Itona, the New Student

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The entire class seemed to be confused by what had just happened, and Koro Sensei didn't really provide any answers as it continued to rain cats and dogs outside of our classroom. "So... what are you going to do, sir?" Kayano asked as Koro Sensei placed a tentacle on his chin. "Well, it would appear this boy is one who seems quite confident in himself. I just hope he knows what he's getting himself into." he replied, slowly shaking his head as he grabbed a piece of chalk from his desk. "Anyways, that's enough of that. You've got a big test coming up, y'know." 

Throughout the day, we slowly became increasingly nervous as the clock slowly made its way to 4 PM, the end of the school day. It made me nervous enough where I couldn't even focus enough on my work, which I knew I couldn't shake due to what might happen after the day would end. Then, after what felt like only an hour, the final bell rang signaling that the day has officially ended. My classmates and I all looked at each other with a face of nervousness and disappointment as we realized what might just go down while we began to set our desks in a ring-like fashion. Itona and Shiro arrived in only a few minutes, and before long, we saw Koro Sensei and our new classmate staring at each other face to face. "Now, let there be these rules set. If either of you steps out of the ring, it results in an immediate execution." Shiro said as Koro Sensei slowly nodded his head, replying with "I agree. However, the same penalty arises if either of us hurt any of the spectators." Shiro nodded his head and walked over to the middle of the classroom. "Let the assassination-" he started, raising his hand, "commence!" and a sudden purple light shone from his wrist, and it appeared to do something to Koro Sensei because he wasn't able to dodge what came next. A long, white object came from Itona's hair and quickly sliced off one of our teacher's tentacles, and it didn't take us long to realize that the thing that cut off Koro Sensei's tentacle wasn't any weapon... That's because it was another tentacle. We slowly watched as even more tentacles quickly grew out from Itona's hair, quickly wriggling around as Koro Sensei stared into his eyes. "Where... DID YOU GET THOSE TENTACLES?!!" he asked in an extremely pissed off voice as his face turned pitch black, and that's when Shiro laughed. "The source of those tentacles are none of your concern, sensei." and suddenly, Itona and Koro Sensei engaged into a high-speed battle. Koro Sensei began to get hit more and more as Shiro explained many different kinds of Koro Sensei's weaknesses than the ones we picked up on our own. My entire class took note of how Koro Sensei was struggling, and they all turned to me. "So, aren't you Spider-Man?" Karma asked me in a whisper, nudging my shoulder. "Why don't you go lend a hand?" I immediately turned my head to look at Karma as a responded with "I can't just go in there and reveal my powers and identity to that guy." I answered, looking towards my bag. "Maybe I might. Cover me." I then added, quickly grabbing my bag and sneakily heading out of the classroom. I immediately took out my suit and went to the bathroom, changing into it as quickly as I could before quickly climbing onto the roof and pulling myself as I could with a web attached to the water tower, then quickly crashed through the roof and did a superhero landing in front of Itona, and everything went silent as Koro Sensei looked at me. I looked back at him as a way to say don't give me away, and I could see him give a slight nod. "You sure you want to take him on, Spider-Man?" he asked me, as I turned back to looking straight at Itona. "Sure. This should be a walk in the park." "Excuse me, Mister Spider, but this isn't apart of the deal." Said Shiro, which made me shoot a glance at him. "Sorry, but the deal's off." I then proceeded to look back at Itona, getting into a crawl-like stance with one hand on the ground. "Alright big guy, let's do this." I said, getting into a crawl-like stance with one hand on the ground as me and Itona continued to stare each other down.

He made the first move, trying to stab me with one of his tentacles but I immediately jumped out of the way and stuck to the ceiling, quickly crawling along it as Itona tried to stab me with each blow, but stabbed nothing but metal. I jumped down, tackling him to the ground and shot two webs at his hands, keeping them stuck there as he tried to use his tentacles to rip them off. His eyes began to burn red with rage, and I could see this even concern Shiro as he realized things weren't going according to his plan. I tried to web up as many tentacles as I could, but one got loose and slapped me hard, sending me through a window as I landed onto the muddy ground of our field. Itona quickly hopped through the broken window and stared me down as I slowly got up. "You're strong, but still much weaker than me." He stated, and I could tell he was beginning to calm down a little bit. I quickly dashed at him, making sure to listen to my spider sense as it told me when and where to jump and dodge. I reached Itona and made my move, shooting a web onto his face and tripping him, then threw him back into the field. "Does that count as a disqualification?" I could hear one of my classmates ask. "No, because he said that the deal was off, remember?" another one replied as I quickly hopped back into the classroom, shooting webs onto all of Itona's tentacles and the rest of his free limbs. I panted as I watched Itona struggle to break free from my webbing, but to no avail. "Tell you what," I started, looking over at Shiro, "leave this place and never come back, or suffer a great beatdown." I continued, which made him chuckle. "Oh, Spider-Man. I'm not the man to engage in pointless conflict! Who do you take me for, a vigilante?" I shrugged and replied with "Yeah, I guess." He then proceeded to shoot a tranquilizer dart into Itona's arm, making him unconscious. "Well, I best be on my way now. Itona needs some time to rest before he's ready for his return. He'll be back before you know it." As he began to walk off, Koro Sensei tried to stop him, but his tentacle quickly melted off. "Anti-sensei cloth, neat huh? Be patient, he'll be back." said Shiro as he slowly walked off with Itona on his shoulder. "See you soon, E-Class!" he shouted one last time before disappearing into the foggy forest. After making sure he was really gone, I finally removed my mask from my head and panted. "That wasn't fun." I sighed as all my classmates applauded me, including Koro Sensei. "Nagisa, you know I could've handled it on my own, right?" I chuckled and gave a light smile in response, saying "I know, but I just don't want someone else to have the honor of killing you before we do." I changed back into my normal clothing and began to head home with Kayano, although she seemed pretty worried about me. "A-are you alright?" she asked me, and I softly nodded my head. "Mhm. I've faced worse." I replied, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. She immediately blushed as we intertwined our hands, walking all the way back home. 

After a few moments of getting home, Kayano told me that her mom would have to go back to work in another country, and she wouldn't be back for another few months or so, but told me that she had left a pretty huge amount of money for food. "Well, that's good." I answered, smiling. I undressed and went into the shower, feeling extremely tired after the big fight with Itona. As I stood in the shower for a few minutes, the warm water relaxed me as I slowly began to forget about my pain and let my mind go blank. I stayed like this for a good few minutes before I actually showered and quickly got out, sitting down on Kayano's bed with her. "So, how're you feeling?" she asked me, and I looked at her with a smile. "I'm feeling alright. Getting hit with a tentacle moving at mach 20 is something I don't want to experience again, though." I replied with a smile, giving a light chuckle. I yawned as I looked at the time, 10:43 PM. "Ah, I'm gonna go to sleep." I told her, lifting up her hand and it placing a soft kiss upon it. She nodded in response as I laid down, covering myself with the blanket. For some odd reason, I felt extremely exhausted all of a sudden, and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep. The last thing I remember was Kayano placing her arm around me as I quickly drifted off. 

The next few days at school were pretty calm for the most part. Every night I continued my routine of going out and slowly taking out crime when I saw it, and used answers I got from different criminals and tried to connect as much as I could to the Black Roses' little scheme. Then one night, I got into a pretty tight situation when I ran into someone familiar. I hadn't realized that I went far enough to find myself in Tokyo, which was not far from Kunugigoaka, and I hadn't been to in a decently long time. I actually forgot how beautiful the city looked at night, and I took a few moments to take in the surrounding lights and noises. I smiled as I took off my mask, gently kicking my legs up and down upon a rooftop. I then began to think about how the media counted as a legitimate superhero, and that my job was to stop trouble when I saw it, something I would've never believed, even if the blue hedgehog told me. After taking a few more minutes, it began to rain once again, so I put on my mask and hopped down towards the streets. I landed onto a light pole, and stood on it for a few seconds as my spider sense began to tell me that something was coming, and quickly. I hopped off the pole and onto the side of a small building, sticking to it as I saw a cloud of smoke and sparks appear from the street. "That can't be good." I told myself as a bus came flying into my direction, so I had to hop down and watch as it smashed into the spot I was just standing in. I grunted as I landed onto the ground awkwardly, having to do a roll onto the street where I became face to face with an old friend. "There he is. My former student!" the thing said as people began to scream and flee the scene. Multiple police cars quickly arrived, and although they tried to shoot the figure I couldn't quite see clearly yet, they quickly retreated as he grabbed a police car and threw it into the others, totalling each one. The dust settled, and I could see a huge suit of armor which appeared to be Rhinoceros-like, and I never could've guess who was behind it. The mask to the suit retreated, and I could see the face of Takaoka, the man I had sent away not even a week ago. "So, we meet again, Nagisa." he stated with a sinister grin on his face. I clenched my fist and raised them, getting ready for anything. "I never thought I'd be seeing you again, Takaoka." I replied, which he chuckled in response. "Come on now, did you really think that I would be put to shame just because a puny little third year like you beat me in a fight? I don't think so." he said as his mask was brought back over his face, and I could still see his huge sinister grin before continuing with "And please, refer to me by my new name, the Rhino." At that moment, I knew that this time Takaoka would be much better prepared, and he wasn't going to stop until he saw me dead, and since the police weren't going to be of help, nor Koro Sensei, I knew I was going to have to do this alone. Sometimes, I find it amusing how things can play out so well, either for the worse or for the best. All I knew was that none of that mattered now. It was me vs the Rhino, Nagisa Shiota, the once normal teenager from Kunugigaoka Junior High, vs the crazed teacher, Mister Takaoka, who wanted me dead. However, something was telling me that this fight wouldn't be the last time I'd be seeing him, and that he'd be back for more once I defeated him. 

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