The Reaper

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After an embarrassing day of having to be called "Gender" as a codename, and even getting new battlesuits, the day came to a close. However, the very next day, we overheard Miss Bitch being upset about Mister Karasuma not remembering her birthday, and so, my classmates hatched a plan, and I decided to help them out with it because I'm a nice person. My group's job was to go and get a bouquet of flowers to give to Mister Karasuma, so that he could then give them to Miss Bitch. "Hello, I couldn't help but hear you five talking about flowers, hm?," A young man with silver hair asked, catching my friends and I's attention. "Oh, yeah, we're trying to find nice flowers to give to our teacher for her birthday," I responded with a smile on my face, as he turned around and showed us all of the flowers in his van, that he actually happened to be selling. "Well, you've come to the right guy!," he exclaimed happily with a smile on his face, grabbing a rose from one of the bouquets. My friends and I moved closer to take a closer look at the rose as he held it a foot away from his face. "Do you know why roses are my favorite flower?," he asked, making Sugino tilt his head. "Why?," he asked, making the salesman look over to him. "It represents human emotions, in more ways than one," he answered, "but it really is up to you what you think it can mean." I nodded my head in agreement, asking "You sure do know a lot about flowers, huh?," in which he smiled and nodded his head, humming in response as he held a calculator in his hand. "Does that calculator have anything to do with it, though?," Karma then asked, making the salesman nervously rub the back of his cap, responding with "Well, I gotta make a profit somehow," in a nervous chuckle. After talking it over, we decided to buy a rose bouquet from him and quickly brought it back to the satellite campus (the E-Class building) and gave them to Mister Karasuma, then explained to him what our class' plan was. Although he seemed to not have been interested at first, he accepted to do it and my entire class hid behind the faculty room's window, and even Koro Sensei decided to join us, and watched the entire thing happen. Apparently, Mister Karasuma said something a little too harsh, which made Miss Bitch upset as she figured out this entire thing was just something that my class made up, and upon seeing us outside the window, and shooting Koro Sensei down from his hiding spot, she just grabbed her purse and walked out of the building, and although we tried to stop her, she didn't come back. 

She didn't come back the following day, but Koro Sensei told us to not worry, and that she'd be back soon enough. However, after another three days went by, all of us began to worry about her. "Alrighty class, I'm off to catch a soccer game in Brazil, and race this blue hedgehog that's been challenging me, hit me up if you get any word of Irina," said Koro Sensei as he then blasted out an open window at Mach 20, leaving us alone with our thoughts. "Nagisa, you're Spider-Man, right? Do you think you could go find her?," a female classmate asked me, making me turn my head to face them. "I would, but the trouble would be trying to get her to come back," I answered, that's when my spider-sense began to tell me that someone we didn't know yet was coming into the room. I quickly turned my head to see the same salesman that we bought the flowers from walking to the front of the class, the same smile from before on his face. "Greetings, E Class! Please take your seats, class is about to begin," he said, and at this moment, most of my class could tell who this was, and it was then we realized something was immediately off about him. "I'm the assassin known as the Reaper, glad to meet you all!," he said to us, and that's when I remembered that this guy was the most dangerous assassin out of them all, the one I've overheard my classmates talking about this one time. As my class sat in awe, the Reaper began to draw what appeared to be a model of Miss Bitch, drawing multiple lines through her body. "Here's the deal, boys and girls. Come to the location I tell you if you want to get your beloved Irina alive. Of course, you must come as a class, and any word of this to your teachers, and the deal's off." However, Terasaka and his friends walked over to him, cracking his knuckles as he said "So, what if we don't even want her back?," he asked, making the Reaper chuckle as he responded with, "Oh trust me, she's much more important to you than you think," before flowers began to swirl around the room and he suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing but a map clipping on the teacher's desk of where he wanted us to go. "Besides, human beings are the Reaper's preferred prey," before everything settled. "Guys, we have to go rescue Miss Bitch, even if she's upset at us right now," one of my classmates stated, and the rest of us agreed. "We using these?," Terasaka suddenly brought up, lifting up his battlesuit with his hand. Later that day after school, Kayano and I went back to her house along with our battlesuits, and I decided it was best to make this into a combat suit. We stitched a large spider emblem on the front of it, and made smallish holes into the upper part of my gloves for my webs. "Alright, think we're ready?," I then asked as Kaede nodded her head, then as night fell, we met up with the rest of our class at the location the Reaper had told us to go to. "This place doesn't look like much," I said behind my facemask, slowly leading my class up to the door and as Itona used his drone to search the area. "It's clear," he told me as I nodded, quickly leading the class inside the small building in front of us. As we stepped inside, the Reaper's voice came on from a speaker that was inside the room, asking "Is that all of you? Good! We can get started now," as the door behind us closed behind us. Suddenly, the room began to go down, and it made me stumble back a bit. As the room finally got to the bottom, we then saw Miss Bitch chained up to a pillar, seemingly unconscious as some of my classmates called out her name. "And you've fallen right into my trap," said the Reaper as I walked up to the front gates. "Hm? I didn't see you in the classroom," he then said as I grabbed a bar with my hand, grunting a little bit as I pulled, finally ripping it off and spinning it in my hand. "What in the..?," he asked in surprise as a sudden smoke bomb went off, and an explosion that broke a hole into the wall and allowed us to escape. My distraction had worked.

As we walked down the huge hallway, I decided to crawl along the wall to get a better view of anything that might've been coming. "Wow, great job, E-Class! I'm honestly happy that you escaped!," the Reaper then told us as I looked towards a camera that was aimed at us. I furrowed my eyebrows and shot a web at it, blocking the lens at microphone on it. "That should shut him up for a while.." I muttered, hopping down onto the floor with the rest of my class. "Okay, we need a plan," said Karma, splitting up the class into two groups, one to scout for an exit and one to retrieve Miss Bitch. I was assigned to help find an exit, and so, I stuck with my group as we continued along the large, poorly lit hallway. "You guys see anything?," I asked as my spider-sense began to go off once again, warning me of someone approaching. I lifted my mask back over my mouth before turning my head to see a shadowy figure coming towards us, moving slowly. "Bastard's walking right up to us, let's do it!," two of my classmates said before grabbing their stun guns and running straight at the being, but were immediately put down by him and became unconscious, as the rest of my classmates tried to attack, they all fell one by one as it came to my realization that this guy wasn't gonna be like Takaoka, or anyone else I've faced until then. He then lunged and Kayano and kneed her in her rib area, and as she grunted in pain, the figure sighed before saying "Girls are so fragile, her ribs broke and I didn't even hit her that hard!" and with that, I became pissed. Not only because he just hurt my girlfriend, but he thinks that he broke her ribs, but it was really just the suit absorbing the impact. "I'll handle him," I muttered under my breath, slowly walking over to the figure before giving him a sinister look. "Uh oh, you just pissed off the wrong person," I could hear Karma say in the back as I then stopped in my place, looking at the shadowy figure before shooting a web at both of his feet, punching his face before grabbing him from behind and throwing him hard into the wall, leaving a huge dent in it. As he quickly stood up, he got me off-guard as he tripped me over, shoving me against the wall as he then grabbed a knife at held it against my neck. "I didn't know Spider-Man was apart of E-Class.." he whispered to me as I kicked him off of me, making him stumble back as I used my webs to launch myself forwards, but a loud clap then broke my concentration, and I felt myself unable to move. "Ah, the good ol' clap stunner, of course mine's much more effective than others people's, but really handy in situations like this," he stated as I fell onto the ground, unable to move. "Damnit...," I thought to myself as I fell unconscious.

I awoke to find myself sitting down and leaned against a wall, and as I slowly began to come to my senses, I realized my hands were handcuffed and there was something around my neck, and as I looked around, I realized my whole class and I were placed inside another cell, this one being more secure than the one we were in before. "Nagisa, are you alright?," Kayano asked me in a worried tone, in which I responded "Yeah, I'm okay," with a smile on my face. I knew I could break out of this handcuffs, but I'd have to wait for the Reaper to leave the room before I tried it. As the appearance of Mister Karasuma and Koro Sensei caught him off-guard, he left, along with Miss Bitch, and that's when I decided to make my move. There was a hole in the cieling that led to the room above us, and that's when I hatched a plan. "Okay everyone, I think I can get us outta here," I whispered as I quickly broke the handcuffs the restrained my hands, smiling as I could finally move my arms again. I looked at the large hole in the cieling and began to climb the wall, quickly hopping off of it and made it into the hole. "I'm gonna see what's up there, tell me if the Reaper comes back," I whispered before quickly climbing up to the top, seeing Mister Karasuma and Koro Sensei right above me. After remembering about the device around my neck, I grabbed it and crushed it under my hand, dropping it back into the other cell below me. "I want a round two with this guy...," I whispered as I quickly lifted my mask back over my mouth and jumped into the cell with Mister Karasuma and Koro Sensei, doing a flip as I shot a web perfectly between the bars and onto the Reaper's face, yanking him as hard as I could so that he would hit the bars with his face first. Miss Irina took note of this and tried to shoot me, but I was able to easily dodge out of the way. "Nagisa, oh my, where did you come from?!," Koro Sensei asked, apparently extremely surprised as I turned my head to look at him, lowering my mask so I could smile at him, replying with "From another cell that's underneath this one, I think you and Mister Karasuma should go help the class," and lifting my mask back over my mouth before finishing with "Leave them to me." Koro Sensei and Mister Karasuma agreed, lowering themselves down the hole I had came from as I broke off one of the bars from the cell door, using it to make a hole wide enough for me to fit through. "I guess you don't want your classmates to live, then," the Reaper told me as he grabbed a phone from his pocket, about to tap on it as I shot a web at it and yanked it out of his hand, crushing it under my boot. "I don't think so," I answered with a grin, although he couldn't see it. I pulled out my two knives from their holsters and spun them in my hand, then holding them firmly as I got into my battle stance. "So, what's it gonna be? You gonna fight me, or are you gonna let us all go peacefully before things get even worse for you than they already are?," I asked, making the Reaper chuckle. "Irina, go make trouble for Karasuma and the freak teacher, I'll handle this brat," he said as Miss Bitch nodded, quickly walking out of the room as he then said "You're gonna wish you never left that cell." I shook my head, replying with "I doubt it." The Reaper came at me full force, grabbing a blade and attempting to slash at me with it. However, I rolled to the side and remained in a crouch-like position, with only one hand resting on the ground as I quickly shot a web at him, but he somehow dodged it. I got up and ran at him full force, throwing one of my knives at him as hard as I could, but he dodged it again. I used my other knife for offence, using it to try and stab him but it failed all the same as he kicked the knife out of my hand and it clanked onto the floor. He then roundhouse kicked me which sent me stumbling back into the wall, and I watched as he dashed at me to make another move. I grunted and moved out of the way, shooting another web at him and yanking him towards me, kneeing him right in his head, then grabbed his arm and spun him into a nearby window, shattering it, and watched as he fell and landed right next to a huge hole in the ground. I hopped out of that same window and walked over to him slowly, shooting a web at one of my knives and pulled it towards me, catching it with my hand. "Most feared assassin or not, I don't want you near my classmates ever again," and although he tried to stop me, I pretended I was going to stab him, but instead hit him hard enough to make him unconscious. I then pushed him down the hole and watched as he fell into the water at the bottom, a loud splash being heard as I sat down. "What a night...," I said to myself as I got up after a few minutes of sitting, quickly rushing down to see the rest of my classmates.

"Is everyone alright?," I asked as my classmates said my name in joy and relief. "Where's the Reaper?," Kayano asked as I lowered my facemask, responding with "Taken care of." My classmates applauded me, and Koro Sensei gave us a little talk about how brave we were during this hole thing. Miss Bitch was now returned to her senses and decided to stay with the class, which made all of us happy. The day after that, everything returned to normal. Miss Bitch returned to school, but although we were happy, we realized how close Koro Sensei's deadline to be assassinated actually was. It was now fall, and I was ready to give these remaining months my all. However, there was still something I needed to take care of first: the Black Roses cult, and there little dimensional machine project.  

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