The Rhino

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"Ah, the E-Class," the man stated, turning his head to face us, "I congratulate you on being able to make it this far." The rest of my classmates quietly took cover behind the chairs, all looking at one another as we tried to figure out how the hell we were going to get passed this guy. A sudden gunshot startled everyone, and his aim was something that not even I had ever seen before. He was able to shoot through a whole row of chairs, not even a centimeter off from where he was aiming. "Well, what're you waiting for? Are you gonna do something, or just wait there till I go and kill you myself?" I sighed quietly and looked around, looking at a nearby pillar which attached to the ceiling, and suddenly got an idea. I quietly crawled from my hiding spot to the pillar, going on the opposite side to ensure he couldn't see me while I climbing up it, then slowly and quietly proceeded to make my way up, keeping an eye on him every so often, just to be sure he didn't shoot or hurt any of my classmates. I then stuck myself onto the ceiling, slowly making my way toward this man. "Before I took on the role of an assassin, I was in the military and got used to hearing my enemies from far away, and even without looking, I knew their exact location. It's a shame I'm using these skills on kids like you, though," I could hear him say as my classmates were slowly advancing forwards, not making any audible sounds. I then hopped down and quietly landed on the stage, slowly sneaking up behind the guy, my spider-sense telling me that he was aware of my presence and was about to turn around at any moment. After a few more seconds of me sneaking up on him, he reacted, suddenly turning around and aiming his gun at me, but I grabbed it and aimed it at the floor as he pulled the trigger, a loud gunshot being heard throughout the room, but the bullet hitting the wood below us. He grunted and attempted to pull his gun away, but I pulled it out of his hand and tossed it, tripping him and webbing up his hands and legs, then webbed him up to the ground and motioned for my classmates to come and make sure he was fully restrained. Karma used some stuff he had packed inside his bag to help further keep the man tied up to the wall, and after a few adjustments, and some... questionable things done to him by Karma, there was no way he could escape without the help of more than two people. "Nice going, Nagisa, again," Mister Karasuma said to me, which again made me smile. "It was no problem, really," I answered as I rubbed the back of my head, taking a look over at Koro Sensei, who laughed. "I had no worries from the start," he told me, which gave me a boost of confidence. Now, there was only one person left: the person behind all this. I was ready to give it my all, no matter who this person was, and give them the justice they deserved.

As we exited the theater, we made our way to the final hallway, and the final staircase that would lead us up to our guy, but I just wanted to get the antidotes and get this over with. Mister Karasuma motioned for me and the rest of the group to follow him, and before we knew it, the mysterious man was sitting right in front of us, not looking at us, but instead at the computer monitors that were displayed in front of him. Karasuma gave us hand signals to advance forwards, so I quickly and quietly put on my mask before slowly beginning to walk towards him. We could see the suitcase which most likely held the antidotes we needed, but even with my webs, I knew I couldn't pull them away without him noticing me, so I awaited Mister Karasuma's instructions on what to do. Plus, the thing had explosives on it, and since I wasn't really in the mood to be blown up, I decided against it and followed everyone else. "It itches," the man suddenly said, raising his hands up to his cheeks and began to scratch them, "Every day, the thought of being pushed out by a bunch of junior high kids makes it itch so much!" I'm sure I could speak for all of us when saying this, but that voice was easily recognizable, however, it seemed a lot more sinister than I remembered it. The man slowly stood up from his chair and turned around, which made all of us gasp. "Just remember, one press of any of these buttons and the antidote goes bye-bye," he added before his full face came into view, which made me give a disgusted look. "Damnit Takaoka, what the hell did you do?!," Mister Karasuma yelled as the face of Mister Takaoka came clearly into view, a sinister grin on his face as he looked at every single one of us. "I can't believe you snuck up on your daddy that way, I don't remember teaching you that," he said with a slightly disappointed tone in his voice, "it makes me sad knowing that even now you're still disobeying me." I stood up and shook my head, saying, "No, we don't see you as anything but a sick fuck who deadset on murdering junior high kids," I responded, making a few of classmates turn their heads to look at me in surprise, probably because of the foul language I used. "Ah, Nagisa, I haven't forgotten about you at all, how could I after that shit attitude you gave me the other day?," he asked, making me furrow my eyebrows from under the mask as I replied with "Yeah, and I'm glad I gave it to you." Takaoka grinned at me and lifted up a remote-controlled detonator and aimed it down at the suitcase. "Easy now, you don't want to kill half of your classmates, do you?," he asked, which made me grunt. "Why don't you and me have a little talk on the heliport? Just you and me, no Karasuma, no Koro Sensei, just us?," he then asked, which caused me to take a look back at my classmates, who all seemed pretty nervous. "Don't do it if you aren't comfortable with it, Nagisa," Koro Sensei told me, probably sensing how nervous I was at the current moment. "Okay then, I accept," I responded after taking a deep breath, watching as Mister Takaoka smiled at me and grabbed the suitcase, walking up the staircase to the roof. "Don't just stand there, get a move on, you little runt," he grunted, seeming genuinely annoyed by my presence, which I gotta say has never really happened to me before. As the group and I followed Mister Takaoka to the rooftop, I knew that he most likely had something up his sleeve this time around, and it wouldn't be close to how our first encounter ended at all. "Make sure you stay on your guard, Nagisa," Mister Karasuma whispered to me as I began my walk up to the heliport. I removed my mask and looked Mister Takaoka dead in the eye, occasionally taking a glance at the antidote suitcase. "I'll tell you what, Nagisa, manage to defeat me in a one-on-one fight, and I'll let you take this suitcase with the antidote and give it to your annoying classmates. If I win, I get to keep you with me forever and torture you as I please, taking a closer look at your enhanced body," he said, giving me the same sinister grin as he did before. After quickly deciding I didn't have much choice because my classmates' lives were on the line, I accepted quickly, making Mister Takaoka lick his lips and smile. "That's the way, sonny boy," he smiled, kicking the suitcase away with a decent amount of force as he slowly removed his overcoat. "While you and your classmates were too busy failing to the kill the octopus," he started as he injected something into his body, making his body slowly grow an abnormal amount for a normal person, "I've been working on something that's sure to give you a run for your money." I heard all my classmates gasp as Mister Takaoka was now as tall as a one-story house, looking down at me with a sadistic look on his face. Then, a thick layer of armor began to surround his body, becoming a gray color, and smiling as I realized what was happening. He was turning himself into the Rhino, or at least, based on what my dream had told me. A helmet finally dropped down over his face as he cracked his knuckles loudly. "I'm no longer Mister Takaoka, he died when you ruined his reputation. Here's my new face, the Rhino. You're dead now, Nagisa!," he then yelled as I gulped, quickly putting my mask back over my head. "Children, why don't you come help daddy out?," he asked in a soft tone when three kids suddenly appeared in front of me. It was the girl I first made a rivalry with, the one with the strange magic powers, Spider-Copy, aka Project Two, and of course, Spider-Girl. "Hello again, Nagisa," they all said in sync, all seeming like they wanted me dead. 

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