Chapter 7 - Kiss me

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recommend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


It had been three weeks since our first date and we had been on a few more and we had also just hung out. He had a few summer festivals and he invited me to one. That was our third date, and he even dedicated “Lego house” to me, knowing that it was my favourite. I jumped, I screamed and I sang along like I was at one of his concerts as a fan. Sometimes he would look at me and just smile. I love his smile. It brightens my day. Another time, he took me on a pick nick in Hyde Park but it started raining and we had to stay under the tree. Between laughs and looks into each other’s eyes, we quietly danced and kisses like in the movies.


“Hi, Ed. It’s me.”

“Bia, I was just about to call you.”

“Yeah? That’s cool. So I was thinking that maybe you could come to my house and we could watch a movie and eat some popcorn by the fire.”

“That is actually a great idea. I’ll be there at seven. And I’ll bring pizza. And you’ll choose the movie.”

“Great. See you soon.”


I went shopping for food and drinks while I thought about this. About us. I don’t want to be the girl who needs a definition but I would also like to know what this was. We’ve been going out for three weeks and it has been going great and all but are we a couple or is it just a fun thing for now? I decided to ask him today.

I went home and cleaned it up and then I just waited. I called Sara to see how she was doing. She told me that they weren’t coming back to England for a while but they were not longer in Hawaii but rather in their house in L.A. I told her about things with Ed and when I looked at the clock it was a quarter to seven. I just quickly prepared things. Two hot chocolates, chips and popcorn were all on the table when at exactly seven o’clock Ed rang the doorbell.

“Hey, Ed.”

“Hi. Where do I put the pizza?”

“Oh, just give it to me.” I put the pizza in the table where the rest of the food was. Ed just looked around and analysed the house. It was a small one room apartment. I’m not big on decorations so the only thing I have is posters of the wall. That’s when I realized that most posters were of him. Awkward.

“This guy right here. His songs are not that bad, I think.” He pointed at a poster of him and laughed.

“Stop that.” I pushed him gently.

“Seriously though, you have a great taste in music. Taylor, One direction, Lorde, Little mix. All great.”

“Yes they are. My dream is that one that one of them at least would sing one of my songs.”

“Maybe. Who knows?” He smiled. “So what are we watching?”

“So we have two choices. You get to choose. Either we see Monuments men or any marvel movie I have.”

“Seriously, I thought we were watching something romantic.”

“I told you. I’m not big on romance.”

“Just let me see what you have.”

He went to my DVD’s and then pulled one out.

“How about this one?”

“The fault in our stars? Really?”



So we watched the movie. I knew it all by heart and he realized that. At the end I was crying like always and I could see hint of a tear in the corner of his eye. He was reaching for the remote to turn it off.

“Don’t turn it off. That’s the best part.”

“The movie just ended.”

“I know, but…” Finally his song started and I couldn’t help but sang along. “It’s just another night and I’m staring at the moon, I saw a shooting star and I thought of you…”

He joined me and we sang the whole song with shaky voices and tears in our eyes. In the end we laughed realizing our actions. That’s when he told me.

“I’m falling in love with you.”

I was not expecting that so I just turned really serious.

“I am. I know I don’t know you for that long but I’m falling for you. You are an intriguing and different girl and your smile hypnotises me.”

Well, I guess this answers my earlier questions. I tried to speak but since not a word came out, I kissed him.

Hours later, when we were wrapped in my sheets and he was profoundly a sleep or so I thought I managed to say “I’m falling for you too.”

I closed my eyes and so I missed the smile that appeared in his face. A smile that I would gladly see every day for the rest of my life.

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