The Dimensional Machine

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So, after such an event, Kayano and I's relationship kinda... hit a brick wall. I knew she still wanted to keep our relationship going, although we were now kinda in an awkward position. I decided it best if we took a break for a little while, and although it was hard making the decision, I decided it was the best thing to do. So, how does a superhero like me distract themselves from relationship problems, you may ask? Well, that's easy to answer. You take down bad guys, of course! During the late night, I was hanging upside down from an overhanging building while wearing my spider E-Class battlesuit when I saw some... suspicious-looking large trucks driving outside of the downtown area. "Ohh, this'll be fun~," I whispered to myself as I hopped down from the building, using my webs to swing across town until I was able to secretly land on the trailer of the truck in the far back, doing a short roll to break my fall. "Alright, unbranded trucks, where are we going today?," I asked quietly as I sat down, grabbing my phone as I began to scroll through my class' group chat, seeing how quiet it had been recently. "Looks like Koro Sensei's backstory really has all of us down, I guess," I whispered to myself as I started to scroll through my social media pages, just liking some videos and memes that came up in my feed. I quickly put my phone away as I realized the trucks were now turning into a quiet mountain road, heading toward a large building with the words "Alchemax" on it, which immediately reminded me of when I first stumbled upon the old Alchemax laboratory and got bit by the seemingly radioactive spider. As all the trucks stopped in front of the gate, I took this time to crawl down the side of the trailer and stick to its underside, hiding front of any security that may have been at the front gates. I watched the trucks as they slowly drove into the front parking lot, unloading their loads as people began to check them out. "Better make my move," I said to myself as I activated my suit's camouflaging ability, quickly sneaking past the group of people who were inspecting the load. "Ah, this should be perfect," said a familiar voice, that of which I immediately recognized to be Shiro's, or Yanagisawa's actually, but I'll continue referring to him as Shiro to not get anyone confused. "What's he doing here?," I thought to myself as I hit behind a wall, watching as the three trucks' loads began to be unloaded. Curious, I put my suit's hoodie on and lifted the magnifying and protective visor over my eyes, being able to get a closer look at whatever was coming out of those trucks. "I can't thank you enough, Liz Allan, for letting us use your facility to kill the monster creature I'm sure you've heard about," Said Shiro, making some man in a fancy business suit to nod his head once. "It's my pleasure, Shiro is it? As long as the monster is dead and the world is saved," he replied as the supplies began to be moved inside the facility. "This can't be good," I whispered as I then proceeded to enter secretly through an open door, finding myself in a puzzle of hallways and doors. I breathed in and out before saying "Okay, I just gotta find my way through this," quietly as I moved as quietly as I could through the hallways of this Alchemax building. 

The inside of the building was... quiet. A little too quiet, in fact. However, I believed I could hear the sounds of metal clanking in the next room over, so that's the direction I began to head in. As I snug by its window, I realized that it wasn't a room, but in fact some form of laboratory, but with many computers and tables. Many scientists were busy typing away at their desktops as something large in the middle of the room caught my eye. It seemed like a large frame, and pieces from the trucks that were unloaded were slowly being put on one by one as Shiro watched, seemingly pleased. "Well then, I'm off. I have to keep working on my newest project, and of course, I'll be back in a few weeks to check the progress on this. Other dimensions aren't going to be tested on themselves, y'know," he said with a light chuckle as he walked out of the room, so I took it upon myself to get a better look. I entered the room through a open door in the back, and it seemed like it was purposely left open. I walked inside and use the corner of the wall as a barrier so no one would see me, when suddenly a glass capsule fell on top of me and trapped me, and as I was about to smash it open, a small hole opened up in the floor and caused the capsule to fall down it, then shattering as it crashed onto the ground of the basement, or at least, what I thought was a basement. "Ow..." I muttered to myself as I looked around the basement, seeing many capsules filled with water, or at least what I believe was water, that surrounded multiple human bodies that were locked inside the capsules. "Ah, I see you've just discovered my most recent project, Nagisa," said Shiro's voice, although it wasn't distorted by his voice chip this time. "Show yourself!," I demanded, although Shiro just laughed in reply as he slowly emerged from the shadow he was hiding in, slowly making his way forth. I looked at him and clenched my fists, putting my hands on my knife holsters as he said "These, Nagisa, are test subjects undergoing my newest experiment," he said happily, although I already knew that something bad was about to happen as he continued with "However, they're all... FAR from complete, but they'll show up sooner or later," before turning around and crossing his arms, slowly nodding. "Alright, 2.0, you're up," he said as I saw someone familiar walking into the light. As I took a closer look, I realized that it was someone I knew from not that long ago. It was the Reaper, but he was wearing something that looked a little too familiar. He was wearing a suit, like mine, but it looked much more sinister and a little more bulkier. "Hello, again," said the Reaper, giving me a smile which sent shivers down my spine as I tried to hold my ground when Shiro said "This here is a fellow rival of yours, the Reaper as you know him by, but we've decided it would be best to get rid of you first before moving on to our final project." The Reaper chuckled as he put a mask over his head, clenching his fist as Shiro began to say "This, Nagisa, is the day you meet your end," as he pointed at me, then gave me a thumbs down as he continued with "the person you once knew as the Reaper is now known as "The Spider-Slayer, and he's even stronger than he was before. This is goodbye, I'm afraid."

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