Chapter 2 - One

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  • Dedicated to Sara Graça

Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recommend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


Sara’s big day was here. She was getting ready at my house and right now she was getting in her dress. We had talked about my encounter with Ed and she was ecstatic that I meet him. Until I told her about the whole “fake Harry call” business. She keeps saying that he exaggerated a little bit but she also says that it’s a little bit understandable. I guess she is right but I am still very mad.

Since I told her about it, Sara has been kind of weird but I assumed it was about the wedding.

“Don’t be nervous, Sara. It’s going to be perfect.”

“I hope so. What if Harry picked up a horrible tux?”

“I checked that trough Skype. You’re safe.”

“That’s a relief.” But she wasn’t relieved. Not even a little bit.

“Alright we need one drink.”

“No, that’s not necessary.”

“Trust me honey, it is.”

“Fine, one sip. Not more.”

I handed her a glass of vodka with orange. I knew she doesn’t like it but it was the only thing they had and she needed alcohol very bad. She took a small zip and then handed me the glass. Me being me, I drank all of the drink at once.

“Only you to drink alcohol like that.”

“You know how I am like with alcohol.”

Finally all was set and it was time to go. The limo ride was a disaster. Everybody was crazy and nervous and Sara’s veil almost got toured up… But in the end we all arrived at the church in one piece. I was just about to open to the door when somebody opened for me. Before I had time to process it I saw Ed looking at me.

“Bia… I didn’t…”

“Don’t even.”

I turned to Sara. “This was what you were nervous about, wasn’t it?”

She just nodded her head.

“It’s fine. I was expecting it.” I got out of the car and both me and Ed helped Sara out.

“You look beautiful, Sara.” Ed said while giving her a hug.

“Thanks Ed. Now I’m here, go tell them I am ready.”

So Ed got in the church and soon the music started playing. It was the song from Bella’s wedding in the twilight movie. I entered first and made it all the way with Ed looking at me and finally Sara entered.  I could swear I saw a small tear in Harry’s eye. Some might say that Sara got lucky, but they are wrong. It was Harry that got lucky here.

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