School Trip

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"So, have you decided what group you're gonna join for the trip?" one of my classmates asked me. "Huh?" I asked in reply, tilting my head, confused on what she was asking me. "For the school trip, remember? Well if you decide, be sure to tell me or Koro Sensei about it." they answered as they walked away to another group of students. The day of the trip had finally arrived, and my class and I were preparing to hurry and get to the train station. I was excited to get this trip underway to be honest, with everything that's happened in the span of a few weeks, I really just wanted some time off from everything, even if it was for only a few days. 

After we got on the train, it would be a few hours before we finally got to Kyoto, though I didn't really mind. To me, it was just more time to spend with my friends and Kayano, though it came to everyone's realization that Koro Sensei was missing. "Hey, where's the teach?" Sugino asked when we saw something stick to the window, which we quickly realized was our beloved tentacled teacher. He had told us that he was late since he was getting snacks, and would have to go back to Tokyo to get something he forgot. After a few more hours, we finally arrived in Kyoto, one of Japan's most iconic and historic cities. However, as exciting as it was, being the E Class meant we where to be shoved into an old run-down hotel, but none of us minded really. Koro Sensei was motion sick (surprisingly, though he could move at supersonic speeds) and decided to take a rest, and since the first thing on my group's list (which consisted of Karma, Kayano, Sugino, a quiet girl named Kanzaki, a science geek named Okuda, and me), we decided to go exploring for a bit. However, Kanzaki had told us that she had lost her small trip notebook, which sucked I won't lie, but there was nothing we could do about it. After exploring around town for a bit, getting some food along the way and getting some souvenirs, we found ourselves in a more quiet side of town. "So, Nagisa, are you enjoying yourself so far?" Kayano asked me, which I nodded my head in response. "Yup. This place is pretty cool, and really historic too. Never thought I'd actually find myself walking in this town."

We found ourselves in a bad situation when three older high school kids appeared in front of us, all with sinister grins on their faces. . "Ah, we knew we'd find you here." We then saw another three kids block us from behind, all with the same sinister smiles and looks. "Wow, not a smart move." Karma stated, putting his hands in his pockets. "Whaddya say that you just move out of our way and let us keep moving along, hm?" The older teens laughed. "Sure, right after you hand over the girls." Kayano made a quiet gasp and hugged my arm. I looked down at her, then reverted my attention to the high schoolers. "Yeah, no. Get lost or I'm going to lay you down so hard no one will tell the difference between the cement and you." Everyone looked at me surprised at what I had just said, but I already knew what I was getting myself into you. "Look at you, being the hero." One of them said, stepping forwards. "Being a Kunugigaoka student really does get to your head, doesn't it?" Karma immediately made a move and grabbed one of their faces, shoving them into the ground. "Either way, I'm sure you guys are no more of a threat than a mouse to a cat." They all drew out knives, and although Karma had the upper hand, he was immediately outnumbered and shoved onto the ground, getting kicked. Sugino tried to help Karma out, but was knocked back and onto the ground. "Grab them!" One of them yelled, and that's when I heard Kayano trying to yell my name, but was too muffled to understand. I quickly turned around to see her and Kanzaki being dragged away by the high schoolers, and that's when I knew I had to make my move, even if it meant sacrificing my identity to the public. I used both hands to shoot a web onto Kayano and Kanzaki, pulling them as hard as I could toward me. "What the-?? Jump him!" Someone yelled as I yanked them out of their grasp and towards me. It felt as if all six of them ganged up on me, trying to gang up on me, but I tossed someone into the air and webbed them onto a building, then shot a web onto a nearby building and crashed through its window (which was unintentional). I tried to get out as fast as I could, and realized that both Kayano and Kanzaki were gone as a white van quickly sped away, and the person I had webbed up was Okuda. "Um, help..?" She awkwardly asked as I sighed, climbing the vertical wall and freed her from my webbing. "Are you guys alright?" I asked, helping Karma and Sugino to their feet. "Yeah, I'm good." Sugino asked, and Karma smirked. "Oh, now I can't wait till I see their pathetic faces again." I chuckled and looked at Karma, then replied "good to see you're still fine, Karma. The bastards still took my girlfriend, though."

"So, what do we do?" Sugino asked, so I thought for a minute. "Well, it appears the only way we can do this if we just find them, and since I brought my suit, we give them what they deserve. Okuda titled her head, looking at me, and asked "suit?" I nodded. "I'm Spider-Man, but I don't think I've told you yet. Just don't tell anyone else, alright?" She nodded. "O-okay!" So, we began our quest to go find out where the high school kidnappers were keeping Kayano and Kanzaki, but right after I went back to the hotel and changed into my suit, making sure it fit nice and snug before heading out. "They couldn't have gone far from where they were abducted." I told my friends, standing upon a street lamp. "I'll take a look at the old factory not far from there, but go find Koro Sensei and make sure the other places are secure. I can hold my own." They nodded as they began to contact Koro Sensei, and I began to swing my way to a really old-looking factory, and based on the white van that was parked in the back, I could tell that's where they were hiding. "Alright, let's play." I said, quickly smashing through a window and rolling onto the ground. "It's that spider person from the news!" A student cried as they all looked at me, pulling out knives. The leader of the group grunted, turning behind him. "Scarlet!" He yelled, and that's when the same girl with the weird spider-themed clothing jumped down from the roof and did a superhero landing in front of me. "Hi again, cutie." She teased, tightening her gloves. "Ugh, not you again." I groaned in response as we engaged in a brawl, though I had to deal with multiple other guys trying to stab me with knives. After taking each of them one by one, my main focus was once again turned to this Scarlet person. "Just give it up, dude. I have much more experience than you, ya know, since I've had this power for three years now, and you've had it for like what, a week?" I crossed my arms, quickly shooting a web at her feet, quickly locking them onto the ground. "Yeah, but what can I say, I've learned a lot since then." I gave her a series of blows, either punches or kicks, and finished off by giving her one last kick to the stomach, sending her through a wall. I quickly dashed over to Kayano and Kanzaki, untying them and picking them up. "Come on, we gotta go." I told them, quickly getting out of the building and to the hotel, where I dropped them off. "Get inside, I have a feeling that she's gonna come ba-" I was interrupted mid-sentence as I found myself slamming into a bus, tipping it over. "Ow, shit.." I muttered, quickly jumping back onto the ground. Scarlet smiled, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "You're so easy to follow." She giggled as we stared at each other for a few more seconds before engaging into another fight, causing much damage to the surrounding buildings and cars. Her style of fighting was much more advanced than mine, and I found webbing in my eyes more than once. Finally, after realizing how much damage had been caused, I decided I needed to get out of there. 

I lost Scarlet after following a very strange path out of the city, and after changing out of my suit, headed back into the city where I saw the rest of my classmates surveying the damage that had just been done to the downtown area. "Jeez, what happened?" Mister Karasuma asked, crossing his arms. I shrugged my shoulders in response and made my way over to Karma and Sugino, who were talking to Kayano, Kanazaki, and Koro Sensei. "Are you guys alright?" Koro Sensei asked, and I nodded my head. "Mhm. That spider-girl has really been giving me a hard time lately, though." Kayano glanced at me and latched onto my shoulder. "I think I found some information about her that may help you out." She whispered, which immediately grabbed my attention. "Hm?" I asked as she got closer to my ear. "She goes to the same school as me and Kanzaki's kidnappers, and she doesn't really have friends, either. Those kids are forcing her to try and take you out. Oh, and she's an orphan." I was surprised on how this girl wasn't just an evil version of me who wanted me dead, but I knew I had to do something to help her, although I didn't like her all that much, or even at all. "Thanks, Kayano. I'll look into it." I responded, giving her a small peck on the cheek. "But, I still have many things I'm going to have to solve about everything's that happened, about that weird magic chick and Scarlet. But first, there's something I need to check out at my house. Well, what once was my house. Just don't tell anyone I left tonight, alright?" Kayano smiled and nodded. "Okay. But be safe. I'll be waiting for you." 

Later that night, I put on my suit and swung all the way back to my house in Kunugigaoka, and realized most of the house had been cleared. I went inside whatever was left and into what used to be my mom's room, though was now too burnt to be recognizable. "What did you find out that made them kill you?" I asked quietly, opening multiple drawers hoping to find something. Other than burnt clothes, I found an old pocket notebook that was barely damaged, and had my mom's name on it. "Ah, here we go." I proudly stated as I opened it, quickly reading and flipping through the pages. In each page were small entries about things that I didn't even know myself, such as the name of the cult I attacked the other day, which I learned to be Kuroi Bara (which is Japanese for Black Roses) and sneered at the name. "How Cliché." I whispered as I continued to read about the group, learning how it was founded back in 300 A.D as a group that worshipped gods of evil, as well as caused many massacres throughout history, committed many different types of war crimes such as forcing children to become soldiers, and were even the cause of the first two world wars. "Oh, shit..." I muttered, flipping towards the last pages. As I read, I learned my mom had recently been writing down about a current plan to converge multiple alternate dimensions into ours, creating the greatest catastrophe anyone would have ever seen, with the event taking place a few days before Koro Sensei's deadline to be assassinated, March 3rd. "Oh, mom... why did you have to do this behind my back?" I whispered, sitting down on the burnt flooring and lifted up my mask so I could breathe, a small tear falling from my eye. I realized that I would have to stop whatever this Black Roses cult was planning on doing, and I knew I would have to do it fast. I put my mask back on and read through the last of the notebook, trying to find anything my mom wrote about the location of where they were doing this. Unfortunately, I found nothing that could help me, and I knew I would have to do things the old fashioned way. I stood up and ripped up the notebook, scattering the pieces of paper into the wind. "But, can I really balance school, a relationship, an assassination, and a mission to save my universe? I asked myself, crossing my arms. "Of course I can! I'm Spider-Man, and as long as I stay focused, I can do anything I put my mind to!" After realizing how cringy that sounded, I shook my head. "Whatever. I need to get back Kyoto before Koro Sensei comes flying over here at Mach 20 wondering what I'm doing all the way back here."

After taking anything that look like could've helped me, I swung all the way back to Kyoto and into the hotel, quickly changing out of my suit and into normal street clothes. I learned that the boys and girls would have to sleep in separate rooms, and I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't get to be with Kayano, but I was fine with it. Although I was enjoying the school trip so far, I knew that I still had a mission to do, and I would have to do it quickly before something were to happen to me, and everything else I knew. 

Nagisa Shiota: Spider-AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now