All an Act

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The next few days were mostly calm, and felt like any ordinary day in the Assassination Classroom. Our training got a little harder, but I was able to manage myself more than well. After school one fall day, Kayano and I were making our way back to her house, but I guess since we'd been living together for almost a year now, she allowed me to call it our house. Our relationship had still been going strong, despite the weird situations our class had been in during the past few months. After we got
home, I set my bag down in our room and began doing some English homework Koro Sensei had assigned us, but I didn't mind all too much because English happened to be my strongest subject. "So, Nagisa," Kayano started, which made me turn my head to face her before she continued with "It's been a crazy year, hasn't it?" I nodded my head and hummed in response, giving her a smile before getting up and hugging her. "I mean, you became Spider-Man, we have to kill our teacher, and there's many people who've wanted, and still want you, dead," she added as I nervously chuckled, scratching the back of my head as Kayano fell onto the bed, grabbing me by the shirt and gently pulling me down onto the bed. She began to kiss me passionately, so I kissed back with a little bit of tongue action, just for the hell of it. After a few minutes of this, she rolled on top of me and began to unbutton my shirt, which I gotta say was a first for me. Well, having a partner do this to me, anyway. This escalated to... some 'play' time between me and her, but I'll leave it up to your imagination to decide what we did that night. All I can say is that this was the first time I had ever experienced something like this. The following day, the entire class would have to perform a play in the main campus' performing arts building right next to the school. I wasn't acting in the play, (I'm not talented enough for that) but I helped out with the lighting and other things along those lines. I mean, I think we did pretty good, even though classes A-D obviously didn't like it because they're jerks. Then, after cleaning up and going back to the classroom, the day continued on like normal. We tried to kill Koro Sensei a few more times, did some classwork, the usual stuff. Then, the day ended. However, that wasn't all. What I didn't realize was that the following day, I would learn something that would change me forever, and break my heart. 

The following day, my classmates and I were talking to Koro Sensei when in the corner of my eye, I could see Kayano standing by the door, a slight smile on my face as I noticed she was trying to call me over. So, I followed her into the storage shed and saw probably millions of small, blue beads scattered along the floor. "I was wondering if you could help me clean this up, Nagisa," she asked me with a small smile on her face, and I nodded my head in response. "Of course, baby. Anything for you," I replied with a smile as the two of us quickly began to sweep up the beads, getting the job done relatively quickly. "Ah, so there's where the two of you ran of to," said Koro Sensei from behind us, making us turn our heads to face him. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I accidentally dropped them," she apologized, making Koro Sensei give a light chuckle. "No sweat, children! The more, the merrier!," he then said as he began helping us clean up the mess. As I continued to clean, minding my own business, my spider-sense began to go off, telling me that something wasn't as it seemed. I quickly turned my head to see two tentacles growing out of Kayano's neck, and the look she gave me was something I still can't get out of my head, even two years later. My mind became a hurricane of thoughts as I watched her suddenly slam the tentacles into the ground, dropping me and Koro Sensei into a deep hole. "Koro Sensei!," I yelled out as I watched him struggle to block all of her attacks. I shot a web onto the side of the wall and pulled, allowing myself to latch onto it and quickly climb up as fast as I could. It seemed like Koro Sensei was having trouble as I tried to stay out of the way of Kayano's attacks, and as soon as I was able to get out of the hole, I noticed a bright beam of light come from the bottom, and there was Koro Sensei, catching his breath as I looked up at Kayano, who was now standing on top of the building. "Ah damnit, I was so close to killing him, too," she said with a sigh. "Kayano, what the hell was that?!," I asked in a shocked and frustrated tone, in which she replied with, "Oh, and FYI, my name isn't Kaede Kayano, it's actually Akari Yukimura. Doesn't that ring a bell?" I grunted as she looked down at Koro Sensei and said, "You're still a murderer, and I'm going to get back at you for what you did to my sister," before she hopped off the school building and used her tentacles to swing off in some random direction. "Kayano!," I yelled, about to chase after her as Koro Sensei grabbed ahold of my arm softly with one tentacle, catching my attention as he muttered "Nagisa, don't. She's only focused on killing me right now, and I don't want you getting hurt by her tentacles." The class stayed silent for a moment as we all went back inside the classroom, discussing about what had just happened. "I thought I recognized her from somewhere," one of my classmates said, showing us a clip of a movie she had starred in. I sat down in defeat and began to think about our entire relationship. "Was it all just act? Did she actually love me?," are all questions that I asked myself as I felt Karma patting me in the back as he said, "Don't worry, Nagisa, I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this," in a quiet tone, in which I nodded once in reply. It was then suddenly brought up the question of why Kayano, well, Akari, actually, called Koro Sensei a murderer, and that it was time that he actually shared his past with all of us. After a few moments of silence, he nodded his head. "Very well then, I do believe it's time that my past has come to light. However, my one request is that you all listen as a class, which means we have to go find Kayano and remove those tentacles," he answered, making all of us nod. It was then a sudden buzz came from Koro Sensei's cell phone which caught our attention, and as we all looked at it, the message was from Kayano, telling Koro Sensei to meet in the field at seven o'clock. It would be a lie if I said we all looked at each other with anything but concerned and shocked faces.

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