Chapter 8 - Fall

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recomend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


The sun started coming through the window and I woke up. He was looking at me.

“Good morning, love.”

“Good morning, sunshine.”

He kissed me good morning and then got up.

“I’ve never woken up so well.”

“Well then, it is about to get better because I’m going to make you breakfast while you just relax.”

“Really? What a shame. I was thinking that maybe we could have desert first…”

“Or we can do that…”

After breakfast we got dressed and went for a coffee at Costa.

“So, I’m going to be doing a couple of festivals in the U.S next week. Only for two weeks and then I’ll be back. I was thinking you could move in with me when I return.”

I spilled my drink when I heard that.

“You want me to move in with you? Me…living…with you?”

“Well, it will be three weeks from now or we could wait more time if you want.”

I thought about it. “I’m afraid. This is not some light thing for me. Moving together is big.” I paused making him nervous on purpose. “But, I’m in.”

He finally started breathing again. “Well, you had me worried there.”

“Ha! You should have seen your face.”

And just like that we were moving in together. After that Ed had something do to but he told me he would pick me up later and we would go to his house. So I called Sara and told her the news. Of course she screamed like hell, making me almost deaf. Then I figured it was time to tell Liam.

“Hey, Liam.”

“Hey, Bia. I have been waiting for you to call me.”


“I’ve heard thing… And also you and Ed are in the cover of a couple magazines…”

“How many magazines?”

“Just a few…A few like ALL OF THEM.”

“OMG! I didn’t know that. I don’t read magazines and you know that. Why didn’t you call me telling me this?”

“You were the one with the news. I’ve been waiting and waiting for you to call me. You have a boyfriend and suddenly I don’t exist.”

“I’m sorry Liam. I’ve been meaning to call you but I didn’t know what exactly this was until today.”

“And so what is it?”

“Well, I have a boyfriend. Officially.”

“Good. That’s very good, congratulations.” I noticed a hint of something in his voice.

“Something wrong?”

“No, just… I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Well, you know Ed. Do you think we´ll break my heart?”

He took one deep breath. “No, I think Ed is the last person in the world that would intentionally hurt you. That being said, sometimes people do unintentional things. And I am your best friend. I care about you.”

“Yesterday he told me he was falling for me in the most beautiful, sincere and perfect way I could ever imagine. And the crazy thing is, I’m falling for him too. And there is nothing I can do about it so I guess I’ll have to take a chance. But I can’t begin this relationship thinking that it’s doom. Not when I think this is for real. That this is something that has the potential to last. I need to be positive about this because I am happy. And since you are my best friend you need to be happy for me and say it’s all going to be alright.”

“I’m sorry. I just worry about you. It will be fine. More than fine.”

“Thank you. Also we are moving in together.”

“What?? Don’t you think that it is too soon?”

“Liam! Support…”

“Well, congratulation then. I’ve got to go.”


“I just…Have got to go…”

He just hangs up. What was up with him? Why could he just be happy? I’ve decided not to think about that. Instead I decided to put my headphones on and go to lunch. McDonalds of course. After that I decided to go for a run. On the middle of my run I started to listen to this melody and this song just started to come to life in my head. I knew it was good so I ran home and wrote it down. After that I felt so good that I texted Ed that the door was open and I just cracked up the stereo and danced to it.

I was listening to Taylor’s 1989 and Shake it off just started. That’s my favourite song from her album and when I listening to it I just have to dance. So there I was jumping up and down on the sofa, singing at the top of my lung when I look back and see Ed staring at me. After a few seconds he just started laughing really hard and he wouldn’t stop so I just started jumping and singing again until the song ended.

“So, I’m with a girl who jumps up and down while singing Shake it off?”

“I guess so…” Oh my gosh, did I just ruined this whole thing?

I was starting to think so because he just kept staring at me but then he just took a deep breath and pulled me to him. “Now that is one of the amazing things about you that make me say: I’ll never let you go.”

“And you being okay with all my weirdness is what makes me say: I’ll never run away.”

That night he cooked for me. I mean a real dinner, a three course meal. While he cooked it we talked and talked about everything that came through our minds. It was truly the perfect evening.

We basically spent every day together until he went to the States. He took me some of his interviews and even some studio time where I got to ear first hand his new song, which is awesome by the way.

While he was gone, I decided to work on my new song but things didn’t seem the same. There was this emptiness in my heart and I missed him too much. He would call me and we would talk for hours but still. Because of all this, I didn’t expect what was about to happen. I didn’t expect it at all.

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