Chapter 19 - All of the Stars

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recommend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


One year and a half later…


“Hi, honey.”

“Oh, Sara, honey. What’s up?”

“Nothing much. Do you want to do something later?”

“Well, I’d love to but I’m not sure. Tomorrow is valentine’s day and I can’t figure out what to give Ed.”

“Oh, I don’t think you need to worry about that.”

“Why?? I should give him something.”

“Well, just trust me on this.”

“Do you know something I don’t know?”

“Maybe, but I won’t tell you. Not in a million years.”

“Fine. I guess I’ll just wait. What are you and Harry doing?”

“I don’t know. Harry said it’s a surprise.”

“Well, knowing Harry, It’s a good one for sure.”

“I hope so. So let’s go out later c’mon!”

“Fine, where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know; let’s just grab something to eat.”

“I got the ideal place.”

And so we eat at Jamie Oliver’s. We talk and talked like we always do. And I continued with that feeling that she knew something and wasn’t telling me. But if I had learned something through the years is that if she isn’t telling me something, she has a damn good reason for it. So I never asked tough I was dying to. I still insisted in buying a present for Ed but I am a terrible present giver so I just thought guys like watches and so I bought him one. A Rolex nonetheless. It emptied my account but I knew he would like it. After that, we each went home after a really good night together. I took a bath and went to bed. It was 2 in the morning and by this time Ed should be flying somewhere across Russian. He had some concerts in Japan and had been there for a week. As I tried to fall asleep, I realized how much I missed having his arms around me for the 7th day in arrow.  I fell asleep wishing he was here. But the best thing was, when I woke up, he was there. I smiled so much when I felt is arms around me.

“Good morning, my love.” I didn’t know he was awake so he scared me like hell. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Happy valentine’s day!”

“Good morning, honey. Its okay, you know I scare easily. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too. I got you something.” I was just about to stand up when he stopped me.

“Don’t go anywhere just yet.” He started kissing my neck and I laughed.

“Well, I can give you that present first.”

“You really shouldn’t have bought me this.”

“I really wanted too. I hope you like that model.”

“It’s awesome. I really like it.”

“Good.” Before I knew it he was kissing me passionately, almost as though he was afraid to let go. “Hey, what is it?”

“Nothing.” He looked deep into my eyes as he said: “I love you.”

Those words always made me smile and cry at the same time. “And I love you.”

This time I kissed him. I kissed him until we were completely out of breath and had to pull out. I was about to kiss him again when he stopped me.

“I didn’t forget you. I’ve got something planned for today. Let’s get dressed. We’ve got a plain to catch and we still have to eat.”

“Plain? Whew are we going?”


“Fantastic! I’m going to pack. How long are we staying there?”

“A week, if you are okay with it.”

“I very much am.”

 “Good then we are going.”

And so we went. We arrived there at 6:45 P.M. after what seem like an infinity flight in which we spent the time playfully fighting over which movie to see. As always he wanted a romantic movie and I wanted an action one.  We ended up seem one of each and one that combined the both. When we got out of the airport, we got a cab and went to his house. He just picked up a basket and s blanket that was on the front porch and guided me to the backyard. I was expecting the light to turn on automatically but they didn’t and I found that strange. Then I saw Ed pick up a sort of a remote and turn it on. All of a sudden the grass all around me kind of lit up.  It wasn’t very bright but it was enough to see. I picked up one of the little light and I realized they were Christmas lights!

“Oh my god, Ed. Christmas lights?!”

“Yes, Actually I got a confession to make.” He smiled just a bit apologetically.

“What did you do?” I put my hands on my waist, wonder women type, and gave him a suspicious look.

“I didn’t have a concert in Japan. I came here to set all this up.”

“What?? You should’ve just said… You didn’t have to fly back and forth like that. I would have come here.”

“Are you kidding? Flying alone on Valentine’s day? Not waking up next to you? Not in a million years.”

“Well, technicality aside, it’s very romantic.”


He placed the blanket on a square that had no lights, turned on the radio and made me a sandwich. We talked and eat and after we were done Ed asked me to dance. And so we did to the song of one of my and his all-time favourite singers, Frank Sinatra’s “Blue moon.” Then we laid down and watched the stars.

“See those three stars aligned?”


“And then the other ones that make two trapeze?”

“Mmmm… Yes I see them.”

“That’s Orion. My favourite constellation. It has a star named Bellatrix and my name comes from that one.” I laughed.

“I’ve always know you are a star. You bright light to my life.”

“You are so sweet honey.” I kissed him. “I love you so much.”

“You know what this makes me remember?”


He smiled and started to sing softly:

“It’s just another night,

And I’m staring at the moon,

I saw a shooting star and I thought of you.”

I smiled a lot. “You know how much I love that song.”

“Yes, I do. But I have one better.”

“Tell me which.”

“Be my forever.”

“I love that song too.”

“I know you do, but right now it’s a question.” he pulled his hand up to my face and put a black box right in front of my nose. Immediately my heart started racing and I sat up.  I put a hand on my mouth in complete shock. He saw that I couldn’t move so he picked up the box and opened it. There was no diamond. There was just a blue heart. It was beautiful. So beautiful I started crying. “You know, you are really killing me here. Please say something. Anything.” I saw fear in his eyes and that’s when I came back to reality.  I put my hands on his face and kissed him.

“I am yours…Forever.”

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