The End, to the Present

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"Hm, you're about as stubborn as usual," Says Shiro, smiling at me as he pats 2.0 on the side. "Don't hold back. I want all of them dead," he said as 2.0 growled, flying at top speed toward us. However, this time, my spider-sense went off and told me exactly when and where to dodge, and so I did. "Too slow!," I yelled, slinging a web at one of his tentacles and trying to hold him back. "Ha!," Sonic yelled, running full speed before curling into a ball and slicing through all of his tentacles on the ground. "Little brat!," Shiro yelled as he rammed into Sonic at full speed, making Sonic grunt as he tumbled along the ground and skidded to a stop. Koro Sensei began to attack with his own tentacles, hitting 2.0 as hard as he could while Venom-Karma jumped up and sank his teeth into any body part he could. Taking advantage of this moment, I quickly jumped up and spun my right leg, getting a clean hit to 2.0's face. After landing back on the ground, I sighed and looked at the beast, but he had reformed already, and he was staring straight at me. "Oh no," I muttered to myself, quickly rolling out of the way as he slammed a MAch 20 tentacle down onto me, which I barely missed by just a centimeter. However, it didn't matter since he slapped me right after which flung me into a tree, crashing into it hard as I took a little bit to get up. "Ow, damn...," I moaned quietly, slowly getting up as I raised my fist. "Yo Nagisa, we could really use your help right about now," Sonic told me as he used trying to deal with Shiro, jumping up and homing attacking into him. I nodded and clenched my fist, running back onto the battlefield as fast as I could. "You're finished!," I yelled, slinging another web onto 2.0 and yanking as hard as I could, remembering something important. "That's right!," I quickly yelled, slinging an anti-sensei web at his face as it quickly attached, making it deteriorate quickly. "Thank god we had the anti-sensei webs included," I whispered, shooting a normal web onto the creature and yanking once more, kicking him right in his face before backflipping back onto the ground. Venom-Karma came in from behind and bit another tentacle on 2.0, and Koro Sensei did what he did before. However, when Sonic tried to cut off all of 2.0's bottom tentacles, 2.0 immediately dodged out of the way and regenerated. "We can't keep this up forever," I called, dodging another tentacle attack as I began to think of a plan. "Well does anyone have a secret ability they'd like to share?!," Sonic called out, rolling backwards as he got hit from behind, getting launched into a tree. It was then something activated within me. Like, I got a sudden boost of energy. My body, it felt much more powerful than it ever should've been, even with my spider powers. "Nagisa, what the hell's up with your body?!," Venom-Karma asked me, but I didn't respond. Everyone stopped to look at me, even our enemies, and watched as lightning began to swarm around my entire body, but it wasn't yellow like normal lightning; it was light blue, the same color as my hair. "Let's do this!!," I yelled, and I began to run full speed. It was much faster than before, I was moving way faster than I ever did before. Hell, I could say that I now had super speed. I shot a web with the speed unlike any other I've ever slung, and it was so powerful that it even pushed 2.0 really far back, however in return, my wrists hurt like hell. I jumped up, pulling my fist back and did whatever my newly found power told me to do. "Nagisa, what are you doing?!," Koro Sensei yelled as I looked up, yelling "SMAAAAASH!," and plowing my fist straight into his face which left a really huge amount of damage. In return, something felt wrong with my arm, and that's when my power deactivated, making me realize how high I was. "Uh oh!," I yelled, realizing that my left arm was now severely broken. I was falling, and I also realized that my ankles were sprained. I felt a quick force catch me and I laid me against a tree, and I smiled to see it was Sonic. "Jeez Nagisa, where did that come from?!," Koro Sensei yelled as 2.0 was now down, which meant that the only person left to take down as Shiro. I looked at my arm, which was bruised and broken. "Ouch... what the hell was that power?," I asked quietly to myself, allowing my friends and teacher to handle the rest. Sonic was able to go fast enough deal with SHiro by himself, but I felt someone else rush by my side. I turned my head to see Kayano, and she seemed extremely worried. "Nagisa, what did you do to yourself?!," she yelled, extremely worried. "It's fine, Kayano, just a new power I discovered I have... though I think it might be too powerful for my own good right now, heh," I replied weakly, giving her a smile. 2.0 tried to get up on his own, but I couldn't really do anything about it since I was busted up too badly. "Kayano, leave me... go join with the rest of the class, I have a bad feeling about whatever's about to happen next...,"  I told her, making her nod as she ran back with the class. "Alright everyone, I have an idea, but I'm gonna need you, Nagisa!," he yelled as 2.0 got back up, still appearing to be dizzy. "I need you to do that smash attack, Nagisa!," he yelled, which made me feel uneasy, but I knew it was the right thing to do. "Get ready, Nagisa!," Sonic yelled to me as he lifted me up, tossing me at Venom-Karma who after catching me, spun me around once and threw me at Koro Sensei, who wrapped his tentacled around me and nodded at me. "This is it, Nagisa!," he yelled, making me nod as he threw me forward as hard as he could. The same light blue lightning energy from before began to circle me, and I pulled my arm back as fast as I could. "My beautiful creation, stop it!!!," Shiro yelled on the verge of breaking down, making me listen to what the power told me once more. "SMAAAAAAAAAASH!," I yelled once more, slamming my powerful fist into 2.0, knocking him over once more as I began to fall, this time with no hope of saving myself. Once again, Sonic caught me and got me a safe distance from the scene. I slowly lost consciousness as I saw Koro Sensei charging up some type of attack, and Shiro made one last attempt to save his creation. Though it was useless, Koro Sensei's laser went right through 2.0 and Shiro, destroying them, though I didn't get to see anything else past that.

I woke up in a hospital about a few days later, and I had learned that the very same night, one of my classmates took upon the honor of killing Koro Sensei, which made me cry a lot. However, even knowing this, I tried to keep my head up high as my classmates visited me, along with Sonic, who congratulated me for doing so well in the fight. I thanked him, and after a few days, I was released from the hospital. After Shiro's death, the Black Roses cult mostly fell apart due to the lack of a leader, and the police found out that ALchemax was to blame for most of the mess that had happened that night, and many sues were made by many, many people. Although my arms were badly damaged, thanks to my healing, they were able to recover much more faster than usual, and I was released early. This is how my days in E-Class came to an end, everyone had decided to pursue their own goals in life,  which drove us all apart. However, Kayano and I were far from seperated. Although E-Class was over for good and got the promised bounty for killing Koro Sensei, we still continue to live with each other to this day. That my friends, brings an end to my origins as the hero many people see as Spider-Man, but recently, people have been deciding to call Spider-Assassin, which honestly sounds a lot more suitable than Spider-Man, although I still like that name. Let's fast forward a bit, shall we?

It's been about two years since I first got my powers, but I'm actually still a first year in high school. Although it does require me to swing all the way over to my high school every day, it's really something I don't mind all that much, which really allows me to train in my combat style some more. My modern life is going quite well, and my relationship has slowly been growing with Kayano every day. However, there was one thing that kept eating away at me, one thing that I couldn't get out of my head. That extra speed and power that was hidden away in my body, I still don't know why they only showed up at the last minute. I still need to figure out more about the spider that bit me, and whether or not there may had been more to it than I originally thought. I swing over to where I had first got bitten by the spider, back at the old hidden Alchemax facility and went into the same room where I'd been bit. I found another paper that was laying on the ground, and feeling interested, I grabbed it and proceeded to read through it. It was a prototype to the DImensional Machine, but this one was different. Instead of being able to teleport and bring in items to and from different dimensions, this one only had the power to teleport to different dimensions. It seemed very confusing, but as I slowly read through it, I learned that it had already been completed, and existed somewhere on Earth. It had been stolen, and I never would've thought there would be a prototype. I gasped quietly before crumpling the paper, throwing it at the wall as I took some time to think for myself. "This is something I have to deal with, the world isn't safe with the machine being in the wrong hands," I told myself, clenching my fist as I noticed the same piece of paper which I had read the first time I had came into this laboratory. I picked it up and read through it again, but this time, I noticed something that I had not noticed the first time while reading it. "This spider has also been given a new power based on multiple tests with the prototype dimension machine," I read quietly, "and this power is beyond anything ever known to man. Based on multiple tests done by head scientists, it is determined that the true name for this power is known as "One For All", but can be extremely dangerous to those not fully prepared to face its true power." I took a second to think about what I just read and was extremely shocked, and knowing that I had a power from another dimension was something that really made me feel strange. However, other than that, I didn't seem to find anything more interesting. I found out some information about some of the Spiderlings, such as their family abuse-filled problems, as well as some experiments they underwent to be spider people like I am. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't figure out why this I felt so strange over this power, and plus I needed to learn how to control it before I damaged any more of my limbs again. But that name, One For All. I've heard it before, but from where? It doesn't matter, what's important now is that I go track down the prototype Dimensional Machine and take down the criminal who stole it, as well as smash it before its too late. This should be fun, right?

Nagisa Shiota: Spider-AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now