An Old Friend

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The soldiers began to rush at us, the leader of the group giving instructions not kill us, but to put us down. I smirked as Venom-Karma made his move first, shooting his symbiotic webs onto some of the soldiers, throwing them at some nearby trees. Kayano and I went on to assault the ones heading towards us. I grabbed both of my knives from my holsters and spun them in my hand, catching them before using the blades to defect some knockout darts that were being shot at us. I flipped around their shots and one by one disarmed each soldier, before now all they had left was to attack us with their combat knives and bare fists. "Don't hold back!," the leader commanded, but I was beginning to get bored of the little game they were playing. I shot a web onto the leader and punched him in the face once, jumping up and spinning around to kick him into the other soldiers, watching as they crashed into the trees and toppled over each other. Next, Kayano and I worked together to quickly take down the rest of the soldiers who were trying to get away, and right when we thought we had taken all of them down, the leader of the group had appeared to had still been conscious and was attempting to flee. Venom-Karma was already way ahead of all of us, though, shooting a web onto him and letting Kayano have a few whacks at him. After he was already on the brink of knocking out, he then threw him into the air and shouted "All yours, Nagisa!," before I looked over at him and nodded my head, climbing up a tall tree and jumping off of it before kicking the leader down to the dirt, him tumbling along the ground and into a tree. I checked all of their pulses, all alive, just like I had wanted. "Let's keep moving," I commanded, leading my group ahead. "How's everyone doing?," I asked over my communicator, listening as my classmates seemed to be having no trouble with other soldiers they had encountered. "We're doing perfect actually, why?," Terasaka replied with a confident chuckle as we continued on ahead, and before we knew it, the entire class had regrouped about 50 feet from the barrier. However, there was one last soldier that blocked our path. He was one that we hadn't encountered at all yet. He was big, apparently much more stronger and experienced than the ones we'd been fighting. Two of my classmates shot knockout darts at the guy, but he easily took them off and looked at us with a smirk, asking "Really?," as I looked over at Venom-Karma, nodding at him to see if he was thinking the same thing I was thinking. He nodded, like I'd hoped, and we both began attacking the guy from both sides, though he was mostly able to block or dodge our attacks. "Karma, set me up!," I shouted as he nodded and lowly growled in response, punching the guy and shoving him hard against a tree, then after he threw him into the air, I jumped up and shot a web at him, then another at a nearby tree, making a replica of an actual spider's web and pulled as hard as I could to launch him into it, webbing him up even more as my classmates made sure he was fully restrained. "Don't worry, that'll wear off in seven hours, more or less," I teased, waving at him as our class finally got into the Shield of Earth, watching as Koro Sensei was standing in front of the schoolyard, already looking in our direction. "Koro Sensei!," we all shouted in unison, all running up to him and gathering around him. "Oh my, everyone's here!," he said with excitement, happy to see all of his students again. "You know we wouldn't leave you at a time like this," I responded, removing my mask and placing it the grass. Karma turned back to his normal form, and that's when a girl named Rio said "Hey Koro Sensei, in about an hour marks the first day you came to our class, and the day Miss Yukimura declared that day as your birthday. So, I made you this," she said, pulling a pink box out of her bag and placing it on the ground, opening it to reveal a small, strawberry cake. Koro Sensei looked at it and began to drool, making her say "Don't drool on it!," before we all looked at each other and decided that we should sing Happy Birthday to Koro Sensei, and so we did. We all sang in unison, even Karma (surprisingly) joined in, too. "Alright sir, make a wish!," I exclaimed softly as Koro Sensei got closer to the cake to blow out the candle.

 Just as he did, a sudden whoosh of black slammed right into the cake, destroying it and making Koro Sensei stumble onto the ground in surprise. "Aaaand many moooore~," a familiar voice singed in the back, and that's when my heart sank into my stomach. It was the voice of Shiro, and standing next to him was a figure covered fully in a suit, it bubbling from whatever was going on inside it. "I'm so glad to see you all again! However, as you could probably tell by now, Koro Sensei, this is going to be the end for not only you, but for your precious students," Shiro said sinisterly, turning his head to look at the hooded figure. "Go ahead, show them what I've made of you, 2.0," he said as the suit containing 2.0 suddenly ripped apart, a dark figure slowly growing even taller than any of the trees. "This is someone you've faced previously, who once was known as the Reaper. However, starting from today, he's now the new Koro Sensei. Make sure to pay attention during this class, students," he said with a grim laugh as he pressed a button on his wrist, a sudden machine bursting from the ground and breaking through our classroom building, making us all gasp, which I immediately recognized to be the Dimension Machine. "And when I said "the end for you and your precious students", I really meant that I'm going to transfer all of you to another dimension, where you'll all suffer being trapped with me and 2.0 forever!," he then said as the Reaper 2.0 roared, using his tentacles to start attacking Koro Sensei, and from our point of view, Koro Sensei was losing bad. "You see, 2.0's top speed is Mach 40, unlike your teacher here who only has a top speed of Mach 20. So Nagisa, and Karma with your little symbiote friend, unless you both can match 2.0's speed, you have no hope of saving your beloved teacher!" Said Shiro, making me grit my teeth as I took heavy breaths. "N-no, shut up!," I yelled in anger, grabbing my mask and putting it on before running full sprint at the Reaper 2.0, hearing Kayano yell "Nagisa, don't!" I jumped up and slung a web at 2.0, but he dodged it with his superior speed and used a tentacle to grab me, throwing me hard into what was left of our classroom as glass shattered everywhere, finding myself in the playing field. "Ouch...," I grunted, sitting up as I saw 2.0 looking down at me, charging up some sort of red beam in his chest, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find the strength to get up. "Fuck you...," I muttered under my breath, preparing for my inevitable death when I heard a sonic boom in the distance, and 2.0 grunted from apparently something that hit him. I opened my eyes and that's when a blessing of a sight greeted me, that blue flur, those red shoes, those spines. This battle was about to get a whole lot easier. 

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