Chapter 1 - This

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  • Dedicated to Sara Graça

Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recommend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


“So when is Harry coming home? In two days, hum. Well finally. A couple more days and you would have to marry him through Skype. Yes Sara, I will be there in one hour. Okay, honey. See you soon.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Even though Sara and I had playfully discussed her dream of marrying the one and only Harry Styles, when she met him and started dating him we couldn’t believe it. And now she is marrying him this weekend. Life can be really (un)predictable.

I finally walked into the cd store. I come here once a week to buy a new album. Music is my addiction and so I collect a lot of CDs. Most people have a bookshelf but I, I have a CDshelf. It literally covers one whole wall of my house. Music is also my work. I am a music writer and producer. I haven’t written anything big but that is not my goal anyway. I write songs for me and since I am calm and simple most of my songs end up being like that.

I always go to the singers songwriters section first and this time was no different. I always disappear into the CDs so I didn’t saw a ginger standing on the end of the corridor. I didn’t notice him looking at me and coming closer. Until I pulled out the deluxe edition in X (Ed Sheeran) and he finally spoke.

“So you’re into that kind of music, hum?”

“Yeah. He’s my favourite singer.” I didn’t take my eyes off of the CD.

“I guess he’s alright.” I could feel his shoulders shrug and his smile got a little bit noddy.

“Alright?? He’s the best singer there is out there. No one writes as he does.”

“If you say so. I can’t give you a good answer on this subject.”

“Why not?” That was when I finally looked up when I saw none other than Ed Sheeran himself. “Ahhh, I can see why now.”

He put on a ridiculous smile and said “I guess I don’t need to introduce myself them.”

“No I think that would be a waste of time. I’m Bia. Huge fan as you might have picked up.”

“Really, I had no idea.”

He was hilarious and sweet. Everything I’d pictured. I could feel the chemistry between us as we discussed music and he recommended one CD after another. I ended up taking two.  As we were walking out of the store my phone rang. It was Harry.

“Hi, Harry. What’s up? Yes, I worked out all the details. I know, don’t worry. Yes Harry, it says Mr and Mrs Styles. Can you please stop worrying about it, it will be perfect. All right, go rehearse. Tell the boys I can’t wait to see them, especially Liam. Yes, I like him more than I like you, how many times do I have to tell you? Okay, I’m hanging up now. See you.” I hung up and turned back only to find a angry and annoyed Ed. “What?”

“You know, women have dome many things to get my attention but never fake a call from Harry.”

“It wasn’t a fake call. He’s marring my best friend.” That was wired.

“So, now you are best friend with Sara?? How come he never mentioned you to me?”

“I don’t know. You were on tour, he was too.”

“That is the most pathetic story I have heard.”

“You are way off here. And frankly I didn’t expect you to be like this.”

“Like what?”

“Like a jerk.” I turned around and started walking fast leaving him behind. On that moment dreams and wishes were shattered and my world was changed. If I had only known what was coming next.

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