Chapter 9 - Don't

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recommend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


Ed had been in the U.S for a week and all I was doing was basically missing him. That day I woke up to an empty bed again but since there was only week left ‘till Ed was home, I smiled and decided to have a good day.  On my way to the ark for a run, Liam called.

“Bia, Have you seen?”

“Have I seen what?”

He took a deep breath and said. “Go buy a magazine. Any magazine.”

“Why? You know I don’t buy them.”

“For once, do what I said!”

“Fine, fine. Just calm down.” So I went and bought the first magazine I put my hands on. I didn’t look at the cover until I turned around and started walking again. That is when I see Ed and Taylor almost kissing while dancing. At this point Liam was screaming at the phone.

“Bia… BIA… are you there?”

“I can’t believe this. I just can’t believe this.” I opened the magazine and saw even more photos of them throughout the night. Taylor leaning on Ed. Ed with his arm around her. This could not be happening. He was the guy who wrote Don’t for god’s sake. I couldn’t keep it in so I started crying and ran back home.

“What are you going to do now.”

I didn’t now. But I had to talk to him.

“I’ll call him. I’ll call and talk to him.”

“Okay, tell me how it went afterwards.”


Now it was the hardest part. Talking to him.

“Hi, love. I miss you.”

“Ed. Just don’t. I’ve seen the pictures.”

“What pictures?”

“The pictures of last night, where you were all over Taylor and she was all over you.”

“Look nothing happened.”

“Well, it doesn’t seem like that in the pictures.”

“Nothing did happen. You are throwing this out of proportion.”

 “I’m not throwing things out of proportion? You told me that you were just friend. Just that. Now I have a picture in my hands of you looking into her eyes and just about to kiss her.”

“But I never did.”

“It doesn’t matter.  How will I know that you won’t? How can I be sure?”

“Because I’m in love with you. I am in love with you. And I would never hurt you.”

“You already did, Ed. You already did.”

And I hang up. Next there was only one thing to do. Call Sara.

“Hi, sweety.”

“Hi.” I couldn’t say anything more. I just started crying.

“What is it, bia?”

“It’s Ed.”

“What happened?”

“Go find a magazine.” I waited while she went to grab one. Finally she spoke.

“I can’t believe this.”

“He says nothing happen. But still… I’m afraid that something might happen.”

“I know. I understand. Have you talked to him?”

“Yes. He doesn’t think it’s a big deal. Also he told me he is in love with me.”


“Yes, I am so confused. I don’t know what to do.”

“Just take some time to think about it.”

“I will. Thanks Sara.”

I hung up and felt that the only thing to do immediately was drink. So I did. All night. Until I fell asleep because I couldn’t stand. Not one of my favourite nights. 

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