Good to Evil

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The next morning, I checked my phone to see that Mister Karasuma had sent my classmates and I a new message, stating that starting today we'd be getting a new teacher that would be covering for him. I turned my head to Kayano while she was still putting her shoes on and said "We're getting a new teacher." After she put on her other shoe, she immediately looked up at me and tilted her head slightly, stating "They better not be mean." I nodded and hummed in response, crossing my arms. "Yeah, or be out to kill me." I added, grabbing my school bag and looking over at my suit, then thought for a few seconds before saying "Just in case." I grabbed it from the desk chair and unfolded it, quickly changing from my school clothes and into the suit, then put on my uniform over it so it was hidden. "Ready?" Kayano asked me, and I softly nodded my head in response. "Let's go." I answered, intertwining my hand with hers as we began our walk to school.

"What do you think the new teacher will be like?" she asked me, softly rubbing her head against my shoulder. I scratched the back of my head with my free hand, then hugged her closer to me. "To be honest, I'm not sure. I just hope it's not some guy out to kill me, or you." I answered, giving her a soft kiss on the top of her head. "What if it is?" She asked, looking at me in the eye. I tilted my head and pulled back my arm sleeve to reveal my spider suit underneath. "Then they get something worse than pain." I answered, giving her a smile. She nodded and hugged my body, nuzzling her face into my side. I checked my phone to see that we only had a few more minutes until we were late, so I prompted Kayano to hurry our pace so Koro Sensei wouldn't tell us something.

When we got to school, the beginning of the day went by normal enough. However, I felt mostly nervous the entire time, I my spider sense kept acting up, so that didn't help my case. When the time for PE finally upon us, I knew it was time to face the inevitable and finally learn who this new teacher was. I began to talk to Karma as we walked to the locker room to tell him how I felt, but he shrugged it off. "I'm skipping PE anyway. I'm sure the teach is gonna be fine, dude. Don't worry about it." he told me, so I nodded and changed into my normal PE outfit, making sure to hide my spider suit beforehand. As we all walked outside, we waited for this new PE teacher when we saw a figure approaching us, carrying boxes over his shoulder. "So, these are my new students?" he asked in a lighthearted tone, which immediately threw me off at first. "YOU'RE the new teacher?!" one of my classmates asked, surprised at his features. The new teacher was a male, pretty chubby and seemed really nice, and not to mention that literally on his first day here he brought all of us sweets with his own money. Putting all of these together resulted in me actually putting my guard down for a while before something strange happened. As him and my classmates were having conversations with each other about something I can't quite remember off the top of my head, he looked up at me unintentionally and looked me dead in the eye, his cheerful expression quickly turned to that of a demon, his eyes becoming dark with hatred and his smile fading into a sinister grin, and as I continued to stare at him back, I thought I could hear him whisper to himself "I finally found you." I closed my eyes and shook my head a little bit before looking back in his direction, but his face now looked like how it did before, cheerful and happy. By this time, my spider sense was now going crazy as I felt my own heartbeat, it slowly speeding up with every beat. I quickly stood up and slowly snuck off from the group, and I'm pretty sure Kayano noticed me since after I hid behind the side of the building, she quickly followed.

"What's wrong, my sweet Nagisa?" She asked me, and I took a few minutes to calm myself down. "Something's not right about this guy..." I muttered quietly, looking into her eyes. "I'm not sure if I was just seeing this or if it actually happened, but I swear I saw him look at me with a sinister glare and whisper to himself that he'd found me." She gently held my hand and caressed it, trying to relax me, saying "I'm sure it was nothing, Nagisa. Maybe you're just seeing things because you're nervous." She replied, softly giving it a kiss. I hugged her tightly and looked over the corner of the building and over to my class, introducing himself as Takaoka. I kept a mental note to myself that no matter what the cost, if this guy did anything shady, to protect Kayano and my classmates no matter what. Although for the rest of the period nothing had seemed to have happened, the following day during PE, everything went downhill.

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