Chapter 12 - Sunburn

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recommend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


Apparently, Harry and Sara didn’t get any sleep on the plane to London so they spent the trip back sleep which meant that I spent my flight to L.A. silently crying. When we got there it was already dark so there was nothing to do than get home.

After Harry and Sara gave me a tour, she showed me my room.

“So, you’ll be sleeping here. It’s right beside our room so if you need anything…”

“No freaking way. I don’t want the room right beside yours.”

“Why not?” Harry asked.

“Because I don’t want to spend money on ear plugs!”

“Don’t worry about that you won’t hear a thing.” Sara reassured me.

“I’m not so sure about that…” Harry joked.

“Harry!” Sara gave him a shove.

“Exactly. I don’t want to push it but I want the other room.”

“Fine, you’ll get the one on the end of the hall.” Sara gave in.

“Good that’s perfect.” Harry brought my bag into the room and then all three of us just stared at each other.

“Okay, I’m going to go buy some groceries. What do you want for dinner?”

Sara and I exchanged a look and said at the same time “Pizza”.

“Okay and drinks?”

“I need alcohol.” I said quickly.

“Of course you do. I’ll bring a bunch.”

“Thanks Harry.”

He left to buy groceries and me and Sara unpacked my bags while we talked.

“Friend, I know it’s hard, but it will pass.”

“I…I don’t know about that. I… It was serious. I mean really serious. I know it was only recent and all but I couldn’t imagine my life without him anymore.”

“I understand friend, but you and I both know that “the world is not a wish-granting machine.”.”

I laughed a little bit. “Yes, this is definitely the moment to quote the movie we’re my ex-boyfriend sings one of the most beautiful songs ever written.”

“Sorry, I didn’t think it through.”

“It’s okay. “Pain demands to be felt.”.”

“Now you did it.” We both laughed.

“Only you to make me feel better.”

“Yes, only me.” She hugged me.

After a while Harry returned and we turned on the music and had a small party. We got a little bit too drunk and ended up sleeping in the living room. I woke up with the sun entering the room.

I made breakfast for everyone and I decided to be a little mean. I grabbed two pot lids and just made a terrible noise with them.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty’s! Wake up! Breakfast is ready.”

“A person cares about you, me and Sara go the England to get you, we pay for your ticket and this is how you thank us.” Harry complained.

“I made you a thank you breakfast.”

“Less bad. But still…” Sara commented.

“C’mon. It’s 10 in the morning. Get up and come eat. I made pancakes.”

“Well, it does smell good.” Harry was already coming to the table. “C’mon love, come eat.” He went back to help Sara got up and then they just started kissing.

“Guys I was hoping that I would survive this vacation without going blind!”

“We’re coming, Bia.” Sara said.

Over breakfast, I told them that I would be spending a day at the beach.  They offered to go with me and told them that tomorrow we would do something but today I just wanted to enjoy the Californian sun. So I put on my bikini and went out. I spent the day in the sun listening to music. 

When I went home, Sara and Harry were gone so I decided to make dinner. Of course I’m a terrible cook and today more than most day’s apparently so I just burned everything. I called Sara and she said that it was okay. They arrived 10 minutes later with McDonald’s food. I devoured that. Apparently the sun made me very hungry. 

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