Chapter 5 - Friends

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recommend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


I stood still trying to figure out what to do. The only thing that came to my mind was calling Sara. I checked the time on my clock and realized that their plane hadn’t taken off yet so I delicately got out of bed and got in the bathroom.


“Hi, Sara.”

“Hey, Bia. What’s up?”

“Do you have time? Are you boarding already?”

“Don’t worry; we are at the airport with forty minutes ‘till boarding.”

“Good. Ok. ‘Cause I need your help.”

“What’s wrong honey?”

“So, yesterday I might have drunk a little bit too much and something happen...”

“What happen?”

“I woke up with Ed on my bed…”

“WHAT?? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What the hell you think it’s supposed to mean? I had sex with Ed!”

“OH MY GOD! Bia slept with Ed.” She said to Harry.

“What?” I heard Harry answer her. “I’m calling Ed.”

“Don’t call Ed.”

“Too late, he’s already calling him.”

“Damn it, Sara.” I got out of the bathroom on the exact moment that Ed was passing by the door and answering the phone.


“Ed.” I said at the same time as Harry on the phone.

“Bia.” Ed said looking at me.

“Sara, I got to go.”

“Harry, I will call you back.”

We both hung up our phones and an awkward silence was installed. I was about to talk but he anticipated me.

“I made breakfast.”

“Oh, good. Let’s go eat.”

“No, just stay on the bed. I’ll bring it to you.”

I was left with my mouth open while he sprinted to the kitchen. I slowly made my way to bed and I put on my robe so I wouldn’t be in my underwear. He returned with toasts, milk and cereal on a trail and put it on top of the bed. I started eating but he just stared at me.

“Go on. Eat some too.”

He just smiled and started to eat some toast. He’s smile just made me smile too. Somehow it made this not awkward at all. Until the food ran out and we were left looking at each other.

“Look, this wasn’t supposed to happen.”

“Well, clearly. But…”

“Don’t say but… We agree that it was wrong…”

“I did not say it was wro…”

“And so, we will just move on and forget this. All right?”

“Is that what you really want?” He looked disappointed but he couldn’t possibly be. I decided to ignore it.

“Yes.” I hesitated. “It is…”

“Ok, then…”


We just stared at each other for a while. And then out a sudden this desire possessed me and on that moment I couldn’t control it. I didn’t even want to control it.  So I just grabbed Ed and kissed him. I kissed him like I would never do it again. I kissed him with a passion I didn’t know I had. He kissed me back but he was hesitant.

“You just said…”

“I know, I know…” I said between kisses. “But just… Kick this thing to the floor…” I said looking to the trail.

He laughed and threw the trail to the floor.

“That’s how I like it…” I said while laughing.

Me and Ed were finishing getting dressed and strangely things were not weird at all. We were talking playfully and cheerfully until he stopped me.

“Will you go out with me tonight?”

I was putting my boots on and when he said that, I just quickly stood straight really surprised at the question.

“Are you sure you want to? I mean, you don’t have to just because we had sex… And remember I told you I am a handful.”

“I am not doing this by obligation. I’ve wanted to go out with you since the first time I saw you. And honestly, maybe you are a handful…” He smiled cheeky. “But you are worth it…”

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