Rescue Mission

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"Koro Sensei, do you even know where we're going?" I asked, looking up at him as we flew over our city. "Well, kinda, but I have a pretty good idea of where they might be." He answered, turning his head slightly to look down at all the buildings. Koro Sensei was silent for a second before he nodded, then blasted off downwards towards an old abandoned building. "H-hey, easy!" I yelled, closing my eyes as he landed suddenly with air whooshing all around us. "All right then, I bet you ten bucks they're going to be here." Koro Sensei stated, gently placing me down on the ground. "In this old dump?" I asked, beginning to take a look around when my head began to do that tingling sensation again. "What's wrong?" My teacher asked, glancing over at me. "T-they're here... and I think they're in danger." I answered, looking at Koro Sensei as he winked at me. "What did I tell ya? Sensei knows all and sees all. Oh, also if we find them you owe me that ten bucks." I shrugged and rolled my eyes at him, then chuckled. "Yeah, right."

Koro Sensei and I made our way into the building, looking around the run-down structure, looking around interior of it for any signs of my friends. "I've got a feeling they're gonna be in the basement, if this place even has one." koro Sensei suggested, looking down at me. I looked back up at him and nodded, then began to look everywhere for any type of entrance to a basement. Suddenly, with my enhanced hearing, I was able to hear the most faint whimper I've ever heard, and recognized it to be from Kayano. I motioned my tentacle teacher over, and we quietly open the basement door and made our way inside. After climbing down the old and worn out steps to the basement floor, I could see a few men standing around, looking at one another as they held small pistol-like guns in their hands. In the back, I could see Karma and Kayano tied together with a rope and with duct tape over their mouths, so I immediately turned to Koro Sensei for instructions on what to do next.

"This is going to be a little tricky..." he whispered to me, taking a quick glance over to his students, as well as the guards. "Okay, I'll take care of the guards, and I want you to free Karma and Kayano." I nodded as Koro Sensei rushed into the room at his top speed, instantly attacking the guards without hesitation. "Nagisa, go!" He instructed me, so I shot a web at the ceiling and pulled myself towards the small cell my friends were locked in, immediately grabbing the lock and looking at it. I could hear Kayano make an excited yelp, but it was too muffled to make out. Using my enhanced strength, I yanked the lock off and tossed it away, then looked at my friends. "Karma looked at me and raised his eyebrows, seeming to be genuinely proud of what was going on. "Don't worry, I'll get you guys out of here." I stated, opening the cell and going inside, then untying the ropes that held them together and removing the duct tape from their mouths. "NAGISA, I'M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!" Kayano yelled, giving me a tight hug, in which I responded by hugging her back. "Wow, great job, Nagisa, I can't believe that you and Koro Sensei managed to find us." Said Karma, looking over at me and patting my back. "Nagisa, get them out of here!" Koro Sensei shouted as he used his tentacles to wack the men in the throat as they began to rush towards us. "I am an enhanced super being with the power to destroy an entire planet, and once you lay one little dirty hand on my students, expect something MUCH worst than any punishment is worth." I used one hand to tightly hold onto Kayano and led Karma outside, where we had a pleasant surprise waiting for us. It was the women from the cult I had seen yesterday, but she looked so much younger than I'd imagine her to be, maybe even around my age. "So, you're the one who's been messing everything up, huh?" She asked, her dark black hair flowing in the wind as she started removing the jacket she was wearing, giving it to the man next to her. "I must say, killing half of my guards is nothing to sneeze at, so you got some skill there." I gently placed Kayano on the ground and motioned her to get behind me, clenching my fists as I stared at her. "What do you want?" I asked aloud, seeing Karma in the corner of my eye slowly stand next to me and stare at her with a small grin on his face. "Oh, well, I was hoping we could make a deal. Between you and me." She answered, putting one of her hands behind her back. "Of course, but if you don't accept, I have ways to 'convince' you." Karma and I looked at each other, then looked back at the girl. "Well, what's the deal?" I asked, making her giggle to herself softly. "Well, it's quite simple, really. Join me in my cult and become my prince, and I'll let your little friends and teacher  free. If you don't accept, well..." A dark red aura began to form around her, and she simply smiled at me. "I have ways to make you join, whatever your answer may be." I furrowed my eyebrows as I continued to look at her, seeing her begin to slightly hover above the ground. "I'll handle this. You guys better get somewhere safe." I whispered, and Karma and Kayano nodded in response. "The answer's no, sorry. Plus, I don't even know anything about you, not even your name." She laughed as she looked down on me, her eyes beginning to glow a dark red. "I was hoping you'd say that."

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