Taking it Easy

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After arriving back to Kyoto, and after a much needed dinner with my classmates, we headed back to the hotel to settle in for the night. However, me and Kayano left our rooms and met up with each other at the balcony. "Oh, there you are." she said as I made my way over next to her, trying to be as quiet as I could. "I'm just glad no one noticed me." I replied with a small blush on my face, sitting down and scooting next to her, causing her to giggle and say "Well, it's not like we're exactly keeping it a secret either." I nodded my head in agreement and laid my head against her shoulder. "So, how've you been holding up?" she asked me, resulting in me sighing and curling into a fetal position. "I've been alright. I found out a lot of stuff out of an old notebook my mom kept with her." I answered, and I seemed to have caught her attention, since she quickly turned her head to look at me, asking "What did you find out?" Which I had to whisper to her to keep what I was about to tell her a secret, since it was a lot of 'classified' information, then I told her everything from the name of the cult that's been attacking us to the dimension collider machine they were working on. Kayano got really worried having to take all of this in at once, but I quickly found a way to calm her down after a little bit. "Are you going to do something about it?" She asked me as I stood up, looking over the balcony to see the historic city view. "I have to, it's my job. Well, at least now it is." I answered, looking down at her and reaching out a hand to help her up. After she stood up, I hugged her by the waist and pulled her closer to me, looking at her in the eyes, saying "I don't want to lose you, or anyone else I've met in my life so far. I've already lost my mom, and I can't afford to lose you, either." She blushed and looked down, and that's when I placed my lips on her's. They were soft, and she seemed startled by the sudden action, which to be honest was extremely adorable. After a minute or two of kissing, I got the sudden feeling that we were being watched. After breaking from the kiss, I turned my head to see Karma staring at us with a devilish grin on his face, holding his phone and taking what I assumed to be a video of Kayano and I kissing. I groaned and shot a web at the phone, pulling towards me and catching it in order to see whatever he was trying to do which involved us. "Aw man, you're no fun Nagisa.~" He teased as I deleted the video, then tossed the phone back at him. "Yeah, taking a video of that is really weird." I replied, laughing, as Kayano gently hugged my arm blushing, then said "T-that's embarrassing..." I smiled and kissed her cheek, then looked back at Karma. "Come on, let's go back to our rooms before Koro Sensei or anyone else sees what we're doing." I stated as we began to walk back inside the main hallway, leading Kayano to the girl's room and following Karma back to the boy's room.

After getting inside our room, all my male classmates glanced back at us, and it seems they were talking about something that had to do with the girls in our class. "Ah, Nagisa, Karma, great timing, out of all the girls in our class, which one do you like the most?" a boy named Isogai asked, handing Karma a piece of paper. Karma grabbed the paper before I did and glanced at it, then looked back up. "I'd have to go with Okuda." He answered as our fellow classmates gasped in surprise. "Oh, why Okuda?" Someone asked as another devilish grin grew on Karma's face. "Her skills in chemistry are unrivaled, just imagine all the trouble I could get myself into!" He answered, rubbing his hands together in an evil-like manner. "Alllllright then." I said, trying to get myself into the conversation. However, my spider sense went off once more, telling me that someone, or something, was watching us. I slowly turned my head towards the door to see Koro Sensei with a huge grin on his face, writing down something into his little notebook, saying "Oh don't mind me, I'm just passing by." before closing the door and blasting away from the room. "Oh, no he didn't!" Someone yelled as everyone in the room drew their knives, yelling "Get him!!!" and quickly giving chase to our beloved teacher. Of course, I followed and helped out to the best of my abilities without using my powers to avoid revealing my little secret to the entire class. However, none of us could catch him due to the pure factor of his speed, which compared to us, was a little bit overpowered. So, after a few more minutes of trying, everyone went back to their rooms and it was soon lights out. I'll admit, sleeping on a cold floor with nothing under you other than a thin blanket hurt a little bit, but it didn't really bother me due to how exhausted I was after everything that had happened today, and I quickly fell asleep without any trouble at all.

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