Chapter 13 - Let it out

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recomend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


Sara’s POV

Exactly one week after Bia arrived Harry received a call from Ed. I was surprised he didn’t call sooner. Luckily it was almost midnight and Bia was already a sleep. Finally he ended the call with Ed and turned at me.

“So?? What did he said?”

“Well, he is exactly like her. Heartbroken.”

“What is it with these two hardheads? Why can’t they just talk to each other and fix things?”

“For one, Ed thought she and Liam were together.”

“Really? I think we are going to have to fix them.”

“Yeah, I don’t think that they are going to do this themselves.”

“You did told him that they weren’t together right?”

“Yes, I did. Don’t worry. It will be okay. Let’s get some sleep. It’s late.”

Bia’s POV

I’d been in L.A for one and a half weeks and basically all I did was cry around the house. I was snuggled up on my bed when Sara just stormed into my room.

“You need to get up right now!”

I turned to the other side. “Close the door, the sun is hurting my eyes.”

“I will do no such thing. You are going to get up, get dress and see the city.”

“I really don’t want to.”

“Well, I am making you. I know you don’t want and I know you are sad, but you can’t just give up everything. I brought you here to help you so here I am. Helping you. So you have to let me.”

“Fine, you win. Just let me take a shower.”

“Good girl.” She smiled victorious.

I took a shower and I dressed a simple but elegant black dress with no sleeves and a simple
black pumps.

“Where are we going?”

“First we are going to take a few pictures with the famous Hollywood sign.”

“Sounds good. And then what?”

“Then we are going to eat on Hollywood boulevard. And then we are coming home and spending the rest of the day by the pool.”

“What about Harry?”

“Harry is out for the day so it’s a girl’s day.”

I smiled. “We are long overdue for that.”

“Yes we are. Now c’mon let’s go.”

We got in the car and finally arrived to the sign. I realized that I made the wrong clothing choice but luckily there was no wind. We took the pictures and when we realized what time it was and how hungry we were, we basically ran to Hollywood boulevard.

“So what are we eating?” I asked. This was always our biggest problem.


“We have been eating pizza every other day.”

“You are right. Burger king?”

“I will only eat chips there.”

“Well, that only leaves…”

“McDonalds.” We said in perfect sync.

So we went and we ordered what we always order and we just chatted. After all this years it’s still amazing how just by talking she can cheer me up. We walked out the door laughing because Sara almost bumped into someone with a trail full of food and by a miracle that person didn’t let everything fall. That’s when I looked right to the front and I saw him. Ed was here. 

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