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Mister Takaoka quickly began to charge at me at full sprint, so I dodged out of the way and saw him run head-first straight into a building. "He must not be able to turn that well,"  I told myself as I turned my head to look at him, quickly shooting a web onto him and pulling him towards me. However, it wasn't doing much as my shoes began to slide along the ground, and I was getting pulled towards him rather than the way I intended. "You REALLY need to lose some weight, man," I taunted as I yanked as hard as I could, actually managing to pull him towards me a little bit. However, he quickly turned his head to look at me and growled, then charged at me again at full force, but this time he tried to grab me, and he did... unsuccessfully. "Stay still, you little brat!" Takaoka yelled at me, quickly turning himself around and backhanding me, sending me crashing into a nearby skyscraper, shattering its windows as I found myself in someone's cubicle. "That's gonna leave a mark tomorrow...," I grunted, quickly lifting my head to see him charging fast at me and ramming into me, shoving me through multiple desk and walls, and finally out through the other side of a window. I crashed through the front of a bus and found myself surrounded by a small crowd of people. "Excuse me." I said to them as I got up, hopping out of the bus and shooting a web at my big enemy, pulling myself hard enough to quickly launch myself at him, punching his face as hard as I could, watching the glass eye holes on his mask shatter, and although I tried to go for another hit, he grabbed be by the neck and lifted me up, and there was nothing I could even with my enhanced strength. He took off my mask and looked at me straight in the eye, clearly trying to set an example to whoever was watching. "This weakling is your protector?" he asked aloud, slamming me into the ground as hard as he could and throwing me at one of the skyscraper's screens, which broke upon impact, then fell onto a car and made its alarm go off. I could see Takaoka walk up to me one last time before cracking his knuckles, raising his fists to get ready to squash me. "Game over, little spider." he told me before slamming his fist down upon me.

I jolted up and yelped, breathing heavily as I looked at my surroundings. I was in Kayano and I's room on the bed, and Kayano was looking at herself mirror, doing her hair, when she suddenly turned around when she heard my yelp. "What's wrong?!," she asked in a worried tone as she walked over to me, and I looked up into her eyes. "Takaoka." I said, trying to slow down my breathing rate which made her tilt her head at me. "What about him?," she asked in reply as I hugged her closer to me. "He's going to be back soon," I then replied as she pulled my head into her chest and planted a soft kiss upon the top of my head, then she looked into my eyes. "It was just a dream, Nagisa. Don't worry about it too much," she told me as I sighed, nodding my head. "I guess you're right, but still, I just hope it wasn't trying to tell me something...," I responded as I realized I had to get ready for school. The two of us quickly got ready for the day, where I packed my suit at the bottom of my bag like usual and put on my uniform, then after making sure I looked decent for the day, Kayano and I went to school. That day, Koro Sensei presented us with a challenge, one where iIf all of us placed in the top 50 in our upcoming midterms, we'd get a free three day trip to an island resort in Fukuwa. Of course, I'm not sure of one person in our class who wouldn't have wanted to go there, and since normally a trip like that would be extremely expensive, over the course of the next few days, we studied our asses off so we could be the ones to go on that trip, and not the A Class asses who would usually go every year. So, when that time came to finally take the test, I tried my hardest, and wouldn't you know it payed off a few days later when we finally got our grades. I passed with an 80 or above on all my tests, and most of my classmates could say the same. Our grades beat out those of A Class' for the top spot, and Koro Sensei told us all that we had earned that resort to the island. We all cheered, and it was finally time for a new vacation, and hopefully a new way to take another short break from all this superhero business, and the media. 

So, the time of summer vacation finally fell upon us. I spent some time with my other friends before we were scheduled to leave for the island, and that's when we took the time to discuss possible plans for how we could assassinate Koro Sensei during our vacation. Most of our plans seemed weird, so we had some help from Karasuma and some other man named Lovro, who was actually Miss Bitch's trainer. During our training one day, the guy taught me a special move that he calls the 'clap stunner", a technique used in sumo wrestling, and apparently difficult to pull, as despite the name, you aren't really just clapping. After I experienced this move first-hand, I thought it would be a pretty useful tool to add to my skill set. However, it had its requirements. First, I had to have at least two weapons on me when I pulled off the move, my victim would have to be skilled, and they would have to know fear. I wasn't exactly sure if I would ever be able to pull off this move at first, but I kept it at the back of my head just in case I would ever need it. Then, the day of our vacation arrived. My classmates and I boarded a ship in the early morning and began our trip over to the island. Although everyone else and I enjoyed it, Koro Sensei didn't as we noted that he would get seasick, which we decided we could hopefully use in a future assassination attempt. After a few hours, we finally got to the island and were amazed at how beautiful it was. The water was sky blue, and we were going to get our own private beach. Plus, our hotel was quite luxurious, much more so than the one we got in Kyoto during the school trip. We set our stuff down in our new hotel rooms, and awfully kind bartender gave us free juice drinks on the house, and we quickly got to work on our new assassination plan. Karma, Kayano, and I had a mission to scout the underwater areas to find the best spot to set a trap, and although we were doing this for a mission, I couldn't help but smile as some brightly-colored fish swam around me, which made me giggle as some of them swam against my body. As the sun began to set, our trap was finally set up, and all that was left was a dinner with Koro Sensei and our biggest assassination attempt yet. We boarded the ship and enjoyed a nice, mostly quiet dinner while a few of my other classmates finished up some sort of movie that was to distract Koro Sensei. Later that night, it was time to put our plan into action. I decided to put on my suit for the worst case scenario, and just to make myself look cooler in front of my classmates. So, it began. My primary task was to shoot webs onto all eight of Koro Sensei's limbs, or at least what was left of them, to ensure he couldn't move, and finish him off with the anti-sensei blades holstered on my legs, but I was ready. I stayed attached upside-down on a pier, awaiting the signal for me to make my move. Then, it happened. I could feel the commotion from above me, and once I heard the sounds of the walls of the small building Koro Sensei was in break off, I quickly crawled out from underneath and flipped over to the top side of the pier, jumping as high as I could and shooting webs at all of what was left of his limbs, then pulled out my two knives from their holsters and threw them them at my target. I had thrown them in such way where I knew the tips of the blades would hit exactly in the middle of his body. "Well done, students. I'm so proud of you." I could hear him say under his breath as he turned around to face me, which I would think would make the damage of my blades even worse. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion from where Koro Sensei was, and the sheer force of it sent me flying backwards and tumbling along the pier, grunting as I finally came to a stop near the beach. "Did we get him?," I could hear one of my classmates ask as the dust settled, and as I slowly stood back up and removed my mask, letting my hair blow free in the wind. "I think we did," I answered as I walked over to what was left of the edge of the pier, looking at Karma and Kayano and everyone else as Mister Karasuma demanded us to keep an eye out to ensure Koro Sensei hadn't survived, and so we did. However, we saw something bubbling in the water not far from us, and that's when we saw it, a crystal clear sphere floating in the water, with a familiar head within it; Koro Sensei's. "Well done children, you all caught me off guard and you've done something not even the world's militaries have been able accomplish. You've made me use my very last defence method, my absolute defence form! However, although you didn't kill me this time, don't let this get to you. I'm still very proud of each and every one of you," he said, and just like that, all of our spirits were dampened. This was our best chance to kill Koro Sensei, and we blew it, but I felt like the pressure was now the most on me, since I was the one who was supposed to finish him off, and since I was counted as a superhuman. We all went back to the hotel as Mister Karasuma tried to figure out what we were to do with Koro Sensei's 'absolute defence form', or as so he called it, and the rest of us? Well, we really had nothing else to do but sit and wonder how we could've messed this up so badly.

The rest of the night felt pretty quiet, but I had noticed something was off about my classmates. Some of them looked a little bit... too tired, like if they were sick or something along those lines. However, when some of them started falling out of their chairs and coughing, then that's when I realized something was off. I placed one of my hands on the top of one of my classmates, and realized they were burning up. "Oh god... your fevers are terrible," I stated as my healthy classmates began to panic. Mister Karasuma then received a call from an unknown number, and a deep voice told him that he was the one who poisoned my classmates, and to send the two shortest students to Fukuma Denjou Hotel with Koro Sensei, and everything would be peaceful. Something wasn't legit about all of this though, and I knew the caller had much more plans other than just receiving Koro Sensei. Plus, he stated he had the only vaccines to the virus and would blow them up if we didn't arrive within the hour. "I'll go by myself," I said to everyone, looking back at them. "It's going to be dangerous up there." I heard a scoff come from next to me, and I saw Karma nudge my shoulder. "Oh, don't be so dramatic, Nagisa. What, you think all these months of training are being out to waste?," he taunted, patting my back. "He's right, we should all go as a group to get the antidote," Mister Karasuma added, which the rest of my classmates agreed with. "Let's go teach this son of a bitch who's boss!," Terasaka yelled out, probably in hopes to rally everyone up. I smiled, nodding at everyone else. "Well, alright then. Let's just not die trying, alright? Oh, and leaving without the antidote isn't an option either," I then stated, and Mister Karasuma agreed. "Alright then, class. This isn't going to be easy, and we have no idea how strong our enemy is, so we all have to have our guard up at all times," he said as the group of students who were still healthy shouted 'yes sir' in agreement, minus the two who stayed behind to tend to the sick students. And so, the quest to retrieve the vaccine had began, with the two strongest people on the frontlines, Mister Karasuma, and now me. Though, I think it's safe to say I'm a good amount stronger than him. 


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