to ask what they were doing because I figure Hunter and Caleb wouldn't be stupid enough to come into our territory for no good reason. My brother and I were tracking the same scent, which led us up to the cave your brothers were in. That's all that happened, although if we catch them on our property again, it won't be good."

"My alphas could kick your ass," Barry retorted.

"If that's what helps you sleep at night. Now I'd appreciate it if all of you would leave us alone. We want nothing to do with you."

"I don't know. I'd kind of like to take on Elsa at the moment."

"So I can kick your ass again?" I countered

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"So I can kick your ass again?" I countered.

"Would you drop that for the love of God?" Spencer groaned. "Jack, take the others and go. Now. That's an order."

"Why are you not telling her to shut up?" Jack asked, motioning at me with his hand.

"First, because I'm not her alpha. Second, she was defending herself because you can't stop picking fights with her. You know you're pissing me off when I'm taking a Laroches side for the first time in my life. Now go."

Jack mumbled something under his breath, but I couldn't hear it.

"That was stupid of you, Stark," Thea said. "Letting your pack leave you all alone with us."

"What could you possibly do to me, Fray?" Spencer asked in a mixed tone of exasperation and boredom. "Because pretty sure if you attacked me, I'd win."

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