The Long Road

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After our class' civil war (that's what we call it, anyway), everyone began the focus of researching for a way for us to save Koro Sensei's life. Most of our ideas came out as a bust, however, we learned that a U.S based science organization was researching ways to avoid Koro Sensei from exploding, which was exactly what we needed. However, the research was being done on the ISS, otherwise known as the International Space Station. Although it seemed crazy, Koro Sensei believed that it was a splendid idea to send two of us up there to retrieve the information. However, the only way up there was to board an experimental shuttle that would be flying up there next week, so the number of my classmates who wanted to go then plummeted. I decided that I would be the one to go, deciding to bring Kayano along with me as well (why wouldn't I? She's my girlfriend after all). So, we began to plan, all of us, though Mister Karasuma nor Miss Bitch would have any word of it. So, to prepare for this occasion, I think it was time that I get a new suit. "Hey, Kayano?," I asked her, giving her a smile as she turned to look at me. "Yes?," she answered, also giving me a smile as I said "You mind helping me make a new suit when we get home?" She nodded her head, immediately replying with "Of course! I'd be glad to help you." 

Later that day, Kayano and I began to think of how we wanted this suit to look like. "How about we make it stealthy? Y'know, since we are sneaking into a space shuttle, after all," she suggested, which made me nod my head in response, replying with "That sounds great! Maybe we could even give it a camouflage ability like our battlesuits." She nodded her head and then we quickly got to work. The design of the suit was similar to my previous ones, a web-like design on it with a large spider emblem on the back, and a small one in the front chest area. The suit was black, and it had the ability to have its colors changed by using spray paint. I tried it on, and it fitted perfectly. "This should be perfect," I told her, giving her a quick kiss. Then, after some more plotting and ideas for our infiltration, the day finally arrived. Using the free running skills Mister Karasuma had taught the class, I easily hopped over the space center's gate and rolled along the ground, guiding Kayano along a path without many security cameras while some of my classmates would do their best to distract launch control. As we made our way through some tunnels, we finally managed to make it to the tower so we could board the shuttle. "Hey, you kids can't-!," A guard yelled as Venom-Karma jumped down from a building, shooting symbiotic-webs onto him and sticking him to the wall, quickly gagging him with one of his webs before lifting the creepy Venom face as he said "Now now, we don't wanna make a fuss, do we now?" I nervously chuckled as Kayano and I quickly climbed up the tower, and on top of it was Koro Sensei awaiting us. "Umm... what're you doing up here?," I asked, as he began to cry happily, saying "I'm just so happy to see how far my student's would go, just to save me!," making Kayano and I look at each other with nervous smiles on our faces as we chuckled slightly. "Well, Koro Sensei, you deserve it," I then said as I nodded my head, running into the shuttle followed by Kayano. After some preparations, the shuttle took off, and we made our way to the ISS. It went pretty well, although the Americans seemed to had easily trusted us as soon as they saw Spider-Man asking for some data. Luckily, we were able to quickly get off the station and made it back to Earth just fine. With the new information, we learned that the chance of Koro Sensei exploding on March 13th was actually less than 1%, and we all cheered for joy. Even if we didn't succeed in killing him, we'd still be able to keep our lives. It was a great day for all of us.

However, even with this relief in my chest, there was still one thing I had to deal with: Shiro and his little dimension machine. On my visit back to the Alchemax center, I convinced Karma to come along, since it never hurt to have a little help every once in a while. "Thanks for bringing me along with you to kick some ass, Nagisa," Karma whispered to me with a soft chuckle, patting my back. "It's fine, ha," I chuckled in reply, looking over a corner as I checked out the machine's progress. It was as I thought, already almost complete, and with it already being February, we were already running out of time. "Why don't we trash it now?," Karma asked as we both saw Shiro walk into the room, chuckling lightly as the finishing touches were beginning to be put on. "We need to see how it works, first," I replied with a whisper, as Shiro pointed to the scientists typing away at their computers. "Let's give it a test run, shall we?," he said, ordering them to send a test object to a parallel dimension from ours. The machine activated, a blinding white light flashing from it and when we looked back, the item was gone (it was a pillow). "Holy shit...," I muttered, putting my mask over my head as I looked at Karma, then back at the machine. "A success! Now, there's a great alternative to get rid of that Koro Sensei, and the E-Class," Shiro said as I motioned to Karma that it was about time that we left the place. However, an old thought then hit me, making me stop dead in my tracks. "What's wrong?," Karma asked me, making me turn my head to look at him as I responded with "I remember something that I also wanted to check out, since I didn't have the time to do it the first time." He nodded at me as I led him to a stairway, quickly making our way all the way down to the lower levels as we eventually reached the cellar I very distinctly remember. "So, why'd you wanna come down here again?," Karma asked me as I slowly walked over to the same capsules I saw when I first fell down here, getting ready for anything to pop out and try to attack me. As I looked inside, I could immediately recognize the figures that were inside. The spider people who'd been trying to put me down because of Takaoka demanded them to, and they had many tubes attached to their bodies which appeared to have some weird substance flowing through them. "Gross...," I muttered, stepping back as Karma began to look inside the capsules as well. "Hey, aren't these the guys who tried to kill you on the Fukuma Hotel rooftop?," he asked as I nodded my head once, crossing my arms. "I have no clue what Shiro's trying to do with them, but I hope it isn't anything sinister...," I responded as Karma continued to look at them, laughing as he said "Well, I could always eat them if they get out of hand!," which made me give him a 'don't do that' look, and after a few more minutes of examination, we quickly made our way out of there. "Mask!," Karma yelled as he suddenly changed into his Venom form, looking at me with those sharp teeth and white eyes. "You coming?," he asked in a deep voice as he swung away with his symbiotic webs, making me shake my head as I quickly swung after him and back to the main part of the city. 

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