Chapter 3 - Be my husband

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  • Dedicated to Sara Graça

Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recommend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


Who’s taking Sara down the aisle? Her best friend, Niall Horan. I could tell that she was really nervous halfway through the walk but Niall told her something and did some monkey business which made her laugh. After they said their vows, Ed pretended not to know where the rings were until I gave him a harsh look and he stopped. When the sentence “You may now kiss the bride” was spoken, Harry twirled Sara then put his hand on her waist while bringing her closer, looked for a second into her eyes and then kissed her. At this point I felt a tear in my eye. But I couldn’t give in to my emotions because I needed to be on top of the surprise. I snuck out for a split of a second, while Niall grabbed his guitar from behind the flowers. When he started playing Sara looked at him very surprised which gave me time to give Harry his microphone. That’s when Zayn got up and started to sing:

“Your hand fits in mine
Like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind
It was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots
With the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me”

And next it was Liam’s turn:

“I know you've never loved
The crinkles by your eyes
When you smile
You've never loved
Your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back
At the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly”

While they both sang the chorus, Harry was slow dancing with Sara.

“I won't let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

But if I do

It's you

Oh, it's you

They add up to

I'm in love with you

And all these little things”

It was finally Louis part, which is my favourite part, and I just started to really cry while I silently sang along:

“You can't go to bed
without a cup of tea
And maybe that's the reason
That you talk in your sleep
And all those conversations
Are the secrets that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me”

And then it was finally Harry turn. He sang holding Sara’s hand while kneeling down on the floor:

“I know you've never loved
The sound of your voice on tape
You never want to know how much you weigh
You still love to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me”

And then Niall joined:

“I won't let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you
It's you
They add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things”

When it came to Niall’s solo, I looked around and I saw that literally every woman was crying. There were also a few guys that were trying to conceal it.

“You'll never love yourself
Half as much as I love you
You'll never treat yourself right darlin'
But I want you to
If I let you know
I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you

Harry sang again and halfway through the song he shed a tear which Sara caught while caressing his face.

“I've just let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
'Cause it's you
Oh, it's you
It's you
They add up to
And I'm in love with you
And all these little things”

Finally all the five boys sang together:

“I won't let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you
It's you
They add up to
I'm in love with you
And all your little things”

As soon as they sang the last note, everybody stood up and cheered and clapped. Sara kissed Harry like she’d never kissed before.  After, she turned and looked at me. I was trying to clean my face without ruining my makeup but as soon as she looked at me with her “I can’t believe you did this” face I just started laughing.

Finally everybody was out of the church and the bride and groom got out to a rain of rice. And it was right then that I saw Ed talking to a girl. At first I only saw her back but she looked kind of familiar. That’s when it hit me. It was Taylor. Ed was here with Taylor. 

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