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The next morning, I awoke happy since it was a Saturday and because Kayano and I had more things planned for today. I slowly sat up and stretched, then placed one hand on Kayano's arm and caressed it softly, leaning over and giving her a kiss. Since I wanted to let her sleep, I decided to do mess around with my powers a bit, so I jumped onto the ceiling and hung upside-down from it, shooting a web at my phone and pulling it towards me, and after catching it, I got on it and began to check all my social media pages for anything new, and sent some good memes I found to Karma. After about half an hour of this, I heard Kayano make soft grunts as she slowly woke up, but it took her a few moments to realize I was on the ceiling, but when she did, she giggled. "Nagisa... what are you doing up there?" she asked, and I simply smiled in response. "Oh, just waiting for you to get up, my love." I responded, a bright smile on my face as I hugged her upside-down. "Good morning." I added as she wrapped her arms around me, replying with "Good morning~." After eating whatever she had in her kitchen for breakfast, we got dressed and headed out to do some shopping that we needed to do with the little money the two of us had. "We don't have to walk over there." Kayano told me as we went outside into her driveway. "Why not?" I asked in response, and that's when a young woman appeared from the street, walking towards us. "Oh, you must be my daughter's boyfriend!" she exclaimed with a giggle, putting a slight blush on my cheeks. "Nagisa, this is my mom." Said Kayano as I reached my hand out for a handshake. "My name is Hinata Kayano, but you can just call me mom! I've heard you've been living with us for a while now." I nodded my head as she gently shook my hand and grabbed a key from her pocket, pressing a button on it which made a car beep behind us. I tilted my head to the side to see a newish SUV waiting for us, a 2015 Ford Explorer if I remember correctly. "Oh wow, a ride." I said with a smile on my face as I held Kaede's hand, walking her to the car and opening the door so she could get in. After Kaede's mom started the car, she drove off and we headed towards the downtown area of Kunugigaoka. "Sorry I haven't been around for the past few weeks." Hinata apologized, continuing with "we have a lot of things we need to do in our career, me and your girlfriend's dad." I could see a visible blush on Kaede's cheeks as her mom said this, and she turned her head to look at me and smiled, so I smiled back. As came to a stop sign, I looked out my side window to see a police car pull up next to us with two officers inside, well what I thought were officers. I smiled at them and they looked at each other, turning on the emergency lights on their car and having the siren play a short cycle before turning it off when the light turned green. I quickly forgot about it as it drove off and we slowly followed, but that's when something unexpected happened. 

As Hinata slowly accelerated, a sudden force slammed into the side of the car and sent us into a pole. I happened to have been shifted around enough for one of my wrist to become fractured, and I grunted as I looked out of my shattered window to see a different police car had rammed into us. I immediately unbuckled my seatbelt to see that the car that had just passed us now shifted into reverse, driving full speed into us and slamming into the front of the SUV, followed by another one hitting us from behind. "N-Nagisa?!" Kayano asked in surprise as SWAT trucks and more police cars pulled up next to us, sirens blaring. "What's going on?!" Hinata asked, but my spider sense was telling me that these weren't real cops, but instead thugs who wanted my blood. "These aren't real cops." I muttered as I noticed the fake officers getting out of their cars and drawing their guns. "Nagisa, do something!" Kaede yelled as I quickly looked around, ducking as they aimed their guns specifically at me and began to fire. I had to think of something quickly to avoid all of us getting shot, so I jumped through the back window of the SUV and shot a web at some random fake cop's gun, yanking it from them and catching it, then proceeded to shoot a web at another one and ran towards him, hitting him with the gun. Why didn't I fire it you may ask? Well, I didn't exactly like killing since the day I committed the massacre, so I wasn't very fond of shooting anyone anymore besides Koro Sensei. As everyone aimed their fire at me, I had to quickly get out of the way and hide behind a nearby police car, shooting two webs onto two buildings and pushing it as hard as I could, sending it flying into other fake officers and ended up crashing into another police car. "Okay, this isn't going to help my reputation." I muttered to myself, quickly thinking of an idea to free Kaede and her mom. When the idea hit me, I quickly ducked behind the Ford when I noticed the fake officers were pulling something out of their SWAT van, which appeared to have been some sort of missile launcher, or RPG-7. After realizing this, I quickly got behind the SUV and launched myself forward with my webs as hard as I could. After we shoved the police cars out of the way, they shot one missile aimed at me, but it missed and went straight into an empty building, which made me give a sigh of relief. I hopped back into the car and next to Kaede as her mom began to frantically speed up. "Nagisa, what the hell is going on?" Hinata asked as I noticed police cars were quickly beginning to give chase to us. "I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure they want me dead." I responded as I gave Kaede a quick peck on the lips as I climbed onto the top of the Ford, ready for anything they might try. They began to shoot at our SUV unsuccessfully, so I had to jump off the car and onto theirs, quickly shooting webs onto buildings and pulling in the opposite direction as hard as I could, launching the car into a tree. I began to sprint away from the other car that was chasing me, so I had to cover my face with my hoodie and began to spew webs from my wrist, swinging across the buildings and rooftops as I made my move, slamming straight into the other police car and watching it flip into a cafe, shattering the windows into it and creating a huge mess. After quickly checking in to make sure no one was hurt (which thankfully no one was), I immediately began to make my way back to Kaede and her mom when I noticed something else. Another spider person like me, but it wasn't the girl, it was a boy. His suit was entirely black with one big white spider emblem, and he began to chase me when he first spotted me. "Oh no." I muttered to myself, dropping onto a nearby rooftop and rolling onto it to break my fall. He quickly followed and we found ourselves staring at each other face to face. "So you're the kid the big man wants dead." he said in a voice that sounded pretty young, like around my age. "Tell him that he can fuck off." I replied, getting into a fighting stance as he quickly began to charge at me. He threw the first blow but I dodged it, quickly shooting a web at his eyes and landing a blow successfully myself. He kicked me hard and sent me onto the ground, and it was then he began to quickly overpower me in combat skills in the worlds of both human fighting and human-spider fighting. "Y'know, I have no idea how you've lived this long." he sneered as he threw me off the ledge and into the window of another building, where I wasn't surprised to find my old friend Spider-Girl. "Miss me?" she asked in a seductive tone as I quickly replied "No not really." After I managed to get her right where I wanted her, right before I was about to deliver the final blow, the new spider boy kicked me through the same window and into open traffic, where cars crashed into each other in order to avoid hitting me. I quickly got up and raised my fist as I slowly began to realize that I maybe have met my match. These kids were too good for me, and who knows what other moves they had up their sleeves. Instead of trying to face them head on, I quickly got off the grid and tried to find Kaede and her mom, which I luckily did in an old parking garage. "Are you guys okay?" I asked, out of breath and literally gasping for air. "I think so." Kaede responded, looking at me with a worried look on her face. "You're bleeding." She then added, grabbing a napkin and pressing it against my face. "Yeah I know, there was a new guy who almost got me." I responded as we quickly drove back home. 

After getting home and making sure no one had followed us, I quickly took Kaede and her mom inside where we stayed for the rest of the day. We had a discussion about everything that happened, and her mom was nice enough to make food for me. I was more than delighted and began to chow down once she had served it. Other than that, we had a discussion about how long I've known Kaede and how we started dating, as well as the powers I had. I knew I was telling too many people about it, but I could trust that they wouldn't let the secret get out. Well, I hoped they wouldn't, at least. Later that night, me and Kaede were up in our room, spending time with each other since the events of earlier today. "How're you feeling?" I asked her, holding her hand softly. She softly smiled in response and said "I'm alright, but I think I fractured something." I inspected her wrist which had a decently big red mark on it, and I gave it a soft kiss. "Just be careful when using that hand, alright?" I told her, and she nodded her head in reply. The rest of the weekend went by like a breeze, but I still couldn't shake the thought of who could've set that attack on me. My mind immediately turned to old enemies, but then I realized how little that would make sense since they were still young. I then looked at the new spider boy from earlier, but I immediately disregarded him since yet again he was still my age. I only had one suspect left: Mister Takaoka. I still didn't know much about the guy since I defeated him and told him to leave the school, but both my heart and mind were telling me that he had to be the one to blame for all of this. After Kaede and I finished up some English homework that Koro Sensei had assigned and putting my spider suit in my bag, we turned off the lights and went to bed. As usual, Kaede snuggled up close to me for warmth, so I hugged her closer and gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head. Things remained quiet for a good while as we slowly fell asleep, and I could hear the faint sounds of raindrops tapping against the window.

The next day was quite the interesting one. Once again, Koro Sensei had announced that we'd be getting another new student, but one that wasn't like any of us. This student was said to be an extremely powerful assassin, who's abilities could even match those of Koro Sensei's. Although that scared me a little, I tried to not let it get to me as the day went on like normal. Throw in some reading passages and some math equations, and we're finally halfway through the day. It was now beginning to rain heavily again, like it had been for the past few hours now. It became extremely humid, and the warm feeling we usually felt in our classroom became hot and sticky. Suddenly, a loud boom was heard from the back of the room as wood and dust particles flew everywhere. I shortish boy with silver hair walked into the room, slowly walking in and taking a seat next to Karma. "I've won. I've proved myself stronger than the classroom wall." he said aloud as all of my classmates and I looked back at him, all with shocked and confused looks on our faces. "Not even Koro Sensei knows what to make of the situation!" someone called out as Koro Sensei's faced was one we've never seen before, a mix of nervous and a 'why is he my new student?' look. "Ah, Itona, always making such an entrance." a voice called out, walking into the classroom. It was a tall man dressed in all white, and his voice sounded really calm. You couldn't even see his face, or anything else about him. "This is your new classmate, students. His name is Itona Horibe." he added as Itona stood up, munching on a candy bar. "I challenge you to a duel, big brother." said Itona, making the class gasp. "B-b-b-brother?!" they exclaimed, which made the man who introduced himself as Shiro laugh. "Although they may not be blood related, they are, in fact, brothers." Itona walked over to the door with Shiro and opened it, and I could see Shiro give me a slight glare in the eye, seeming curious. But before they left, Itona said "After school, in this classroom, we fight." and the two closed the door behind them as they left. Everyone put the stress on Koro Sensei as they bombarded him with many different questions, such as if that was really his brother to how they knew of each other, but Koro Sensei denied all of it. It didn't take long for us to realize that our chance of killing Koro Sensei was about to be stolen by some kid who thought he had the guts to go against our super-powered teacher. But would he stand a chance at all? I didn't really want to find out, but I'm sure I had the power to stop him if it came down to it.

Nagisa Shiota: Spider-AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now