Chapter 15 - Everything has changed

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recomend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


It has been two days since I ran into Ed and I haven’t even shed a tear. I feel Sara and Harry always looking at me from the corner of their eyes as if they were expecting me to start crying any minute. I had reassured them that I was not going to cry or fall or throw myself of the roof anytime soon but I knew that they did not believe in that for a second.  I was reading the second book of game of thrones, “A clash of kings”, when Sara sat beside me, looked at me for two minutes and finally spoke.

“I know you haven’t said a word about what happened but you really need to. I’m worried about you.”

I slowly lifted my eyes from the book and looked at her.

“I know you are. I can feel you around me like a shadow.”

“Because I care about you.”

“I know. I’m sorry I made you worried. I just thought that if I talked about it even just a little bit I would break down. But now I think I can talk about it without melting.”


“I’ve made my peace with it.” I smiled sadly. “I don’t know if he is with her or whatever but I did tell him I loved him and I couldn’t live without him and the only thing he told me was “I didn’t know you were in L.A.”. Worse than that, I kissed him and he didn’t kiss me back. It’s over. Really over.  I’ve lost the great love of my life. And on top of that my best friend too.”

“I understand friend. I really thought you too would work it out. You are perfect for each other.”

“Well, apparently not…”

“It will be alright.”

“I know friend. I know. Thank you for caring so much about me.” I hugged her. She was the best. She was leaving the room but she turned back for a second and said: “Oh, and you should really call Liam.” Then she left.

I looked at my phone and pondered whether or not to make the call. I don’t remember deciding to call him but next thing I know, I am pressing the call button.


I take a deep breath when I listened to his voice. I thought he wouldn’t pick it up.

“Liam.” I can’t manage to say anything else.

“I’m sorry.” He told me before I could speak. “I’m sorry that I kissed you and that I told you I loved you. I knew that you weren’t in love with me. I knew that you were and are in love with Ed. And I know that you too are meant for each other. But somehow I decided to ignore all of that and make the biggest mistake of my life. I miss my best friend.”

“I miss you to Liam. But you have to fall out of love with me and I’m not sure if you can do that with us talking to each other all the time.”

“I can. Don’t worry about me. And to be honest I’ve started to. I’ve going you with someone.”

“Liam! That’s is great! With whom?”

“I’m not sure if you are going to like it.”

“Just tell me.”

“With Taylor.”

My heart stopped. “ What?”

“Yeah, she was here in London and I bumped into her by accident on the street and we’ve started talking.”

“But I saw her here with Ed…”

“Yeah she had go back. I’ll be there next week too.”

Then it hit me.

“So wait, Ed and Taylor aren’t together?”

“No, aren’t you listening to me?? I’m with Taylor.”

I started crying and I felt a tiny little close to nothing ray of hope again.

“That’s good Liam. I’m happy for you. For you too.”

“I’m very happy too. I’m sorry about you and Ed.”

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”

“Okay, I’ve got to go. Don’t be a stranger. Call me.”

“I will. Bye Liam.” And I hung up. I didn’t know what to do so I decided to go to sleep. Little did I know what was happening with Sara.

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