The New Suit

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For the next coming days, me and Kayano continued to design this suit, giving it a heavy spider-themed design and trying to make it as fireproof as possible. "So, Nagisa, are you getting used to living with me? Y'know, since it's already been almost a week since you've started living here?" I looked up from Koro Sensei's homework and turned around to look at my beloved girlfriend, smiling. "Uh-huh. I just can't believe how drastically my life has changed in the span of only a few days." Kayano nodded as I set my pencil down, looking down at my hand and clenching it into a fist. "I'm just glad you're doing well, especially since your mom got killed and such." I nodded and stood up from my chair, sitting down next to her. "Yeah, me too. Probably because of that... little rampage I had the other night." I responded with a smile, placing an arm around her. She poked my cheek and looked me in the eye, saying "I don't want you to go killing anyone else! If you're gonna get revenge, do it without killing please." I nodded and gave her a small kiss on her shoulder before we snuggled up, exchanging kisses every so often. "Hm, it's getting late. We should probably finish up before we go to sleep." I nodded as we both stood up from the bed, and I walked over to the desk and sat down. "By the way, how're the finishing touches on the suit working out for you?" I asked, turning my head. "Hehe, great, actually." Kayano responded, grabbing the almost completed suit. "I think it'll look perfect on you once it's done!" She added as she lifted up the suit over my body, nodding slowly. "I just need to finish the mask and that's it." I nodded and hummed in response as we finished up what we were doing before, trying my best to answer the last (and hardest) questions on the homework.

"It's done." I heard Kayano say as I just finished the last problem. "I wanna see~." I answered playfully as I put my homework in my bag and stood up from the desk, scooting in the chair. She lifted it out in front of me, a black suit with a cyan-colored web-like pattern which covered the entire suit, including the mask which had two large white eye pieces, along with a large cyan spider emblem on the chest area which really caught my attention. "We've worked hard on this, why don't you try it on? Maybe you could even bring it with you to school tomorrow~." Kayano said, softly placing the suit into my hands. "Okay, I suppose so." I answered, going into the bathroom to undress and quickly change into the suit, then finally put on the mask after letting my shoulder-length hair drop down to my shoulders. Overall, I think Kayano and I did a really good job with the suit, since it felt really nice against my skin and wasn't hard to move at all. Plus, it had the extra feature of fire resistance, which is always a nice extra touch. I walked out of the bathroom and back into the room, where Kayano looked at me with a shocked expression. "It feels really nice." I stated, making a few poses in the mirror to get a better look at myself. "You look... amazing." She replied as she hugged me tightly, in which I hugged her back. "I can't believe I'm dating a superhero." She said, which made me heavily blush inside the mask. "I-I'm not a superhero yet!" I quickly answered back, making her laugh. "Well, yet, but you will be very soon." I removed my mask and placed it on the bed, giving her a kiss on the lips. "But do you think I have what it takes..? I mean, I almost died a few days ago fighting that weird magic chick..." Kayano nodded and placed her hand on the side of my cheek, caressing it softly. "I'm positive. Just do whatever you think is right." I nodded in response, giving her another kiss. She poked my stomach softy (which was now very firm thanks to my abs) and smiled, asking "so, you ready for bed, Spider-Man?" I blushed heavily once again and nuzzled my face into her stomach, trying to hide it. "I guess I better get used to that name too, huh?" I asked quietly as Kayano ran her fingers through my hair. "Yup! I thought of the name myself, it has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" I looked up from her belly and into her eyes, nodding. "It sounds great, honestly. It was just really out of the blue, hehe." Finally, after taking off my suit and putting it, along with the mask, inside my bag, Kayano and I laid down on the bed, hugging one another as we drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I awoke to a cloudy morning with a little bit of drizzle. After waking up Kayano, I got dressed and ate breakfast with her, then we made our way over to the school, holding hands and not being ashamed to show the public that we were a couple. "I have a really good feeling about today." I said, taking a look at Kayano. "Hm? And why's that?" Kayano asked, smiling. "I don't know, I'm just feeling a little confident today." Kayano giggled in response and kissed my hand, looking into my eyes. "Maybe something good is gonna happen today. We might even just kill Koro Sensei~." I laughed and wrapped one arm around her as we began to make our way up our classroom's mountain. "You know, I've got a pretty good feeling about that, too."

"Good morning, class!" Koro Sensei greeted as the tardy bell rung, "Good morning, sensei." The class answered as some attempted to shoot at him with our BB's, but to no avail. "My my, remember about what I said about being creative?" He asked, quickly beginning class. Later into the day, during lunch, Mister Karasuma made an announcement. "Alright everyone, I know this may strike you as sudden, but a new teacher is going to be joining the faculty. Yes, she is a professional and will be responsible for teaching your foreign language class." The class began to whisper among themselves as Karasuma sighed. "She's going to be here any minute now, so just try not to get in the way of anything she does, to avoid any problems." I turned to face Kayano, who seemed genuinely pretty interested in what was happening. After Karasuma left, me, Karma, and Kayano engaged in our usual lunchtime discussions, with the inclusion of one of our other friends named Sugino. "I wonder what this new teacher's gonna be like?" Sugino asked, as Karma shrugged his shoulders in reply. "Well, acknowledging the fact that she's an assassin, I have to assume she'd be in pretty good shape." I nodded in response and pulled Kayano close to me. "Uh huh, I have that feeling, too." Karma then seemed as he had just thought of something, turning to face me. "Hey Nagisa, your house got destroyed and your mom got killed, right? But isn't your dad still around? Couldn't you go stay with him?" He asked, and I shook my head. "I haven't seen my dad since I was five, plus, I think he's living in the states ever since he left my mom. I  don't know anything about him, plus, I don't even think he knows what happened. Before you say anything, no, I'm happy living with my girlfriend and I don't want to go to an orphanage, and adoption is something I don't really think I would be fond of right now." Suddenly, the door to the classroom opened as we saw a very curvy blonde teacher walk into the classroom, along with Mister Karasuma. "This is going to be your new foreign language teacher, Irina Yellavitch. She's fluent in many different languages, and she's also here to try and kill your teacher." Irina smiled and nodded, licking her lips. "But of course. However, if any of you brats get in my way, I'll kill you." Mister Karasuma sighed and whispered something into Irina's ear before the two walked out. "Well that was weird." I stated, taking a glance at the door. "Very." Sugino added, eating a chip. It was then the tingling in my head began to go off, which I decided to name my 'spider-sense', which of course added to my original five senses. "Yo Nagisa, is something wrong?" Karma asked, and which immediately made me turn my head and look at him. "Something's going on downtown." I whispered in reply, grabbing my school bag and whispering to Kayano. "I have to go stop something in the city. If Koro Sensei comes back, just whisper to him that I went to go check something out in the city. I love you." She nodded and replied with "okay, I love you too. But be safe." and after speed walking out of the classroom, I went to the bathroom where I quickly took my suit out of my bag and changed into it. After putting on my mask, I walked to the front of E Class' building and tossed my bag into the air, quickly shooting a web at it and sticking it against the wall. I took a deep breath and looked down. "Let's do this." I said as I quickly maneuvered my way through the thick forest and towards the downtown area. 

As I finally got into the downtown area, I could hear the sounds of police sirens quickly making their way over to near the center of the city, and my spider sense told me immediately that's where I wanted to go. I quickly hopped along rooftops and swung my way towards a decently large skyscraper, which had a sign that said "Kunugigaoka Bank" over it. I hopped down onto the street and noticed that the alarm was going off, and two females wearing ski masks of all things had everyone at gunpoint, quickly taking anything worth stealing and putting it into a sack. I quickly made my move, entering the building and sarcastically leaning against the door. "So, trying to rob a bank, eh? Gotta say, that's pretty cliché if you ask me." I said, quickly catching the two girls' attention. As I got a better look at their masks, I noticed that they were covered in half fresh half dried blood, and it wasn't just on their masks, but on their bodies, too. They quickly aimed their guns at me, so I immediately jumped and rolled out of the way, shooting a web at a nearby pillar and launching myself towards them, kicking one of them right in the head area, making her mask fall off. Although I wanted to get a better look at who she was, I immediately had to dodge the bullets from the other as I sprang upwards, quickly crawling along the ceiling, jumping down onto the other girl. After taking her gun, I kicked her against the wall and webbed her against it, and that just left me with the last person: the maskless girl.

"So, how do you wanna do this?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Your little friend is in a little sticky situation over there, and I still gotta get back to class." She stayed facing away from me as I saw her pull something over her mouth, which I believed to be a face mask. She grabbed a knife from her pocket and spun it in her hand, quickly turning around and charging at me. "Oh boy." I muttered, quickly dodging out of the way, but she somehow read it and slashed my leg with the blade of her knife. "Ah!" I cried, losing my balance and falling over. She turned around and jumped backwards, and that's when I noticed a blood-red spider symbol similar to mine on the back of her hoodie while she shot something white at me, which looked to have came from her wrists. It quickly attached to my hand and stuck it to the floor, and I was found unable to move it, where I immediately recognized the white substance holding me down to be webbing, extremely similar, if not, spot on to mine. "Surprised, Spider-Boy?" She asked, putting down her face mask, giving me a smile. I was finally able to remove the white substance and quickly stood up, being cautions of my wounded leg. "Who are you?" I asked. She put the face mask back over her mouth and once again spun the knife in her hand. "It's not important." She quickly answered as she threw the knife at me, but I immediately got out of the way and charged at her. We engaged in a dodging game, none of our attacks seemed to hit each other since we kept dodging them, crawling along the ceiling, running up pillars, and everything. She finally got the last laugh as she played me with a fake punch which I dodged, then she quickly kicked me out of the bank, shattering the glass and onto the street where I had to catch myself and make a high jump, landing on a bus which happened to be driving by. Quickly swinging back into the bank, I rolled along the ground to find out she was gone, along with the other girl I had webbed up. It was then I heard sirens, and that's when I realized was time to go. Quickly getting out of the building and swinging back to my class, I kept thinking about that girl. "She could shoot webs too..?" I quietly asked myself, quickly making my way through the forest that surrounded my classroom. 

After changing back into my normal uniform, and trying to treat my wounded leg on my own by applying cold water on it, I had found that it had already began to heal, and at a quick rate too. The deep cut was nothing but a forming scar now, which I thanked my powers for. I walked into the classroom at sat on my desk, and I could tell Kayano seemed to be worried. "What happened out there?" She asked me quietly. "There were two girls robbing a bank. I managed to web up one of them, but when I fought the other one, she had a spider symbol similar to mine, but red. She also had powers just like mine, the ability to cling to walls, shoot webs from her wrists organically, and everything. She seemed to have mastered her powers perfectly, but I have no clue how she even got them in the first place." I answered in a whisper, which seemed to heavily interest Kayano. "She got the better of me, and she and her friend got away." Kayano nodded in response as Koro Sensei entered the room. "Now then, boys and girls! I heard there was a bank robbery not too long ago, and boy let me tell you it was something! Two spider people fighting one another, one boy and one girl. Not sure who was the one robbing the bank, though." I could see Koro Sensei take a glance at me, but I just shrugged and shook my head, trying to imply that I wasn't the one robbing the bank. "Anyway," he continued, "as you all know, the upcoming school trip to Kyoto is coming tomorrow. It should be a fun learning experience I believe, both in education and assassination!" The class cheered, and I gave a sigh of relief. A trip is just what I needed, a break from all this Spider-Man business. Of course, I knew I'd still have to be on the lookout for any trouble there, but I'd have to be on the downlow and it probably wouldn't be as common. "Wow, a school trip." My girlfriend stated, giving me a smile. "Sounds like fun." I replied, going close to her ear. "I just hope we don't run into her, or that other girl from the other night." I whispered, and Kayano gave me a nod. "I hope so, too. But if we do run into them, you can handle them, right?" I shrugged. "I can try my best. Might be a little hard, though. I just want to know what that spider girl's story is, and how she got my powers." Kayano shrugged in response. "Maybe she got them before you? Maybe she got bit by the same spider. There's many possibilities." I looked up at the permanent crescent moon in the sky, and sighed. "Well, I guess you're right. I just have to be better prepared next time, and give it my all. I just hope we can really enjoy this trip as a couple, and as a class." 

Nagisa Shiota: Spider-AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now