Chapter 4 - Drunk

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recommend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


I couldn’t believe this. This was going to be so awkward. Right when I was thinking about this, Liam just made is way to me and just stood there like he always does when he is waiting for me to talk.

“Can you believe Ed brought her?”

“Yes, actually I can. Ed asked Harry if it was fine and he said it was.”

“Well, if you ask me it is weird.  Did he ask Sara?”

“Yes. She wasn’t too delighted but she caved.”

“I just can’t believe that girl. Oh, look they are going to talk to her now.”

Liam just looked at me for like a minute.

“You have a crush on him.”

“What?? You’re crazy.”

“Yeah, right.” He was leaving but decided to add - “And the moon is made of cheese.”

Pictures were taking and finally it was time for the reception. The food was amazing and for their first dance, Harry and Sara danced to the sound of Snow Patrol’s “Chasing cars”.  Next song was “Midnight Memories” and Liam just grabbed me and we danced like the crazy persons that we are. After, I grabbed a drink and went outside for a bit. When I looked to my right side, Ed was there.

“So, are you and Liam together?”

“No, he’s my best friend. I’ve always wondered about you and Taylor, thought.”

“No, me and Taylor are just friends.” He paused. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. Really, If I had known…”

“Nah, I understand. I probably would have thought the same thing.” I had drunk three glasses already plus weddings make me soft.

“So, we’re good?”

“Yeah, no worries.”

“I’m glad.”

“If I was you, I wouldn’t be so happy. I am a hand full.”

“Well, I look forward to find out exactly how.”

I laughed. “You are really going to regret saying that.”

“We’ll see.”

Suddenly, “Sing” started playing.

“Oh my gosh! I’ve got to go dance. I love this song.”

He looked at me funny and then I remembered. “Right it’s your song. Well I like your songs deal with it.” I drank the rest of the glass and went back inside. Ed followed me and we started dancing to his song. When it ended, we sat down because it was time for the toasts. He made his first and then I did. My toast was the shortest one in history because I’m afraid to speak when more than five people are listening. But anyway it past. I danced all afternoon and finally it was dinner time. Me and Ed talked for the entire dinner while Sara and Harry kept looking at us as if they were plotting something.

 Finally it was time for Harry’s surprise to Sara. The song was my surprise and this one was purely out of Harry’s head. He directed everyone outside and suddenly the sky lit up. He planned (with my help since he was on tour) a firework show. It was the best fireworks I‘ve ever seen. In the end you could see “Mr and Mrs Styles” written in the sky. This was the wedding of the year.

Me and Ed danced all night. I might have drunk a little bit too much because things got a little fussy.

In the morning when I woke up, I didn’t know exactly where I was. And then I recognize my bed. But what really got me terrified was when I looked at my side and saw Ed.

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