Back to Work

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The next day at school was decently boring, and although we did try multiple assassination attempts on Koro Sensei that day, they all failed pretty terribly. So, skipping over the boring bits, after school is where my mission began. I had told Kayano that every night starting tonight, I would be out late trying to take down the Black Roses cult, just so she would know in advanced, and she nodded. Of course, she told me to be careful like any good girlfriend would, and so I promised I would be. Later that night, after waiting for Kayano to fall asleep, I quickly changed into my spider suit and headed out into the night. I didn't really know how I was going to this, or even knew where to start, so I just decided to solve small individual crimes that would hopefully lead me to what I needed to do next. However, an idea struck me to go back to the original run-down building I went to when I went on my little murder spree, and wanted to see if there was anything I could go investigate that I may have missed. I made a quick turn to the right and after a few more minutes of swinging, found the exact building I was looking for. "Bingo." I whispered to myself as I quietly landed nearby it and quickly made my way onto the premises. 

As I quickly hopped the fence and stuck onto the side of the building's walls, I slowly began to remember something about the place. Back when I was real young, when I was about five years old, there was this huge invasion of robots and some bald dude who enslaved mostly the entire planet's population. This is the same building I hid in during the days after I ran away from an attack that my mom and I were involved in, and although she got captured, I managed to escape and hide here. It wasn't until I met a anthropomorphic blue hedgehog, who I believe was named Sonic, helped fix everything that happened, but since then, I've never seen the bald guy or the blue hedgehog ever again. Anyway, I quickly snuck inside the building, being careful with each step I took and being sure they were as quiet as they could be. It was then I realized that the place was empty, and there was no guards or anything keeping watch. "That makes my job much easier." I thought to myself, quickly looking around to hopefully find something that could help me. As I entered the room, I remembered that this was the same room the other young girl with the weird magician powers entered when I was on my murder spree. After a few minutes of checking empty desks, I quickly spotted something on a bed that looked really expensive, and after taking a closer look at it, I realized it was another journal. Although there was a lock on it, I sneered after quickly busting it off with nothing but my hands and quickly flipped through the pages. For the most part, it was mostly information I already knew, such as what the dimension collider that the cult was building was supposed to do and what not, however, there was one big clue that my mom's info didn't have. It stated the location the collider would be activated on was on the tallest tower in Tokyo, which was extremely close to Kunugigaoka, my hometown. However, I didn't have enough time to hide when I heard someone walk into the room behind me. "Haven't you ever heard the phrase "curiosity killed the cat?"" a female voice asked, making me quickly turn around. It was the same magic girl I had fought before, and she was looking right at me. Quickly tossing the book back on the bed, I stared back at her, crossing my arms. "There's a good chance I have, but never believed in it." I answered, which apparently made her laugh. "Well, that's unfortunate." she replied, removing her fancy jacket and tossing it onto a nearby chair as she slowly began to hover off the ground. "Let me teach you that poking your head into things that are none of your business gets you killed."

As she quickly flew at me, it struck me that I would have to find a way to take that book with me in order to learn more about what this girl was trying to achieve. So, I quickly shot a web at it and pulled it towards me, grabbing it in midair as I dodged here attack, quickly attaching myself onto the ceiling. "I got your journal!~" I teased, quickly jumping through a window and landing onto the street. I turned around and saw her flying quickly towards me, her eyes burning with rage, and that's when I knew I had to get out of there. After shooting a web onto a nearby building and pulling as hard as I could to get momentum, I began to swing as fast as I could get the book somewhere safe, and that's when I saw an alley with a dumpster that I knew I could hide it in. So that's what I did, when I was sure she had lost sight of me for a few seconds, I threw the journal as hard as I could into the dumpster, it landing perfectly inside and getting covered by other trash, and the lid closed after it. "Now I just gotta worry about her." I quickly muttered as I felt something ram into me, launching me hard into a brick building, and eventually me falling onto a parked car. "Ow, damn..." I muttered, slowly getting up as I noticed she was coming right to me again, throwing some kind of dark red magic ball at me. I immediately jumped out of the way as the thing hit the car, causing it to explode and launching me a little bit backwards and into another wall. She landed on the ground and used her magic to make a sword, a very sharp-looking sword, and that's when I knew I couldn't run anymore. She lunged at me, so I ran as fast as I could towards her, sliding under her blade like the blue hedgehog once did right in front of me, and quickly shot two webs at her, and after they attached onto her body, I pulled as hard as I could and flung her into a parked van, causing its windows to shatter and making it flip over onto its side. I noticed her quickly stand up and beginning to hover, and she began to use her magic stuff to make the van hover next to her, and it was then I realized she was going to try and smush me with it. My theory was proven correct as she immediately launched the van at me, but I quickly rolled out of the way as it crashed into a nearby house, which made me cringe a little bit knowing the fact that there could've been someone asleep in there. "Would you stop moving?!" She asked in an annoyed tone, and I simply replied with "No, I won't." I jumped up and punched her, then after shooting two webs onto two different buildings in front of me, I pulled as hard as I could to launch myself into her, kicking her right in the stomach and seeing her crash into a nearby window. I did a superhero landing as I looked up at the window she crashed through, and noticed her face was bleeding now, covered with glass shards. "Ew." I told myself, seeing her pull each individual shard out and combining them to form something new. She made each glass shard a perfect triangle, and now she was about to stab me with every individual piece at once. After realizing this, I got out of the way and hid behind a corner of a building as I heard each piece of glass quickly fly towards me and shatter all at once as they crashed into the building I was hiding behind. I quickly climbed up the wall and onto the roof, where I quickly jumped off of it and shot two webs at my attacker, pulling down as hard as I could once I fell far enough from her, which caused her to slam hard onto the ground, breaking the concrete slightly. Knowing that this was my chance, I hopped onto the wall of another building and jumped down as hard as I could from it, punching her in the head as hard as I could before she had a chance to recover. As the dust settled, I realized that I had actually won against the girl who had been giving me so much trouble and wanted me dead, other than that other Spider-Girl, and was finally able to cross her off my  villain list. After checking the van-wrecked house to make sure no one was inside, which luckily no one was, I dropped her unconscious body off at a hospital where I saw they began to treat to her immediately, but I didn't think they'd discover her powers until much later. I headed back to the dumpster where I hid the journal in and recovered it, and, although it smelled really bad, was still in pristine condition. Thinking my work was done, I tucked the journal under my arm and headed back to Kayano's house, feeling a little sore and lots of pain after what just happened. 

After finally arriving at her house, I snuck into her room through a window and undressed from my suit, feeling extremely tired. However, I looked over to the bed to see that Kayano was fast asleep, so everything I did was quiet to avoid waking her up. After hiding the journal in one of my dressers, I quickly showered and stretched a little bit, in hopes to get the soreness feeling out of my body, but the pain I couldn't really do anything about. I changed into my night clothes and hopped into bed with Kayano, softly hugging her close to me as I could hear the sound of faint police sirens disappearing into the night, so I assumed they were trying to figure out what the heck just happened. I could feel Kayano turn onto her side so she was now facing me, and I could see her eyes slowly open. "N-nagisa...?" She asked with a sleepy voice, but I put my hand on the back of her head and began to caress it slowly. "Shhh, go back to sleep." I replied, giving a light smile as I felt her nuzzle her face into my chest, and I noticed she had quickly fell back asleep. I was surprised at how quickly she fell asleep, but then began to think about everything that just took place. I had taken down one person, who was the leader of the cult, or something along those lines, and I knew that I most likely wouldn't have to be dealing with her for a long while. However, I felt that the battle was a little bit... too easy. I mean, yeah, I got beat up pretty bad, but it didn't feel like I really stopped the cult at all. However, I tried my best to ignore all of my thoughts as Kayano wrapped her legs around mine, and they were a little cold but I didn't mind. I let everything around me fade as I slowly drifted off to sleep, a little nervous about how much harder things would get.

I awoke, or so I thought I awoke, in a black void where nothing existed but me. "Hello?" I asked, beginning to walk around the empty space. It was then I saw a big, kind of chunky man standing not too far ahead of me. "Hello, Nagisa." He greeted sinisterly as weird mechanical parts began to form onto him, slowly forming a rhinoceros shape. "I know who you are, everything you love, what school you go to. There's no hiding from me." I grunted and tried to shoot my webs at him, but nothing came out of my wrists. I then realized that my powers were gone, and the only thing I could do now was run. As the man charged at me with his rhino suit, I ran and hit something, causing me to trip and fall into a whole, which seemed to go on forever. I looked up and saw the man's glowing eyes look into mine as he gave me a sinister grin as he held Kayano in his arms, apparently about to rip her in half. "No!" I yelled, knowing I had failed to protect her. Suddenly, I woke up for real, shooting upwards in my bed and yelling "No!" just like I had in the dream. I felt extremely sweaty, and I immediately turned my head to check if Kayano was still there, but she was fine, still fast asleep. I looked at a nearby alarm clock which read "Saturday, 9:23 AM". I sighed as I laid back down onto the bed, feeling relieved that it was only a dream and that Kayano was still safe and not being ripped in half but some rhino dude. Little did I know that the same man from my dreams would appear again in real life, as my class' new PE teacher, and that he had much more in store for us than just training us to kill our teacher, and it was up to me to put an end to it.

Nagisa Shiota: Spider-AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now